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Where is naughty peeing more accepted?

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18 hours ago, 737DK737 said:

I can absolutely agree with that. I've been to the Canary Islands several times while there were festivals there.
People were pissing on the sidewalk on the party strip, and every few meters a woman was squatting or a man was standing.
The walls were completely pissed, there was piss running all over the place downtown.
A few even pissed off the balconies. Women who were more inhibited sat on stairs and pretended to sit but peed.
Their culture is very open about pissing, no one judges a woman who pees all over the entrance to the house.
They were also much more open against littering , the puddles were all decorated with tissues.
Empty plastic cups were everywhere, the harbor basin was littered with empty cups.

Generally a much more open society

Casual pissing and littering all around the town?

I think I have to move to Spain!

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On 12/2/2023 at 11:41 AM, Lonewolf said:

I'm not sure about "naughty peeing" but in Japan men pissing in public is a lot more common. It's still technically illegal like in the US but tons more people do it and it's overlooked more often. In rural areas like where I grew up it was basically encouraged or just accepted as normal. In big cities I've always seen 2-3 guys taking a leak in the street during the after work rush. It's still taboo for women to do it but with men there's nowhere near the kind of stigma there is in America. It's one of my favourite parts of visiting family back there lol

To follow up on the not so naughty part, it seems like pissing in public is just more common and accepted in foreign countries, especially at concerts and festivals 

https://thisvid.com/videos/desperate-festival-pissing98/ This video here does a good job of showing my point. Around the 5:40 mark a woman is looking to find a place to pee. Normally in these clips you don't often see the overall area they're in or the people watching, but the time stamp does a good job of showing just how open public peeing can be in these countries. She moves in closer to her friend group, pulls down her pants and takes a piss. Then stands up, wipes and flashes her pussy and ass to everyone watching/waiting for her without a care in the world, then goes on her way. This type of thing is just not really common in North America, at least not in public. Maybe more so at parties.

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On 12/7/2023 at 5:30 PM, sillyme said:

What about public bathroom floor peeing, fitting room peeing, elevator peeing and hotel carpet peeing? Does anyone know of countries where that is more common, more socially acceptable, and if you do get caught only at the most you’ll get a small fine?

On YouTube and such there seem to be quite some cctv vids from girls pissing in elevators. So not sure how "normal" it is, but it definitely happens. 

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I suspect as well there's a strong generational effect in every country - where younger people are more relaxed, or more keen to put their own needs before societies' conventions.

What I mean is - in many countries the middle and old aged people would have the attitude that bodily needs shouldn't be discussed, and those things should only happen behind closed doors.   Whereas the young generation have all seen social media pee your pants challenges, reality TV stars and pop idols peeing where the need arises and the like.

I was recently in conversation with some friends at a charity where we were talking about some temporary toilet facilities - and the 20 year old shocked her grandad by announcing 'It's ok, I'll just use the gents.  It wouldn't be the first time'.

And a UK TV programme where families are taken back to live as they would in previous generations - the teenage children being shown how to use a telephone box to call their friends (in the days before mobiles or even home telephones) - and the teenage daughter saying on TV - 'I thought they were only used for having a wee'.


Coming back to the original question though - I rank the UK pretty high up the list due to it's young drinking culture...   what goes in has to come out again, right?   And the survey generally says many European countries too.  Maybe similar reasons.

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On 12/10/2023 at 8:21 AM, murshymaze said:

To follow up on the not so naughty part, it seems like pissing in public is just more common and accepted in foreign countries, especially at concerts and festivals 

https://thisvid.com/videos/desperate-festival-pissing98/ This video here does a good job of showing my point. Around the 5:40 mark a woman is looking to find a place to pee. Normally in these clips you don't often see the overall area they're in or the people watching, but the time stamp does a good job of showing just how open public peeing can be in these countries. She moves in closer to her friend group, pulls down her pants and takes a piss. Then stands up, wipes and flashes her pussy and ass to everyone watching/waiting for her without a care in the world, then goes on her way. This type of thing is just not really common in North America, at least not in public. Maybe more so at parties.

The festival video is from denmark. I understand the things been said.

I come from Denmark. And when people drinking and partying. There is no limits for where people are pissing. Have countless stories of women piss with me when drunk. In some alley, bush, carpark or whatever.

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12 hours ago, Yellowbanana said:

The festival video is from denmark. I understand the things been said.

I come from Denmark. And when people drinking and partying. There is no limits for where people are pissing. Have countless stories of women piss with me when drunk. In some alley, bush, carpark or whatever.

What was being said? And feel free to share your stories!

