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First pee memory or memories

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  • 2 months later...
On 9/7/2019 at 6:48 AM, Rewdna said:

Watching a girl doing a pee for the first time when I was about 6 or 7.I've posted this before so apologies.We were in the woods and we went into an old wooden hut where she peed into an old metal saucepan.I emptied it outside.This happened several times and each time i watched I knew that this was something great and sparked my interest in all things pee.

I also once persuaded my older sister to let me come into the bathroom with her.She reluctantly agreed,but we were caught by my Mum.

How much she could pee? Did she ever missed the pan?

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One memory that I had forgotten until recently was long ago. I was extremely young then. (Roughly about three or four I want to say, but not sure) Back in that time, one of my cousins (Who's name I won't mention out of privacy reasons and respect) who was also young at the time, was visiting. Well, it was just me, my mother, him and my grandmother at our old house while my sister was at school. I forget where my father and grandfather were, I think they were away at the time, but that's neither here nor there. Well, we all went outside for a reason I don't remember, and I stepped off the back porch and onto the grass just looking around and being me, and I glanced over and caught him peeing on the side of the house. He was in plain sight as well, and wasn't shy about it. I didn't think much of it and went back to looking around the area. To this day, as far as I know, he never noticed that I unintentionally saw him. I've never brought it up to him as he probably has forgotten about it and I'm not sure what his reaction would be.

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I was 6 or 7 at junior school. I fancied Julia Hart big time and used to sit next to her in lessons. In-between lessons I was always chasing her around, playing kiss chase.

Anyway, one day in class she put her hand up and asked if she could go to the loo. The teacher said yes she could but she didn't move, she just stayed sat down. It was clearly too late - there was a trickling sound and it was going onto the floor next to me. Then she got up and went up the aisle up to the classroom door and went off with the teacher (female) to get cleaned up.

I clearly remember looking at the puddle in the seat of the plastic chair and on the floor next to me. I also clearly remember the large pee wet patch on the back of her grey pleated school skirt.

When I went home I went into the garden behind the trees at the end (had a big garden) and copied her. I deliberately wet my denim shorts. Knowing what I'd done was naughty I then hid them in my bedroom, behind the wardrobe. My mother never did find them.

So the girl I fancied accidentally wet herself and then my young brain wanted to join it in some way I guess. Not sure what the psychology is behind it all is but that class room clearly had a profound affect on me as I've been into it ever since. The only time I wet in purpose was at that time but as an adult and the internet came along I realised it was 'a thing' and it was a revelation.

I've always been a bit naughty. Started masturbating very very young. No ejaculation just the tingle orgasm part.  Not sure why, not sure my friend were. Maybe they were, I don't know.

I guess we all have key moments that form or development and that I think was my pee fetish trigger moment!

Edited by Rocktopus
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For me it was around 4th grade. I was with a friend playing in a pretty empty public pool. I said I was going to get out and go to the toilet. My friend was able to convince me to just pee in the pool. It took some convincing (boy how times have changed) but I eventually let loose in my trunks. It was the most amazing feeling. Especially because the water was pretty cold. Been hooked since. 

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As a little kid I remember having this cassette player/holder that was a Sesame Street themed school bus. I always had this nagging urge to pee on the top area where the cassettes could be stored, and eventually did one day when my dad was at work and my mom was in the living room. It eventually dried, no one the wiser, I’m sure I only did a small amount, but I was super guilty and eventually some time later told my mom, who I think was very confused. 

from there, despite growing up in the court the apartment complex we were in had Concrete stairs that were hollow underneath and there were bushes surrounding them. My friends and I used to go back under the stairs and pee whenever we had to go, and have Pee contests. After I moved to a new neighborhood pretty decently far away I found other kids like doing that too, just inside these big pine type trees instead that were all around the neighborhood (it was a townhouse community). I tried to convince some girls we hung out with but they never would do it. One almost did but then backed out. 

I think that curiosity always stuck with me and now here I am, an adult who loves piss. 😅

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My first incident was I believe around about the age of 5-6; I was friends with a girl called Carly who lived about 10 doors up the road and we used to go to each others houses from time to time. 

I remember one day we were playing in my bedroom, and for some reason one of us needed the toilet and so we went in the bathroom together; I knew it was naughty because it was always something private but I was excited by the risk I guess, when I say excited not sexually but just because it was naughty. I think I went first, stood at the toilet with my shorts round my ankles and I did a wee into the toilet bowl whilst she watched me. Then she climbed on the toilet seat and she peed into the toilet. I couldn't see much of her stream but I was facinated to see her vulva and her her tinkle.

The naughiest pee I remember was with another girl at my junior school around the same sort of age. She was 1 half of a twin of very tomboyish girls. Each of our school classrooms at the time had a toilet attached; and they were I guess unisex in that each class had two toilet cubicles with doors and a sink in the outer bit, there was no external doors - just the cubicle doors which were out of sight from the main class. She had said during a lesson that she wanted to see me go pee, so we set off to the toilet one just after the other. She came into the cubicle alongside me and I took my penis out of my trousers. She then said she wanted to hold it whilst I went; I was so nervous she'd make it spray all over me and i'd have to come back into the class in damp clothes that I chickened out and she left the cubicle. Sadly we never got to explore again but the idea of a girl taking hold of my penis as I pee is still something I'd love to explore all these years later.

