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Best rules for backyard pools

Best rules for backyard pools  

112 members have voted

  1. 1. Imagine your friend has a backyard pool, as well as an outdoor shower (wood slats offer some privacy, but there is a gap below them, between the ground and the start of the fence). Your friend, as the host, posts a rule about where to pee. Which of the following versions of the rule would you find normal and culturally acceptable (select all that you would consider normal)

    • If you need to pee, please go into the house and use the toilet
    • If you need to pee, please get out of the pool and pee in the grass
    • If you need to pee, please get out of the pool and pee on the ground in the outdoor shower area
    • If you need to pee, please pee on the ground of the outdoor shower area. If its an emergency and you can't get out of the pool, please pee next to the pool filter intake
    • If you need to pee, please pee in the pool, next to the filter intake
    • If you need to pee, please feel free to pee anywhere in the pool
    • If you need to pee, please pee in the pool instead of going into the house as you'll drip water everywhere
    • Post no specific rule about peeing
  2. 2. Of the above rules, which would you like the most?

    • If you need to pee, please go into the house and use the toilet
    • If you need to pee, please get out of the pool and pee in the grass
    • If you need to pee, please get out of the pool and pee on the ground in the outdoor shower area
    • If you need to pee, please pee on the ground of the outdoor shower area. If its an emergency and you can't get out of the pool, please pee next to the pool filter intake
    • If you need to pee, please pee in the pool, next to the filter intake
    • If you need to pee, please feel free to pee anywhere in the pool
    • If you need to pee, please pee in the pool instead of going into the house as you'll drip water everywhere
    • Post no specific rule about peeing
  3. 3. Of the above rules, which do you think would be most acceptable to the greatest majority of guests (try to imagine from the perspective of folks that don't have pee fetishes)

    • If you need to pee, please go into the house and use the toilet
    • If you need to pee, please get out of the pool and pee in the grass
    • If you need to pee, please get out of the pool and pee on the ground in the outdoor shower area
    • If you need to pee, please pee on the ground of the outdoor shower area. If its an emergency and you can't get out of the pool, please pee next to the pool filter intake
    • If you need to pee, please pee in the pool, next to the filter intake
    • If you need to pee, please feel free to pee anywhere in the pool
    • If you need to pee, please pee in the pool instead of going into the house as you'll drip water everywhere
    • Post no specific rule about peeing
  4. 4. If one of these rules was selected, would you follow it? (select the things you'd be willing to do)

    • I'd be willing to get out of the pool and walk into the house for the toilet, if that was the rule
    • I'd be willing to swim over to the filter intake instead of going anywhere in the pool, if that was the rule
    • I'd be willing to get out of the pool and go to the outdoor shower to pee, if that was the rule
    • I'd be willing to get out of the pool and pee in the grass, if that was the rule, but only if I could be concealed from the other guests
    • I'd be willing to get out of the pool and pee in the grass, if that was the rule, even if everyone could see me peeing through my suit
  5. 5. If no rules were given by host, where would you pee?

    • In the pool by intake filter
    • Anywhere in pool
    • Get out and go to outdoor shower
    • Get out and pee on grass
    • Get out and go inside to toilet
  6. 6. If no rules were given where do you think the average guest would pee (remember the majority of folks don't have pee fetishes)? [Select all the places an average guest would have peed at least once by the end of the party]

  7. 7. Do you think the average guest would find it weird for there to be instructions about where to pee?

    • Definitely would find it weird
    • Probably would find it weird
    • Indifferent
    • Probably would not find it weird
    • Definitely would not find it weird

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Imagine your friend has a pool, as well as an outdoor shower (wood slats offer some privacy, but there is a gap below them, between the ground and the start of the fence), in their backyard. Your friend, as the host, posts a rule about where to pee. This poll is to see what rule would be the most widely accepted and how you would react.

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Credit goes to @sara babe for the topic inspiration, due to her post:


On 10/15/2016 at 8:54 PM, sara babe said:

I have a friend who usually throws a girls weekend every year. She has a beautiful back yard with a pool and a nice patio.  Giirls weekend falls on the same weekend as the guys fishing weekend so all the guys head up to a cabin and us girls drink, tan and hang by the pool.  She has no problem with us pissing in the pool as the only bathrooms are inside and she has very nice wood floors with she doesn't want stained or damaged by pool water and wet people.  Therefore, during the day when we are out in the pool, it serves not only as a great place to hang out But it also serves as our main bathroom. I think she's good with it for several reasons. First off is she knows people are going to piss in thee pool regardless. Secondly, she admits to pissing in pools her self so she wouldn't want to be a hypocrite. Third, she knows it's better that having 20 drunk wet girls going in and out of the house. Forth, she knows that it's harmless and doesn't cause any problem to the pool or anyone's health. 