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There are different ways of viewing naughty peeing as a concept. One is the naughtiness of peeing somewhere where you shouldnt, eg the kitchen floor or living room carpet.

Another is the piss vandalism aspect, the idea of ruining something by peeing on it

The latter crosses a red line for many people, seeing the notion of ruining someone else's property without their knowledge or consent as morally wrong. People into the idea of pissing where they shouldn't might happily pee on their own property either if they didnt mind damaging it, eg on a rug that was about to be thrown out, or somewhere easy to clean up either by themselves or an admiring partner, eg on a tiled kitchen or bathroom floor.

People with such moral convictions might happily piss on someone's carpet or bed or whatever, but only if that person wanted them to, ie gave them permission and encouragement to do it.

So I have noticed on forums like this over the years two distinct strands of indoor naughty peeing.

One are those who get off on the idea of peeing in naughty places because they are naughty places, but which is only acceptable with the permission and approval of the owners. Without such permission they would feel too bad to enjoy doing it.

The other strand is getting off on the notion of piss vandalism, deliberately ruining someones stuff by pissing on it. Often for this type of enthusiast the lack of consent and the wilful damage is what heightens the naughtiness. For this type of enthusiast, pissing on someones carpet would be a lot less fun if the owner wanted them to do it.

The two types do and can overlap from time to time. For example it is possible to conceive of deliberately ruining someones stuff by pissing on it having moral license if done as a justified act of revenge. Eg pissing on the carpet of someone who has cheated on you or ripped you off in some way.

As for places where naughty peeing is acceptable, this perhaps only really occurs in places where the owners are catering for that, eg any organised pissing parties where the guests are free to pee anywhere. I am not going to name names but at least one female member of this forum has in the past related how she and her partner once attended such a party.

But generally, for anyone who wants to pee in naughty indoor places with both legal and moral sanction to do it, it pretty much can only occur where the owner of the venue is giving permission for it to happen.

I mean, assuming my neighbour is not an enthusiast, if a lady went and pissed on his carpet right in front of him I expect he would hit the roof and throw her out. But if she did it in my place, I'd enjoy the show and invite her back to do it again anytime she liked.

I guess in short naughty peeing being legally ok depends upon the consent of the person or persons owning the carpets, floors, tables, sofas, beds, etc, which are being peed on giving their approval for it.

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I think the concept of "naughty peeing" is very culturally dependent and it seems that on Peefans the default context is usually US/UK. Many of the places considered naughty in these countries would not be considered naughty in another like Spain, Russia or China. For example, peeing on the fine stone and glass in the entry way of a closed luxury boutique would probably be considered naughty in the US/UK. However doing the same in Spain would not be that strange or "naughty."  I think our puritanical roots often come through and help define our fetish.

I feel like some of us with pee fetishes like crave the naughty aspect while others like the look, feel etc.. I'm not sure the concept would be as hot and fetishized if we came from a culture where much public peeing is not considered naughty. 

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On 12/11/2023 at 10:38 PM, murshymaze said:

What was being said? And feel free to share your stories!

A lot off things been said in the video. But the best part, is when a girl in skinny black jeans and two friends looking for a place to piss (around 5:45). She unzip her jeans and then someone in the back is yelling. Don't piss there, the people who live in the apartments, shot waterguns full of piss, at people who piss here. Then they begin to walk. But the girl in black jeans says "my jeans is already unzipped, so I just gonna piss here" and then she piss.

A lot of these voyeur party/festival/carnival vids, are from Denmark. Because here, we like to drink and party. And then we don't care where we piss.

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I vaguely remember reading an interview of somebody who had travelled and/or lived in Russia quite a lot. When asked about something surprising about Russian culture, they told about how stairwells and elevators are viewed as a no man's land and an extension to the outside, rather than a shared extension to the apartments and businesses like in some western countries. Also they noted that it indeed seems more acceptable to pee in the privacy of the extended outside than to be exposed outdoors, if these are the only two options. I've never discussed this with any native Russians to verify it, and haven't even seen much discussion online about exactly this, but evidence on the web does seem to strengthen these assumptions. Then again, some countries may have common stairwell peeing, but laws against publishing CCTV videos for all to see.

One might also take into account the question of public and private property and its effects on respect to it. Perhaps public spaces (such as streets, or stairwells of state-owned Soviet appartment buildings) may in some countries be treated with less respect than similar spaces owned by private individuals. Private ownership will most likely be connected with more interest in keeping property clean and its value up. So if most stairwells are public, and there is clear and common evidence of stairwell peeing, it may finally be generally quite accepted.

