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What has surprised you the most about our fetish?

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I think what surprises me the most is how much more accepted it is than I thought.  I was kinkshamed pretty badly just as I was starting to develop this fetish, so I've become very self-conscious about it.  I've had to learn to accept my fetish and get over my feelings of guilt over having it.  It's a nice surprise to hear someone treat having a pee fetish as no big deal. 

It's also interesting to see the different reasons for why someone enjoys pee.  For some it's simply fun, for others it's completely sexual.

Watching someone pee is the major part of my pee fetish, however, I wouldn't watch somebody pee without their permission.  Some people may not mind being watched, but others might, so if I walk in on someone peeing I avert my eyes.  I use porn to satisfy my urge to watch someone piss.  I would of course love to find someone who is into being watched IRL, but I haven't had any luck with that.  Finding a guy who's into letting another guy watch him pee isn't easy. 


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Several things have surprised me ... 

First is how much support I've gotten for sharing my videos online.  Yeah, I get the occasional "you're disgusting", but they are massively outweighed by comments that encourage me to keep doing what I do.  It's an area I never really thought I'd get such positive public feedback.

Second is how varied and variable the fetish is.  In complete agreement with @Sophie on that.  The variety of materials available means I'll never get bored with watching the same thing over and over.

Lastly is how my own perspectives have shifted over time.  My preferences have gone from simple pee on the carpet to public pee to pee sex and whatever.  As I find new outlets (pun fully intended), I find new ways to enjoy the fetish.  It's an endless buffet of interesting ideas and activities.   

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2 hours ago, Paulypeeps said:
  1. How rare it is for people to be into just wetting themselves when they go out. I really enjoy the freedom and find it quite easy to do, but I think I am pretty unique apart from those into wearing nappies.

I am so into that, but have so few opportunities to enjoy the freedom.  Soaking my jeans is not on my agenda for the obvious reasons and getting my cock out has a whole host of potential downsides.  I'd love to be as free as you but I'm forced to be a bit sneakier.  Or I could just go Scottish and become a kilt wearer.  Hmmm ... there's an idea ... 🤪

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1 minute ago, Sexismygod said:

I am so into that, but have so few opportunities to enjoy the freedom.  Soaking my jeans is not on my agenda for the obvious reasons and getting my cock out has a whole host of potential downsides.  I'd love to be as free as you but I'm forced to be a bit sneakier.  Or I could just go Scottish and become a kilt wearer.  Hmmm ... there's an idea ... 🤪

You could be a trailblazer for the new black spandex kilt...

I think there are leather kilts too now. Would a kilt work with black spandex socks? The shoes might be a bit tricky though.

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Guest jeanswettingfan

Definitely the many differences in what people are attracted to.  Like, I'm huge into desperation and wetting, but some people don't like that as much as, lets say, golden showers.  All of it's great! 

I guess another part would be how consuming it is, at least for myself and what seems like a lot of others.  Once you're into it, its very all-encompasing

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18 hours ago, jeanswettingfan said:


I guess another part would be how consuming it is, at least for myself and what seems like a lot of others.  Once you're into it, its very all-encompasing

Amen to that ... Once I started peeing in public places, I can't be in public without part of my brain looking for a sneaky spot to leave a puddle.

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Guest jeanswettingfan
10 hours ago, Sexismygod said:

Amen to that ... Once I started peeing in public places, I can't be in public without part of my brain looking for a sneaky spot to leave a puddle.

Yeah I'm always thinking about different people holding and wetting, too.

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What surprises me most about the pee fetish is the sheer number of people who enjoy it. It doesn't matter whether you're kinky, vanilla, rich, poor, Anglophone, Non-Anglophone, cute, not-so-cute, working class, middle class, upper class, etc etc there will be someone else around your community who is really excited by peeing.

Of course, it's not something you just admit to anyone in real life, and due to the taboo which surrounds it, it can sometimes be overwhelming to even let your partner know about it, however when you look online and see dedicated pee fetish forums like this (which importantly have a zero-tolerance policy towards the objectification of women), you see that pee fetishes are incredibly common and it's reassuring to know we're not alone.

Edited by PissOnMyParade
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Like many, I was quite surprised to discover over 20 years ago how common this is.

I think back to the eighties about the possible opportunities I missed while at work, simply because I thought my fetish was very rare or non existent.

Pee porn was illegal in the states from about 1978 through 1998, so I presumed this was because it was deemed as so disgusting, and that I was the only man in the world who had any interest in watching women pee.

My thoughts were reinforced back in 1978 when I bought a grainy french film at an adult book store called "Eau de Toilette"

I could not watch it since i had loaned my projector bulb to a friend.

