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what was your frist peeing experience ?

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Hi guys I'm new to the site, and was wondering how everyone got there pissing fetish , because I'm sure everyone's is different! I mostly like the sound of it when a girl takes a pee , so one day I looked it up on pornhub and possibly watched the best one ive ever seen ! I remember the feeling it gave me the sense of this is wrong and so naughty but it felt so right ! I just wanna know you guys story as well

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My wetting fetish started when I got my diagnosis I have had a neurologic disability since my childhood and that´s one of many reasons I wet my pants and myself everywhere and anywhere. I didn´t know why this happened to me every time but when I was in the age of 33 my doctor gave me the diagnosis Cerrebellar Ataxia which is a very rare neurologic disability. I didn´t liked this at all, it was a social problem to me and my life have been changed forever. Later I started using diapers and learnt myself to accept my dysfunctional stressincontinence and turned this to a diaper fetish. Now many years later I am a 100% diaper fetishist and wetting is not a social problem anymore. I even use my diapers for ruthless fetish games every day now. Now I have my own website on both tumblr and Google+ about this where I talk about my life as a diaper fetischist.

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Since I was a child, I've always had trouble holding my pee, and always wet myself whenever I laughed, sneezed, or coughed. My family doctor told me that I was born with very weak internal vaginal muscles, and would probably get stronger until puberty finally hit.

Until then, I was always pissing my pants in public, and always tried holding my laughter in. I was always pulling my pants down in secluded places and wrapping sweaters around my waist to hide big wet spots. I was getting used to this way of living, until I was on a date with a guy...I told him I had to go pee, I couldn't hold it, and to walk ahead of me. He did (or I thought he did), but as I emerged from the back of a building with wet jeans, he started walking behind me staring...

The feeling of exhilaration, taboo, and embarrassment kind of turned me on...When I looked up piss porn online, it turned me on even more so. I guess that's how it started lol.

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On 3/18/2018 at 10:02 AM, Andrew S said:

My first was as a kid watching a girl pee in front of me when we were playing in the woods.It's never left me.

Similar to me,it fascinates doesnt it?

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I think I can trace mine all the way back to when I was very young. My little brother pulled his pants down and peed on my wall, I was so mad at the time at his audacity but then found myself trying it. Ever since then I was hooked.

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I pee in public out of transgression and sexual arousal since I am a child

With somebody else, I first tried piss play with my current man, pissing on his hand at our second date, and drinking his piss after blowing him at our third!

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/21/2018 at 3:10 AM, Bacardi said:

I think I can trace mine all the way back to when I was very young. My little brother pulled his pants down and peed on my wall, I was so mad at the time at his audacity but then found myself trying it. Ever since then I was hooked.

Ha ha - How did that work out?   My other half told me when she was tiny she tried peeing standing facing the toilet after seeing her brother do it, and got very wet followed by major tellings off.

Funnily enough, my first realisation of girls being made differently was in the first year of primary school. I was playing at a friend's house, she disappeared off and after a couple of minutes I went to find her - sitting on the toilet with the door wide open.  Whether that led down this path ten or more years on I can only speculate.

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When I was about 6 , I remember being somehow excited and very interested by the girl  from next door, a year younger than me, being desperate squirming and holding herself. We were playing in the sandbox. She said she had to go to the bathroom. But, I was so enjoying it I convinced her to hold it until we would be called in for lunch, in about 15 minutes. She was obviously worried she would not make it,but complied. Although I did not see it, she wet her pants on the way into the house. I was thrilled, he mother was not. 

I also remember being in fourth grade and being very interested when two girls - on separate occasions-  wet their pants in class. We were in Catholic School , our breaks were limited and asking to go was a big hassle. I was very desperate on occasions myself.

At this time I knew nothing about  about sex. I just found girls having to pee exciting in a way I did not understand. I liked watching desperation or talking about it when I could. Occasionally, i would ask people about it.

Fast forward to I hit puberty at 12 or 13 ish. I was laying in bed face down thinking about one such scenario , when I got an erection. I moved slightly, and jolts of electric pleasure, the likes of which I had never enjoyed shot through my body. I did not know what was happening, just that it felt incredible. So , I deliberately moved around a bit more. Amazingly it felt even better. I continued rubbing myself against the bed, and quickly,and very suddenly , I felt like I was going to pee the bed. I had just gone before lying down, and did not feel like I needed to go seconds ago. In a panic I started to get up, but it was way to late. Of course  what came out was thick and sticky, not pee.