On the other hand, as pointed out earlier by @Havelock in an example from Spain, respect towards public and private property may be exactly the opposite. So perhaps this thought isn't going anywhere, or at least can't be generalised without closer knowledge of different cultures.


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24 minutes ago, Starks2010 said:

All of that happens in New York City. Not necessarily being naughty but public bathrooms are limited and are for customers only. Subway stations, recessed doorways, paid parking lots all smell of piss and have visual evidence of piss. 

Years ago I saw a lady walk into one of those paid parking lots. She was walking way back between the cars, I assume to use the bathroom. Parking attendant bring you your vehicle so I couldn’t think of any other reason for her to be walking in that lot. 

I even saw a handwritten sign in a recessed doorway which had a bright light and it read something like, this is not a bathroom. I know a female friend who have used a doorway and went behind a pole in a subway station after leaving a club. Another who said she’s had to urinate between cars on random streets after leaving the club. There were no bathrooms and she was about to pee on herself. 

Places like that, city’s, you use the bathroom where you can. I remember driving up to New York City, long ride, arriving and parking in a parking garage, my girlfriend got out and relived herself between the cars because it was convenient and she saw how busy the city was. 

New York would probably be the best answer to the main question. Every time I hear about New York City it's always how dirty it is and how you can see a lot of lewd behavior on the train and nobody bats an eye

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21 hours ago, Emilaze said:

I would add France too. 

I spent most of my pre teens and teenage years in France and peeing by the side of street while laughing and chatting with a group of friends wasn't that big of a deal. We would surely joke about it but no one would particularly care. I still remember how my friends and I would take turns in peeing/guarding each other every day from school when we would pee in this alley (to save time), before heading for our violin lessons.

I should have included France. In addition to Spain I spent some time growing up in France and I don't think it was considered naughty at all to pee on the street, sidewalk, side of buildings, playground etc.. My nanny and other people's parents would encourage it if we had to go. If you grow up with this attitude, it does not really change and become naughty when you get older. 

I wrote a little bit about my experiences with these cultural peeing dynamics here: 


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7 hours ago, paatujo said:

I vaguely remember reading an interview of somebody who had travelled and/or lived in Russia quite a lot. When asked about something surprising about Russian culture, they told about how stairwells and elevators are viewed as a no man's land and an extension to the outside, rather than a shared extension to the apartments and businesses like in some western countries. Also they noted that it indeed seems more acceptable to pee in the privacy of the extended outside than to be exposed outdoors, if these are the only two options. I've never discussed this with any native Russians to verify it, and haven't even seen much discussion online about exactly this, but evidence on the web does seem to strengthen these assumptions. Then again, some countries may have common stairwell peeing, but laws against publishing CCTV videos for all to see.

One might also take into account the question of public and private property and its effects on respect to it. Perhaps public spaces (such as streets, or stairwells of state-owned Soviet appartment buildings) may in some countries be treated with less respect than similar spaces owned by private individuals. Private ownership will most likely be connected with more interest in keeping property clean and its value up. So if most stairwells are public, and there is clear and common evidence of stairwell peeing, it may finally be generally quite accepted.

On the other hand, as pointed out earlier by @Havelock in an example from Spain, respect towards public and private property may be exactly the opposite. So perhaps this thought isn't going anywhere, or at least can't be generalised without closer knowledge of different cultures.


This Russian approach of not considering building halls, stairs and elevators as clean indoor spaces is fascinating. This also seems similar to what I have heard in China where everything outside you door is considered the dirty outside world.  I could see communism as a common thread here with China. I assume in both countries most of the large apartment buildings were built in the communist era by the government which would inherently make them public and remove much idea that it would be disrespectful to pee all over them. At the same time, communist societies were in some ways separated in 20th century societal evolution.  I.e. there was much more public peeing in the early 20th century globally by necessity. It was probably harder for these norms to evolve like the west under the communism. Anyway, its a hypothesis to ponder. 


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On 12/14/2023 at 4:30 AM, Havelock said:

My nanny and other people's parents would encourage it if we had to go.

Yeah same ! Specially in parks where there were "designated" spots for kids to pee and none of those areas were particularly private.

On 12/14/2023 at 4:30 AM, Havelock said:

I don't think it was considered naughty at all to pee on the street, sidewalk, side of buildings, playground etc

No it wasn't at all, for most parts atleast. Watching some dude peeing by the side of a building in a busy street wasn't uncommon at all and no one really cared.

On 12/14/2023 at 4:30 AM, Havelock said:

If you grow up with this attitude, it does not really change and become naughty when you get older. 