Ironically, these friends, who were amateur film makers, stole my film, and when I got it back, I discovered they had actually edited out all the pee scenes.

When I went back a month or two later to buy it again, I learned pee porn had become illegal. I would not find pee porn for another 20 years.

These same friends once discussed how disgusted they were by the pee scene in the movie "Caligula".

I thought these friends were the normal ones, and that i was the sick pervert who wanted to see women pee.

The fact it was illegal also reinforced how sick and perverted I really was.  had i known it was quite common, i would have been more agressive, and less timid in my responses to hints i got that some women might be interested in this, but since i was the only man alive sick enough to want to watch women pee, it was obvious to me that they were making humorous conversation and not being serious.








Edited by luv2watch
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  • 4 weeks later...

What surprised me about fetish is how many websites about pee there are. How many people are open to talk about pee. How women like to watch, listen and talk about pee. I am shocked how many real life stories online there are about pee. I was surprised how I like hearing and seeing women pee. I always been shocked how women like to watch men pee. I was always amazed how many people love my pee videos when I started to do them. I got into to pee stuff during middle school and shocked how I still love it.    

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On 9/12/2020 at 1:43 PM, pee01 said:

What surprised me about fetish is how many websites about pee there are. How many people are open to talk about pee. How women like to watch, listen and talk about pee. I am shocked how many real life stories online there are about pee. I was surprised how I like hearing and seeing women pee. I always been shocked how women like to watch men pee. I was always amazed how many people love my pee videos when I started to do them. I got into to pee stuff during middle school and shocked how I still love it.    

One interesting thing that this has raised has how much more open women are about the fetish over the last ten years with the advent of #MeToo. Back in the nineties and noughties, the fansites were very heavily female-desperation-for-men. Even though it doesn't float my boat, it's been good to hear how many straight women are into the fetish as well. I'm truly fascinated about whether get the same kicks out of the fetish that men do. It's sort of rekindled my hopes of having some mutual pee-play fun with a like-minded woman as well.

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On 8/1/2020 at 4:08 AM, Sophie said:

What has surprised you the most?

Actually I had a few realizations over the many years I've been on the internet, and able to actually find out things:

1. Pretty common

2. Chicks are into it more than I thought

3. Watching a chick self-pee became a turn-on for me

And less about the media, but more about the kind of sheltered place I live in:

4. Nobody local to me has ever mentioned being into it, or even interested in it. If anything, locals where I'm at go out of their way to demonize people who like it.

But what has surprised me?

I think just the fact that there was more to it than I personally experienced. Self-pee is a good example; until I started watching pee porn, I didn't know it was a thing, but once I saw it, I was hooked on it, and wanted to see more.

I was also genuinely surprised that some people (women specifically is what I found at the time) who drink it, whether it's their own or a partner's. At one time, I saw a clip that Audrey Hollander had done, where she'd drank something from a glass, and then pissed in it, then drank her fresh piss as well. This was all one continuous shot, and I think that was the first time I'd seen it.

Aside from that, I can't think of anything that has actually surprised me.

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I can definitely relate @Dreadnought101 to the stepping away from the commonplace. 

I find myself feeling far more aroused at a girl peeing in an unusual stance - so many images all look the same with the low squat, knees apart. So sitting, standing, lay down, doggy style, whatever other positions captivate me. 

Perhaps in your case, most people would consider the peeing through knickers as unpleasant. Imagining it’s going to later feel cold and icky, imagining an unpleasant smell, damp patches on clothes. So finding a girl who willingly does it - sticks two fingers up at convention and just does it because she likes it - well what’s not to like?  A girl that goes against convention, takes risks and does what she wants.  Works for me too. 

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Guest UnabashedUser

The diffs in how women pee fascinates me also. Some of the  best ones to me consists of 3 streams -- a main full force rifle barrel main stream directly from the exit port, with two other secondary thinner streams emerging, one upwards towards the clit, the other backwards running down either the leg or the tain't across the anus.

One video clip which unfortunately I can't locate, has a tall women, standing , slight crouch, letting go a very forceful and long stream. Her labia is such (full and very large/long) that it interrupts the flow rapidly and the result is very much like those lawn sprinklers that have a vane in the stream which interrupts the sprinkle.

It's audible too, zick-zick-zick-zick.

And the best part:  The stream flows in bursts in a circular pattern as she pees and as such wets all of her rump and legs.

See hundreds of pee clips over the years, but none like this.

The video appears to be eastern European, underneath a concrete highway bridge.

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How difficult it is to fulfill in real life. When browsing pictures/videos it feels like everyone in the world but me has lucked into a public sighting. I've also scoured Fetlife events for 3 years and never seen any mention of it in my area, or even neighboring states. Everything has to do with BDSM. 

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