Until that point only pee came out of my penis, and to my knowledge that was all it was for. I was raised in a very strict Catholic  home , and had not yet had the talk, with my father, and the topic of sex, or the reason boys or girls were different was never discussed.

In any event, the connection of being desperate to pee and the sensation of being about to ejaculate was made, and the connection to sexual arousal, was permanently etched in my brain.

It took some time for me to fully understand it, and why my ears perked up at a girl saying she needed. to pee, and why I was aroused at seeing my girlfriend very desperate.

I thought it was just me for many years, because this was way before the internet was even a thought.

Edited by wettingman
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My second experience was a breath taker and let me explain why. At the time, I was single and living in a cheap appartment building. Across from my appartment was a single young woman. I felt bad for her because she had a 1 year old and had no support from the ex.. donator if I may call it. I remember an occasion when she knocked on my door, when I answered, she seemed to have been crying. She had asked me if she could borrow $10 because she had no food for her and her child so I gave her a 20$ and told her not to worry about it. She just jumped in my arms and said thank you. Its not something I can forget.

I never saw her parents or any family members helping her and once I went to her appartment to bring her a bag of food. I felt bad because she had a matress on the floor, a tiny couch and the appliances belong to the building.

After many times I invited her to come and take a tea, we talked about many things, which one was about sexuality. I did eventually brought up what was on my bucket list, which is a golden shower (i had gotten my first in my mid teens but thats another story lolol, i just made her belive it was my first). She never made facial expressions or said anything negative about it. I believe a few weeks went by which I knocked on her door and asked her if she wanted to join me for supper. She told me, that she doesn't want to mislead me to have sex with her. I believe she was not interested, at least at that moment.

The day came, I bough 2 bottles of wine and I can tell when she came in, she sparked up her looks. After supper, she seemed more relaxed and had conversation. Then I popped the question, I told her, I knew she was not into sex and pointed at the table that there is 100$ in it for her if she is willing to give me a golden shower. Not long after, she got up and told me she should be going and went back to her appartment. At that moment, I felt rejected and started telling myself to give up on my quest. I also felt how stupid I was to think by giving her money, she would happy and I would as well.

About 15 minutes later, while I was washing the dishes, there was a knock on my door, she asked to come in, you can tell she had anxiety. And then she spoke fast and placed her terms. She agreed to do it as long as I don't touch or do anything sexual. As soon as I agreed, she went in domination mode, telling me to take of my shirt and to lay on the floor. Once on the floor, she paused for a good 30 seconds, nothing was said from us, she removed her pants, wearing a thong. To make things easier on her I closed my eyes and opened my mouth, then i felt both her feet on each side of my head. I slightly opened 1 eye and saw she still had her thong on, then I saw her moving it to the side and squatted to my mouth as I kept my eyes shut, she started peing, after a few swallows, the rest went around my neck and soaked my hair. She then got up, went to put her pants on, grabbed the money and said thank you and walked out.

After not seeing her for a few weeks, she knocked on my door and seemed tipsy, told me she asked if she can have the same deal as the other time. Which I agreed and had the money on me. Then after that, I haven't seen her in a while, until she knocked and tokd me she was moving away and I thank me for helping her and I never seen her again.

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Ponme: Look at you doing this for a good cause lolol  I guess you can say it was a win-win in your case. You helped someone in financial difficulties and in return you got your neighbor to pee on you.


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On 2/25/2018 at 7:39 AM, Sandi4urn said:

My first pee experience was when I was in high school and I was at a party and this new girl at school named Katrina was there. And during the party that girl Katrina and me were play wrestling in the livingroom with around 25 people watching us. Well a few minutes later when Katrina ended up on top of me sitting on my chest I heard her tell me to open my mouth.. And when I did all of a sudden I felt her peeing down my wide open throat while I was just drinking as much of her urine as I possibly could right there in front of all these people. Needless to say while I was drinking her pee I fell in love with the warm salty yellow taste of that girl Katrina urine in my throat. 


Now that would of been quite the site to see. Very hot

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As kids we used to go around our neighborhood and all pee behind bushes and trees and what not. It was just a common thing to do, but I always really liked it. I purposely would hold it or drink way too much liquids so I could pee outside while playing. 

Then, when I was in the 11-13 range I saw a special on HBO called something like shock video that featured sex shows from around the world. One of them was from japan and involved women peeing down these elaborate slides or something. Whoever filled up the thing at the bottom first, or maybe whatever team, won I think and that absolutely changed me. I watched it every time it was on, including one night when I couldn’t sleep at a friends during a sleepover. His family had HBO too and I was just flipping through channels on low and found the beginning of it and eagerly waited for the pee part to come up. 