For me peeing outdoors when I really have to go isnt particularly naughty but picking a risky spot or an inconvenient one to pee in surely is.

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4 hours ago, Emilaze said:

Yeah same ! Specially in parks where there were "designated" spots for kids to pee and none of those areas were particularly private.

Yeah, I always thought the pee spots and pee trees were interesting.  They were not bathrooms or as you say particularly private and yet somehow they became communally agreed upon places for repeatedly peeing. How did that happen?

I can remember a few spots. At one park there was a big tree that was not near anything and offered little privacy but it was considered the pee tree.  We peed on all sides of it because no side was more private and no one cared. At another park there was a stone wall everyone marked. It was super obvious when you were peeing on it and super obvious after because you left a wet mark. At another playground there was a paved area in the corner without equipment that had a small hedge that only partially blocked view from one side. I especially remember the girls squatting to pee and being taken to pee in that area.

Do you remember any of your pee spots?

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3 hours ago, Havelock said:

Do you remember any of your pee spots?

Yeah I remember some. There were 2 to 3 huge trees in the parks we went to and all of those trees were pee spots. Those trees weren't near bushes either but the trunks were big enough to hide you from the back/front (whichever side is facing the tree) though you'd be completely exposed from the other side. However, even in the parks, people wouldn't just pee anywhere. It would always be in those unspoken pee spots.

Another obvious spot would be by the lakes. There were bushes around it but those werent dense enough to cover anyone completely, but just partially if someone's squatting there. Particular spots would be unofficially claimed by the families having picnics nearby and I remember being taken near the lakes to pee. 

Super obvious spots would obviously be the walls near pubs. Super public and super crowded but men and women alike would pee against those walls while chatting with friends and no one would bat an eyelid.


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On 12/13/2023 at 5:19 PM, paatujo said:

I vaguely remember reading an interview of somebody who had travelled and/or lived in Russia quite a lot. When asked about something surprising about Russian culture, they told about how stairwells and elevators are viewed as a no man's land and an extension to the outside, rather than a shared extension to the apartments and businesses like in some western countries. Also they noted that it indeed seems more acceptable to pee in the privacy of the extended outside than to be exposed outdoors, if these are the only two options. I've never discussed this with any native Russians to verify it, and haven't even seen much discussion online about exactly this, but evidence on the web does seem to strengthen these assumptions. Then again, some countries may have common stairwell peeing, but laws against publishing CCTV videos for all to see.

One might also take into account the question of public and private property and its effects on respect to it. Perhaps public spaces (such as streets, or stairwells of state-owned Soviet appartment buildings) may in some countries be treated with less respect than similar spaces owned by private individuals. Private ownership will most likely be connected with more interest in keeping property clean and its value up. So if most stairwells are public, and there is clear and common evidence of stairwell peeing, it may finally be generally quite accepted.

On the other hand, as pointed out earlier by @Havelock in an example from Spain, respect towards public and private property may be exactly the opposite. So perhaps this thought isn't going anywhere, or at least can't be generalised without closer knowledge of different cultures.


I know @beachmom has been in nearby countries and probably has some relevant stories

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11 hours ago, Emilaze said:

Yeah I remember some. There were 2 to 3 huge trees in the parks we went to and all of those trees were pee spots. Those trees weren't near bushes either but the trunks were big enough to hide you from the back/front (whichever side is facing the tree) though you'd be completely exposed from the other side. However, even in the parks, people wouldn't just pee anywhere. It would always be in those unspoken pee spots.

Another obvious spot would be by the lakes. There were bushes around it but those werent dense enough to cover anyone completely, but just partially if someone's squatting there. Particular spots would be unofficially claimed by the families having picnics nearby and I remember being taken near the lakes to pee. 

Super obvious spots would obviously be the walls near pubs. Super public and super crowded but men and women alike would pee against those walls while chatting with friends and no one would bat an eyelid.


Large trees are always funny because they are almost more a social signal that you are being sightly civilized by using the tree rather than the tree actually providing significant cover. They also seem less effective for girls who ca be viewed from one side or another depending on if they are facing or back to the tree.

I agree that people tended to choose pee spots and stick to them in France. In Spain there were frequently used pee spots but peeing was not limited to those places. It was often a free-for-all and it would not be unusual to stop right in the middle of a park path when the need arose. 

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51 minutes ago, Havelock said:

They also seem less effective for girls who ca be viewed from one side or another depending on if they are facing or back to the tree.