I think she has a really great attitude about the whole thing and all the girls really feel comfortable about it. No one has to feel like they have to lie about peeing in the water. Everyone knows that everyone is doing it and know one has to feel embarrassed about it.  She does ask that if we can, we go over to the spot where the intake is for thee filter so the water we are peeing in gets chlorinated right away. There is an exception to that rule, and that if that if someone is playing a game like flip cup or beer pong than they can piss where they are.  

I know a lot of the girls follow her rules and piss by the filter but I doubt they do all the time. I know I don't. I usually just go where I am. I will however head for the filter spot if I see another one of the girls heading there to pee. I love being in someone else's pee so I will go there and release my warmth as they release theirs. It is such a sexy time. 


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I think there’s no point in peeing by the filter intake - the filter won’t do anything to pee, the pee will just get recirculated. Much of urine is water anyway. Other chemicals in it will be broken down eventually by the chlorine.

I’d expect mixed opinions about the desirability of peeing in the water (easy, discreet), vs peeing somewhere else outdoors (may expose you, but keeps the water cleaner) 

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15 hours ago, oliver2 said:

I think there’s no point in peeing by the filter intake - the filter won’t do anything to pee, the pee will just get recirculated. Much of urine is water anyway. Other chemicals in it will be broken down eventually by the chlorine.

Yeah, this mostly just applies to salt pools, where the chloramides created from peeing would then be immediately sucked into the salt cell and shocked back to free chlorine. At least that's my understanding of how salt cell pools work. Please let me know if I'm not understanding the chemistry correctly.

15 hours ago, oliver2 said:

I’d expect mixed opinions about the desirability of peeing in the water (easy, discreet), vs peeing somewhere else outdoors (may expose you, but keeps the water cleaner) 

For sure, hence the poll. I'm curious if we can figure out which side would win out, or if its really 50/50 how many folks prefer one or the other. Or even better, would be if someone actually has access to a pool and could run a social experiment for us!

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Based on my own observations it seems that the vast majority of people (including those with no interest in pee) simple pee in whatever part of the pool they happen to be in.  That said, I have heard of people having stated "don't pee in the pool" rules...which no one really seems to follow...

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13 hours ago, ChrisS said:

For sure, hence the poll. I'm curious if we can figure out which side would win out, or if its really 50/50 how many folks prefer one or the other. Or even better, would be if someone actually has access to a pool and could run a social experiment for us!

They’ll need some underwater cameras...

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6 hours ago, Eliminature said:

My personal preference would be in he grass. I like to go on greenery. If people are intrigued or turned on by the idea of seeing a woman (vulva owner), pee like a man (penis toter), then I have no objection to them watching whilst I perform! 

I don't mind peeing in the pool, indeed I like it. I do prefer making a stream though. 

I think our resident expert on pool peeing is @Maggie_555. I'd be very interested in her opinion here. ☺

I"ve always wondered, do women who like to pee standing like men (say into the urinals) prefer to be caught/seen by men?  It's showing off a skill society says you don't have. 

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On 1/20/2021 at 12:28 AM, ChrisS said:

Yeah, this mostly just applies to salt pools, where the chloramides created from peeing would then be immediately sucked into the salt cell and shocked back to free chlorine. At least that's my understanding of how salt cell pools work. Please let me know if I'm not understanding the chemistry correctly.

I think that’s about right. I guess if you ate a bunch of salt popcorn and drank a bunch of water, then pissed in a salt pool, it would actually help clean the pool? 🤔

But I think the process is more gradual - as the water circulates the salt cell turns salt to chlorine and cleans the water. It’s not like a filter where dirty water goes in and clean water comes out, so it makes basically no difference whether you pee in the filter intake directly or into the pool.

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Personally, if it were my back yard, I would be fine with any of the options listed above except going in the house.  I don't think going into the house would be necessary when their are so many other options.  I believe however that peeing in the pool is one of the more enjoyable places and that's where I would probably choose.  I would let my guests know that peeing in the pool was considered acceptable and that they are free to enjoy they pleasure if the so choose too. I would probably encourage the women to see in the pool as many women do seem to prefer the pool over other options. Plus I'd love it if my female guests were leaving me their piss to enjoy during future swims. The men I would probably encourage to piss outside of the pool because I don't really enjoy the idea of male piss, however, if a male guest did piss in my pool it wouldn't really bother me

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59 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

I think even with strict rules about when and where to pee everyone would still pee in the pool lol.

“Don’t get in just so you can pee” and “pee before you get in” is one thing, “never pee in the pool at all” is another 

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I feel like most people would either go into the house to use the toilet or pee in the pool.  Out of the options presented I would prefer to go on the grass because I'm into peeing outside and more specifically going on greenery.  I wouldn't mind peeing in the outdoor shower, but I would prefer the grass.  I used to pee in pools when I was kid out of convenience, but I don't like doing that anymore.