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4 hours ago, ZooeyGlass said:

As kids we used to go around our neighborhood and all pee behind bushes and trees and what not. It was just a common thing to do, but I always really liked it. I purposely would hold it or drink way too much liquids so I could pee outside while playing. 

Then, when I was in the 11-13 range I saw a special on HBO called something like shock video that featured sex shows from around the world. One of them was from japan and involved women peeing down these elaborate slides or something. Whoever filled up the thing at the bottom first, or maybe whatever team, won I think and that absolutely changed me. I watched it every time it was on, including one night when I couldn’t sleep at a friends during a sleepover. His family had HBO too and I was just flipping through channels on low and found the beginning of it and eagerly waited for the pee part to come up. 

Holy shit, yes I watched Shock Video on HBO as well. I remember that bit about the Japanese girls peeing down those pipes. That was the first time I realized that Japanese women seem to have big bladders. There were at least 2 of those documentaries, and I'm almost certain that one was Shock Video 2002. It also had another scene where a guy was enjoying sex with his new wife after their wedding and then she goes to the bathroom to pee. He crawls over and peeks in, seeing her standing over it like a man. It was fake and the actress was probably holding a water bottle or something, but still it was the first time I was introduced to the idea of a trans woman, which I previously had no knowledge of, being that I was like 13 at the time.

Edited by Brutus
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7 hours ago, Brutus said:

Holy shit, yes I watched Shock Video on HBO as well. I remember that bit about the Japanese girls peeing down those pipes. That was the first time I realized that Japanese women seem to have big bladders. There were at least 2 of those documentaries, and I'm almost certain that one was Shock Video 2002. It also had another scene where a guy was enjoying sex with his new wife after their wedding and then she goes to the bathroom to pee. He crawls over and peeks in, seeing her standing over it like a man. It was fake and the actress was probably holding a water bottle or something, but still it was the first time I was introduced to the idea of a trans woman, which I previously had no knowledge of, being that I was like 13 at the time.

Yep that sounds about right. And if it was 2002 I was 13 then. I wish I could find that clip online. It probably is nothing but I still want to see it again since it was such a big trigger for me and my kink today. 

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11 hours ago, ZooeyGlass said:

Yep that sounds about right. And if it was 2002 I was 13 then. I wish I could find that clip online. It probably is nothing but I still want to see it again since it was such a big trigger for me and my kink today. 

I actually used to have it on VHS. They played it a handful of times and I made damn sure to record it, but I lost the tape many years ago. Had some Real Sex episodes on it too. I've also tried to track Shock Video down online from time to time and so far, no luck. It's out there, everything is, just need a stroke of luck to find it. This is part of why I was considering diving into the deep web a while ago. 

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Mine was about 21 or 22 years ago. I was 14 or 15 at he time watch porn on VHS (I forget the title of it) but it showed a shower scene. In this scene a women stood in front of the drain and let a pre stream fly. She peed strait into the drain lol. From then on I developed my pee fetish

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Guest UnabashedUser
On 10/20/2018 at 8:34 AM, chubbybirb999 said:

Mine started very very young. I never was a bedwetter or anything like that but I remember being so fascinated with the ideas of nappies for seemingly no reason. My mother childminded for years while I was small and one of her kids was going through potty training so I was there seeing her learn to pee in the potty. She never wanted mum to help her, she always wanted me, so I saw her pee all the time. When we got older, I helped her transition to the toilet and for some reason, when we played together, we were very open about our peeing needs. We’d often pee openly in front of each other while playing in my room (in secret places so never getting caught) and whenever we went out to play, we’d pee in front of each other there. 

It was the same with other friends and neighbours I had. We’d always pee outside and we only got caught once but nobody seemed to care that much. To be honest it just sort of encouraged us! But the most memorable experience of my very early days was myself and my friend both sitting on the toilet, myself in the back and her in the front, peeing together because we both had to go but we wanted to go at the same time! 

Very similar to my early experience. A  girl about my age and I would play in the sandbox while our mothers drank coffee and kept watch on us through a kitchen window.  As going into the house to pee (and being kept in then) we'd just pee right in the sand box, each of us watching the other.  This led to closer examinations of each other's plumbing and peeing on each other's parts.  Of course we got caught and lectured sternly and that ended that but the thrill and naughtiness of mutual pee sports bloomed and continued into teenhood and to this day.  Still a good time pissing in the back yard with the wife from time to time.

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