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Do you announce it before you pee somewhere else when you're in a group?

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It depends. I don't if I'm just with other men. In that case I just step away discreetly and pee. But if I'm in a mixed group I do. Especially if it's predominantly women. I confess that my  announcement has an ulterior motive in causing the women in the group to focus on their own bladder situation. In best case scenarios, this will trigger one of the women in the group to  admit she does also. And then she will pee along side me. 

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2 minutes ago, Takashi96 said:

In best case scenarios, this will trigger one of the women in the group to  admit she does also. And then she will pee along side me. 

Has this ever happened?

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Just now, MC Cumzy said:

Has this ever happened?

Yes, many times. But not for a long time. As a heavy drinker in the first decade of the century I experienced it frequently between 2002 and 2010. Millennial girls in their 20s were just a different kind of free. 

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I do if I’m in a group that I need a pee. Some of the women I work with also say when they need to go, sometimes just saying they need a wee or “ I’m desperate for a piss”

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I like to take every opportunity to talk about pee so when I have to pee I say it out loud so that everyone in the group knows. There might be someone who wants to join and you never know if it might lead to some pee-play  😀

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I do most of the time, it don't matter who's around I let it known that I have to go pee!!

Most of the time the reply is thanks for sharing that with us. But sometimes my wife says she does too and goes with me. Pees in the bathtub while I piss in the toilet. 

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It’s been a while since I’ve been in a group when I needed to pee outside. The last time it happened, I think I was at a party so I just walked off on my own and never told anyone I was going to pee in the backyard. 

I think in general that would be my preference, but if I was walking somewhere in a group, I’d probably just mention “hey, I really have to pee, I’m just going to run behind there” and go off wherever I’m peeing. 

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I guess it depends on how big a group and how integral a part of it I am. If it's a large group hike and we're just stopped for a snack or whatever, and I'm not in the middle of a conversation with anyone, then walking off into the bushes wouldn't be that weird. But if I'm interacting with other people in a small group, it would feel slightly rude and quite odd to just walk over away from the others to pee without saying anything.

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I also tend to tell everybody that I'm off to go pee. That's regardless of gender or size of the group I'm with, as long as it is not a formal situation (anything work related, ...)

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Depends on the group I'm with, but mostly I'll just say "I need a pee" (not loudly, but so those around me can hear) and wander in the direction of the bushes/whatever.

Sometimes breaks the ice with others and one or two more will join me.

Heck, we all do it, so why be prudish and obscure about it, just say it as it is ☺️

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It never used to be the case as I was very pee shy, in fact I usually held it as long as possible,  often until I got home. 

Now I have no problem announcing I have to pee, or saying so if someone asks where I am going when I stand up . I might even add I have been holding it. Either way it gives me a secret thrill for my friends to know I need to pee .


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When Ruth and me first got together , I took her to a BBQ with friends , She never , ever drank any alcohol. After 2 glasses of wine she was fully shit faced , and yelled out ,,I GOTTA PEE , So I,helped her up , she could hardly walk , put her on the pot ,she almost fell over ,so I pulled her panties down and she let go , then I put my hand between her legs and tasted her . We are still together , Every where we go we pee play . we are going to Italy in 2 weeks , we will be peeing every where .I'm the luckiest guy 

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