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  • 4 months later...
On 8/9/2019 at 6:34 AM, Gotah said:

I think I've posted this before, I can't remember ... Anyway, when I was 2 or 3 years old my aunt would let me watch her peeing when we were doing some short walks into the forest and she needed to go. She noticed my interest/curiosity towards a peeing woman so she let me "examine" her everytime she relieved herself. And also, a few years later I had a neighbour, a girl, with whom I always enjoyed doing some fun little pee games during summer holidays ... Eventually out of all these adventures my fetish developed.

What kind of pee games? Sounds interesting 

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20 hours ago, lengajesytec said:

What kind of pee games? Sounds interesting 

Nothing particularly messed up if that's what you were hoping for. We were only children so we just peed outside, everywhere where we thought nobody could see us: behind walls, cars, staircases, forests, bushes, on playgrounds at night down a slide. Once we even peed in my house's cellar and almost got caught by my father. Luckily nothing happened but it was a close call.

What we also liked to do was building our own toilets by carving some holes to pee in into old, rotten tree stumps somewhere in the forest next to our homes.

Good times.

Edited by Gotah
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My first experiences with it were during elementary school. I remember three different girls who had wet themselves during the national anthem because they couldn’t hold it any longer. This was a private catholic school so we all had to wear uniforms. The girls wore tights and dresses with skirts. One morning a girl raised her hand and said, “I have to go to the bathroom but I already did” and had a slightly embarrassed look on her face. When you looked down you could see a small puddle and where she had leaked down her tights. 

Edited by Ajr972
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At an early age, say 4 or 5, I remember going on a family picnic to a small county park. We'd had our lunch there and were sitting on the benches and talking, when I announced my need to use the bathroom (or whatever term I used back then). While there were facilities , we didn't use them as they were considered dirty or, at least, too far away.

So I was directed to a stand of trees. One had been cut down some time ago, leaving a stump where the middle was starting to rot out (it even looked a little like a toilet), and I was told to see how well I could aim. I wasn't the only one to use it and I'm pretty sure I remember a couple women in our party hovered over it, too. 

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I remember when I was a kid I used to wear a dress and squat and pee in my basement. It would normally never get discovered because our basement was concrete, and if one of my family members discovered it they'd normally blame the cats. It was so much fun. Never got caught either!! I wish I was free to pee like that again. 

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not sure if ive posted about this on here before. i was in kindgergarden i think, maybe year one. i had to pee really bad one day during a pool party the school was having in the spring. i was standing right next to my mother, my friend, and my friends parents. i pointed up at the sky, saying there was a plane or something, and i just started peeing. right then and there, out on the open. it was exhilarating, and i remember getting in trouble after (which probably cemented the kink lol).  

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My first pee memory with a girl of my age happened sometime early in grade school, long before I would have made any connection between peeing and sex, since I didn't know what sex was, yet. Although this was not my first pee memory, of all time, it was one of the more significant ones, and it affected me deeply. I have probably reported this elsewhere, on this site, so apologies, in advance, but I think it fits right in with the topic of early memories. So here is my story:

There was a little girl in my class who always smelled kind of funny, something like stale piss. Some of the other kids used to whisper behind her back about her smell, but I found it vaguely attractive, and was drawn to her.

One day, I was fortunate enough to get a clear look, up her skirt, all the way to her panties, immediately after she returned from the little girls' room, and slid into her desk, sideways, spreading her legs wide, as she did that. I saw several little, yellow pee dribbles clinging to her inner thighs, and some pale yellow pee stains in her white cotton panties. I was absolutely thrilled, and filled with intense curiosity about how those pee dribbles got on her legs!

As a very small child, I had followed my mother into the bathroom, and seen her pee with her legs together, so I couldn't see her stream. But I had never seen any dribbles on her legs, or seen her wipe them. But I had never seen a girl of my approximate age pee. After a day or so, I finally got up the courage to ask my mother, the only female I knew, at the time, how that little girl's legs got wet, when she peed.

After scolding me for looking up the girl's skirt, my mother said that the girl's mother didn't teach her how to wipe herself, properly, or how to sit, bending forward, when she peed, so her legs wouldn't get wet, in the first place. That was all a huge revelation to me, and I was immediately curious about how other girls peed and wiped, and wondered if their legs got wet, and whether they wiped them dry, or not. That has become a lifelong interest and curiosity for me! I imagine how every attractive woman I meet pees and wipes, or not, and whether her legs, lips, or bum are wet, when she leaves the Ladies' room. So this is a very significant memory for me, even though it didn't involve seeing or hearing active peeing.