Well we didnt really care. Someone or the other would guard us and that was all we needed. It was accepted to pee outdoors in France so "getting caught" specially in parks wasnt even a thing. But yeah, I see in movies how the lead actors in some romantic scene would be sitting under huge af trees in some town in France watching kids playing in a distance and I'm like yeah must feel real nice in sitting on the pee of the whole town probably 💀

54 minutes ago, Havelock said:

It was often a free-for-all and it would not be unusual to stop right in the middle of a park path when the need arose. 

This I saw in France too but only along the hills, not really in parks

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On 10/27/2023 at 1:13 AM, sillyme said:

Hi, I live in America. I am curious from people on here which countries where naughty peeing is the most socially acceptable, and common. I think it would be so awesome to have a group of friends who all do naughty peeing together somewhere where there is no need to worry about getting arrested for peeing on public restroom floors, store floors, roads, fitting rooms, elevators, and whatnot. Does anyone have suggestions for countries?

Honestly in my experience, even in the US it's somewhat accepted, usually in the countryside where there's fewer people. Farmers especially probably do it all the time, since they're out in the field all day working. 


Its like the saying goes. City girls look for public restrooms, country girls make do. 

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On 10/30/2023 at 6:51 PM, Remi said:

Though they overlap there is still a little difference between peeing publicly like on a sidewalk or naughty. So by peeing on floors in public bathrooms and all the stuff you mentioned you are already doing something way naughtier than just openly peeing on a sidewalk.

There is really no place where it is accepted to pee naughty. And if it existed i doubt thats where i would wanna live in the end of the day. Imagine they allowed naughty peeing tomorrow and you'd suddenly have like dozens of people pissing in your hallway every day. It would go from 'saw someone pissing openly today wow that was great' on day one to "can these stupid fuckers just stop pissing in this damn place! I don't want my mail and bills to be dripping piss when i let it slip while trying to open my door!!" Can't anyone convince me that it wouldn't get annoying after a while. Plus the whole excitement of doing something you are not supposed to is gone so might aswell use the toilet.

When it comes to public peeing i have to say it will probably end with a fine when you are seen by authorities, even in germany and all the other places that are considered public peeing paradises. Thats why you look around and check before you go. And same as in america people here will try to put up cameras, signs etc when they find out their yard is commonly used as toilet. But when you are peeing somewhere in the city at night no one will say anything as either no one cares or people don't bother to confront someone. But that even goes for the USA...i mean how many videos of people doing crazy (literally😄) shit in public in NYC or San Fran are out there and people walk by unfazed cause they are probably used to it. So what you need to be looking for is not a wonderland where its accepted but one where the worst case is better and bearable. Getting jailed up or possibly registered on a list (if thats true) is indeed too harsh in my opinion. 

A place where people that don't bother or have other priorities at that time come together. Like these street festivals from Germany, Denmark and Spain with its 1000s of vids online of girls peeing. I don't know what 'Bay to breakers' in San Fransisco is about but on yt it seems like an event of similar nature. My first girls caught peeing in public clip was from that actually, it was a whole video dedicated to the revolting acts around it just filming it unfold from afar. One scene they filmed girls squatting on the sidewalk right in front of an SUV facing it, some must have gotten on the tire. A new world opened, i was blown away. And the uploader put 'Girls just wanna have fun' under it. (If anyone knows that vid and where to find it again let me know!) 

You should probably visit Germany during the carnival time where its wild in a few certain cities.


Man this video is so cool ! And something like that happened to me actually, there was a festival in my city and people were pissing right under my windows and on my front door !

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On 12/17/2023 at 12:56 AM, Emilaze said:

This I saw in France too but only along the hills, not really in parks

As a French person here, and as the saying goes, "Been there, done that" xD when I was younger and the need arose while I was out with my parents they'd just tell me to conceal myself enough and pee. When I was living in a hamlet (between ages 6 and 16, I'm 23 now), I would also pee in the backyard. And now I just head for the closest discreet and secluded corner if the need arises while I'm out XD

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On 10/27/2023 at 6:13 AM, sillyme said:

Hi, I live in America. I am curious from people on here which countries where naughty peeing is the most socially acceptable, and common. I think it would be so awesome to have a group of friends who all do naughty peeing together somewhere where there is no need to worry about getting arrested for peeing on public restroom floors, store floors, roads, fitting rooms, elevators, and whatnot. Does anyone have suggestions for countries?

I am lucky to have two friends who i pee together with. One of them is not shy if we are put walking or in the car, we pee in front of each other all the time. If we both need the toilet at the same time we will pee in the same toilet together. Nice to watch pee come out of his dick. 


Another friend and me will pee together in busy laybys together and pee in alleys, inside buildings and in carparks together. It is great fun!

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