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Most daring/naughty places you have pissed

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@Flower_girl Thanks for adding a bit more description. The park experience sounds great - the fact that you saw a women pee so publicly without any concerns for being seen by the others in her party or even other people around shows that she was very relaxed about it, which I love. Your willingness to pee where they could obviously see upped the game and then the girl peeing on the seat was brilliant.

For the cinema, you say that you and your family and your friends typically pee on the seats and the carpet. How did it come about that you all came to be comfortable peeing there in each other's company? Did one person first get really desperate and just have to do it? If so, what was the reaction of the others? Or did one person have to pee and another encouraged them? Is it a mix of male and females? Do you pee on the seat by lifting a skirt out the way, or pee through clothes etc? Love to hear more descriptive detail if you are willing...... I really appreciate you sharing, but understand if you don't want to go into massive details. For me, part of the interest is in knowing what brought about the situation of peeing in such places and particularly where multiple people are involved it is great to know about reactions of people and how they then got involved.

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  • 3 months later...

Had one on the weekend, not daring or naughty but the girls got a laugh. Ever heard of the expression "never piss to windward" ?

I was on the edge of a cliff, maybe 50 meters high, pulled it it out and let go. Wind changed and came straight up the cliff face and I got my own pee all over me. The girls fell about laughing so much, made their whole weekend, every time they looked at me they started again.

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Lots of the usual places....

Public bathroom floors and sinks

Outdoors in back yard and parks

All over in portapotties

Dressing rooms

The more daring

Kitty litter boxes

Public beaches and pools/water parks

Riding my bike

Driving/peeing in the car

Guys bathrooms

Movie theater


Sitting on park bench


And so many more

Impressive list... glad I'm not the only one that's used a litter tray ;)

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I peed whilst riding my bike the other day. I got to a bit of quiet road, got up a bit of speed then started coasting, with my left leg at the top of the pedal position. I pointed my penis out of the left leg of my shorts and started peeing. It sprayed out in a stream falling just behind the pedal and left a long line of pee along the road. At one point the stream got a bit too strong and I wet the back of my ankles and it ran in my shoe. I had to move the pedal slightly more forward to avoid it.

I also peed in a pedestrian underpass, which is on a slight slope. I stopped my bike and whilst still perched on it I just put one foot on the floor and took my penis out. I peed a huge puddle onto the floor and it snaked its way along the tunnel as it flowed gently downhill. Thankfully nobody caught me in the act, but as I rode out of the underpass the other end, three girls were walking in, so I wonder what they thought when they saw it.

Another recent one was a closed toilet in a park. For some reason the council think that when the weather is as good as it is now, nobody would need the toilet after 5pm. I got there at 6pm needing to pee and noticed that the ladies toilet already had a puddle in the entrance (wish I had seen who made it) and I added a similar puddle to the entrance of the gents. Unfortunately I didn't have time to hang around and see if anyone else contributed over the evening.

I have also recently peed in car parks and in the gutter beside my car at the side of a fairly busy road.

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Lots of the usual places....

Public bathroom floors and sinks

Outdoors in back yard and parks

All over in portapotties

Dressing rooms

The more daring

Kitty litter boxes

Public beaches and pools/water parks

Riding my bike

Driving/peeing in the car

Guys bathrooms

Movie theater


Sitting on park bench


And so many more

Oh, I am feverishly waiting for anecdotes! I didn't know "dressing rooms" were considered usual though, mind starting with recounting this one?

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Naughtiest? Probably my mother in law's slippers. We were at her house a couple months ago and I know her Chihuahua has a habit of peeing her slippers....so I let a couple spurts go while in the bathroom. Just couldn't resist...we don't get along so well, so it was sort of a revenge thing also lol

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Besides that, just the usual naughty places. Sinks in public bathrooms(especially at work), changing rooms a few times, parking garage next to my car....even had a friend let me pee in his ass during my bisexual years....that was a fun one

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Besides that, just the usual naughty places. Sinks in public bathrooms(especially at work), changing rooms a few times, parking garage next to my car....even had a friend let me pee in his ass during my bisexual years....that was a fun one

One of my favorite things to watch! A guy per in another guys ass :tongue::tongue:

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  • 5 weeks later...
Oh, I am feverishly waiting for anecdotes! I didn't know "dressing rooms" were considered usual though, mind starting with recounting this one?