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Yeah I think the fun part of a rule like "please pee in the outdoor shower area" is that you know when people are going pee, whereas if they pee in the pool, its so discreet you usually don't know when its happening. The trouble is whether you could find a way to encourage folks to do this without being weird about it, given the poll seems to indicate most folks think most guests would find a straight up rule to be odd. Maybe just offering it as a verbal suggestion if someone asks where the restroom is, like "It's inside, second door on the left. Make sure to dry off well so you don't slip on the wood floors. Or, if you'd prefer you can just pee in the outdoor shower drain over there"

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On 1/20/2021 at 6:51 PM, Eliminature said:

My personal preference would be in he grass. I like to go on greenery. If people are intrigued or turned on by the idea of seeing a woman (vulva owner), pee like a man (penis toter), then I have no objection to them watching whilst I perform! 

I don't mind peeing in the pool, indeed I like it. I do prefer making a stream though. 

I think our resident expert on pool peeing is @Maggie_555. I'd be very interested in her opinion here. ☺


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This is a very long thread, but reading through it, what stood out to me was how many pics there were of ladies peeing through their bikinis into the grass surrounding the pool, off the deck of the pool, or along the fence surrounding the pool. I wonder if perhaps being in the outdoors around the pool is more common than we might think? Certainly there is some selection bias in that pissing in the grass in the open is much more photogenic than a discrete in the pool pee, but what do y'all think?



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Question 4 is broken : you must make at least one choice even if you would agree with none, otherwise you can't validate the poll.

That is an interesting poll, but remember the population here on this forum is hardly representative of the overall population on the specific pee matter, so you'll want to consider the results to be probably biased towards more openness or naughtiness on that subject, than the overall population.

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I think in most circumstances, people wouldn't expect the subject to be raised, so they wouldn't expect a notice, but if there were a notice there then I think they would find it surprising if it said to pee in the pool or to pee somewhere in full view, but they would probably think it reasonable if the notice required them to pee in the toilet, shower area or other discrete location.

However, once the notice is in place, anyone who follows it and goes to the shower area to pee is immediately drawing attention to what they are doing and therefore would avoid the issue by just simply peeing in the pool where they are.   I don't think people would like the idea of going by the filter to pee as that would show what they were doing and would also possibly upset others who would know what they were doing.  Also, if the notice said to pee in the pool, it might stop people going swimming in the pool because they know the pool is going to have pee in it.

Whether people follow a notice to go an pee in the shower or on the grass would depend on the group of people's general attitudes to life.  If they are at all embarrassed then they would probably just pee in the pool to avoid drawing attention to what they are doing, knowing that if they went into the shower area (for example) that people would know what they were doing.   A group who are quite open about things would probably be the opposite and enjoy announcing that they were going to use the facilities and head for the shower or the grass in the full knowledge that people know what is happening.

On 1/20/2021 at 5:46 PM, d19841 said:

She said very casually said "nah, it's ok, I'll just jump in and check on the girls" . 

Love this girl! Did you need to pee yourself?  If so what did you do?

It brings back to mind this video, which I do quite love:


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/28/2021 at 5:44 AM, Alfresco said:

I think in most circumstances, people wouldn't expect the subject to be raised, so they wouldn't expect a notice, but if there were a notice there then I think they would find it surprising if it said to pee in the pool or to pee somewhere in full view, but they would probably think it reasonable if the notice required them to pee in the toilet, shower area or other discrete location.

However, once the notice is in place, anyone who follows it and goes to the shower area to pee is immediately drawing attention to what they are doing and therefore would avoid the issue by just simply peeing in the pool where they are.   I don't think people would like the idea of going by the filter to pee as that would show what they were doing and would also possibly upset others who would know what they were doing.  Also, if the notice said to pee in the pool, it might stop people going swimming in the pool because they know the pool is going to have pee in it.

Whether people follow a notice to go an pee in the shower or on the grass would depend on the group of people's general attitudes to life.  If they are at all embarrassed then they would probably just pee in the pool to avoid drawing attention to what they are doing, knowing that if they went into the shower area (for example) that people would know what they were doing.   A group who are quite open about things would probably be the opposite and enjoy announcing that they were going to use the facilities and head for the shower or the grass in the full knowledge that people know what is happening.

Love this girl! Did you need to pee yourself?  If so what did you do?

It brings back to mind this video, which I do quite love:


Awesome video @Alfresco

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/4/2023 at 5:54 AM, PeeingPoshBoy said:

Quite a few of my friends have pools, and they all prefer if guests pee in the grass/bushes in the garden so that the carpet inside doesn't get wet

That's great, I still try to sneak a piss in the pool when I can.  Honestly I have even pretended to be drunk and took a fat piss into a hotel pool. Saw a mom in a lounge chair eyeing my cock but I had to skeedadle.

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