These days I think dressing rooms are considered normal. While helping my son change in the pool dressing area I've had two swimming instructors tell me, "you don't need to take him to the restrooms, the boys just go wherever." I've also peeked around the corner to check on my older boys whom had taken too long to come out to the pool and noticed a male life guard just inside, back towards me, peeing onto the floor. It surprised me to hear them suggest this to me, but I see that many guys and at least some women pee there, so I'd have to say dressing rooms are fairly common.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have so many I can't remember them all.

- into a hot tub sitting naked on the edge of it.

- out the window naked in the middle of the night (I sleep nude and just couldn't be bothered going to the bathroom)

- on my deck.

- on my towel while sunbathing nude

- in a car park.

- in a bottle in my car.

- on my dining room floor

- into my front loading washing machine

- on some dirty clothes nude on my bedroom floor.

- on the floor of a public restroom.

- and in the pool at a water park

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  • 1 month later...
On 09/11/2014 at 11:02 AM, steve25805 said:

I described this in detail in another thread but will copy and paste the relevant information here.....

I was in my bedroom one day next door to my sister's bedroom from where I could clearly hear my mother chastising her for having peed on the carpet. I was highly "interested" in the idea of my sister doing this, in ways that I was too young to understand but later realised were sexual. I made a point of talking to her about it, asking her why she did it. She claimed that a friend at school did it and told her about it which is where she got the idea. I was intrigued and tried to encourage her to do it again, but she was afraid of being told off. So at first I made compromise suggestions, and got to watch her peeing in the shower. Then I persuaded her to piss all over the bathroom floor by promising to clean it up myself afterwards. She wanted to watch me pee there as well, so I did - with some difficulty because my dick was hard. She asked me why that was but I didn't know, so told her it was just something that happens sometimes.

We were both too young in those more innocent, pre-internet days to know anything about sex and thus knew nothing of sexual taboo. We knew it was considered "wrong" to pee where we shouldn't, but had no feelings of guilt or shame that went any deeper than that.

And I remained fixated on the idea of her pissing on the carpet. I really wanted to watch her do that. So - acknowledging the fact that she was never going to pee on her own bedroom carpet again, I took the plunge - and invited her to pee on mine! A number of times after that I got to watch her squatting and peeing on my bedroom carpet, on the understanding that if it were discovered, I'd take the blame myself. But I tended to direct her to discrete corners, or move beds and furniture for her to pee there before covering it again. Amazingly, it actually worked! It was never discovered!

Eventually, of course, I hit puberty and learned all about sex, and the fact that my interest in pissing was a sexual one. And the realisation dawned upon me that what had once seemed like an innocent form of naughtiness - no worse than stealing biscuits from the biscuit jar - was something that most would have considered far worse. I realised that my interest was sexual and that most seemed to regard it as highly perverted and disgusting - and there was no internet back then to reach out to like-minded enthusiasts. But still worse, I became aware of what incest was and felt deep shame and embarassment about the pleasure I used to get from watching my sister pee. And I felt intense guilt. I stopped encouraging her to do this shit anymore and wouldn't let her do it in my presence. Yet occasionally - and pubescent boys are mobile wanking machines - I found myself at night pleasuring myself as I replayed in my head the memory of her peeing here or there. And I'd feel intense shame and guilt immediately afterwards because I had absorbed all the sexual taboos that this was so totally wrong.

Of course, before too long I began to fantasise about other girls peeing all over the place instead, and moved on from the memory of my sister doing it. Yet for a long time I had enormous difficulty in overcoming the guilt and shame that I felt.

I'm glad you have posted this Steve as I find it reassuring.  I had very similar experiences with my brother, enjoying watching him peeing in places where you're not supposed to - and letting him watch me doing it too.  On realising it was a sexual interest (when I was slightly older) I also felt intense guilt and deep shame.  Similar to you as well Steve, I would shake my clitoris with my fingertip and have orgasms as I remembered watching my brother peeing in naughty places.  I'd feel huge guilt afterwards, but after quite a long time things got better.  Sorry to hear it happened to you too, but reassuring to hear I wasn't the only one.


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On ‎14‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 10:36 PM, Maggie_555 said:

I'm glad you have posted this Steve as I find it reassuring.  I had very similar experiences with my brother, enjoying watching him peeing in places where you're not supposed to - and letting him watch me doing it too.  On realising it was a sexual interest (when I was slightly older) I also felt intense guilt and deep shame.  Similar to you as well Steve, I would shake my clitoris with my fingertip and have orgasms as I remembered watching my brother peeing in naughty places.  I'd feel huge guilt afterwards, but after quite a long time things got better.  Sorry to hear it happened to you too, but reassuring to hear I wasn't the only one.


I found your response reassuring too. Thanks.

The thing is, when kids are too young to know about sexual stuff, they never actually do anything physically sexual. Not until they are old enough to at least understand what sex is and what sexual feelings are might they experiment.

But all kids of course have to pee just like the rest of us. So for nascent pee fetishists, peeing is not something they never do until they are old enough to understand their interest in it. Because they have been peeing since the day they were born, it is possible for budding pee fetishists to discover early on how much "fun" it can be whilst still being way too young to understand the nature of that fun or have any concept of sexuality at all.

You and I both fell foul of that trap when we were too young to know any better and were psychologically traumatised as a result. I expect that -  like me - you probably spent many years coming to terms with it, and learning to be at ease with yourself. We were just too young to understand that our interest in pee was in any way sexual, let alone taboo.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 years later...

So far I've only done it in some public restrooms, although they have been covered with piss when I've done it, did some with a bf too in a restroom unfortunately they have a drain for easy cleaning but if it hadn't we probably would have been standing in a couple of cm's of piss.

(Moderator - Reference to other mess removed - Forum Rule #6 applies)

Edited by gldenwetgoose
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5 hours ago, peegirl99 said:

Peed on the back steps outside at my friends house while she was out of town. I sat down on the steps and pulled my pants down just enough and less go in the steps, my pee trickled down between the wood boards so their was zero evidence of what I’d done. 

Peed in the alley between the building where I work and the building next door. Positioned myself between some stacked pallets so I was out of view, pulled my pants down and squatted. 

I often wear a thick pad in my pants at work and pee at my desk in bursts. Sometimes I’m completely alone and sometimes there will be other people nearby. I’ve also done this in my car in drive thrus and stopped at lights with cars all around me. 

Peed in my friends basement last night on a throw rug (she’s out of town). 

Peed on an old chair at work that I found tossed in a storage area. 

A fantasy of mine has always been to pee in a movie theater, right in the chair. But with Covid I don’t see that happening. Also waiting for the opportunity to pee in a public restroom and changing room on the floor or in a bin etc. 

Are you going to take pictures or film it if you ever do that?

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On 4/23/2014 at 4:19 AM, bk3k said:

Oh and I found this youtube channel. I'm not necessarily into watching guys pee, but he is an inspiration. I watched the videos even though it wasn't a woman. At least no penis is shown so I can pretend, right?


I do not have the balls to record then post to YouTube of all places. Props to this guy.

The channel is terminated 😞

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While this is far from the "naughtiest" it did have serious risk factor...  About 2 years ago during a long (multi-hour) car trip I felt the need to pee and traffic was at a standstill. For a number of reasons (which I won't go into here) I didn't want to pee in the car.  Pulled into the parking garage at a police station, parked, got out of the car, and peed right there on the floor of the parking garage right next to my car before zipping up, getting back in the car and leaving.

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