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16 hours ago, honeylemon said:

not sure if ive posted about this on here before. i was in kindgergarden i think, maybe year one. i had to pee really bad one day during a pool party the school was having in the spring. i was standing right next to my mother, my friend, and my friends parents. i pointed up at the sky, saying there was a plane or something, and i just started peeing. right then and there, out on the open. it was exhilarating, and i remember getting in trouble after (which probably cemented the kink lol).  

If it was a pool party at least you might not have got too many clothes wet. I have a memory where I was with my family at the beach and in the water. Realising I needed to pee, I knew that peeing in the sea was allowed so I did, then said to my godmother (who was next to me) “I just did a wee”, to which she replied crossly “You could have warned me first!” 😗

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/26/2020 at 5:51 AM, Gotah said:

Nothing particularly messed up if that's what you were hoping for. We were only children so we just peed outside, everywhere where we thought nobody could see us: behind walls, cars, staircases, forests, bushes, on playgrounds at night down a slide. Once we even peed in my house's cellar and almost got caught by my father. Luckily nothing happened but it was a close call.

What we also liked to do was building our own toilets by carving some holes to pee in into old, rotten tree stumps somewhere in the forest next to our homes.

Good times.

Didn’t expect anything messed up, i asked you cause I remember having pee games with my sister and cousins like who could pee farthest or just pee all together in the same plant, that was fun

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember being very young and I knew exactly what I was doing. I was watching tv on my sisters bed and I didn’t want to get up so I peed right there . Looking back I can’t believe I did that . Years later still young a neighbor I’m pretty sure it was a magazine someone showed me and there was a girl standing there peeing. After that my curiosity was peaked and it’s been history ever since ! 

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I remember 2 instances of someone wetting themselves when I was about 10 years old.

A kid in my baseball team who though he could hold it till after the game. We were on defense and at some point he asked the umpire for a time out, but just as he did, he said "Too late". Most everyone was laughing at him, but I wasn't. I felt bad for him and wouldn't want something like that to happen to me.

Other was a shy girl in my classroom. She waited too long to ask the teacher, like many of the other posts on this thread! She started crying instead. The teacher asked her why and then realized... She got sent home to change but didn't come back that day. Again, even though I was amused by the situation, I never laughed at her, and not many did.

I guess the desperation part fascinated me, but also the humiliation of wetting in public as everybody knew what just happened.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve posted before about a childhood memory, I must have been five years old but remember it really clearly. I must have been in reception class or first year of infants and was at my ‘girlfriend’s house after school playing. She disappeared and I went to find her, which I did very quickly - sitting on the toilet with her legs dangling below her. 
There was of course nothing sexual and still isn’t about the memory of that moment, but when I’ve analysed where my fascination with girls peeing cane from I think that must have been key.

However, just recently there’ve been a few threads here discussing peeing in pools and that’s reminded me of a long forgotten memory - the same girl a couple of years later telling me quite openly how she used to enjoy seeing a yellow stream spread from her crotch whilst she swam along on swimming lessons. I’d completely forgotten until now. 

I’m sure both of these were innocent childhood pastimes - but I do like to wonder if they ever went further, or later into life?   I cut of all ties with my school peers for many years, but we are now friends on FB. Both with our own families of course and I don’t see me ever discussing those memories with her.  

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@gldnwetgoose, Too bad you probably won't be able to discuss these childhood memories with her, especially in a public forum, like FB. It would be interesting if you could work it into a private phone conversation with her.

I have one or two similar childhood memories, which I am certain I won't be able to pursue. On the other hand, I am still fortunate enough to be in private phone contact with a former gf, with whom I had a full-on, "wet" relationship, for more then ten years, and a semi-platonic woman friend, who once told me a very erotic pee story, from her own childhood, in Europe. My former gf is quite open with me about her peeing, and has told me about some recent wetting incidents, in detail. I plan to explore some mutual memories with her soon. I also plan to remind my semi-platonic friend about the story she told me, and ask her for details, when she seems to be in a receptive and sexy mood. 

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I know what you mean @Dr.P - but on this one I'm happy to leave it dormant...  for the foreseeable at least.  We were very close friends all the way through the innocent days of primary school, and when high school came about were in different classes - I wasn't one of the cool kids, socially inept and in those teenage years (with the pressure not to associate with uncool kids) we didn't have much contact. We still knew each other of course through school and college but didn't interact at all.

Now with the passage of time and growing into adulthood the uncool kids have become (apparently) normal and Facebook reunions taken place - she has her husband and kids, I have my wife and family.  We like each other's posts, commiserate the passing away of each others' parents who we knew as kids.  We haven't really conversed on any sort of level where childhood peeing could enter a normal conversation and much less any discussion about modern day fetish.   Who knows though - the door is never locked, just closed at the moment.

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@gldenwetgoose,  That's a very rational way to look at it. And you're leaving it open ended, just in case something should arise. I've found that remaining alert to unexpected possibilities is very important. 

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I can remember being about 8-9 myself and another girl played show me yours, I'll show you mine.  Well I had her go first and she took off her bottoms and showed me hers & then peed.  I of course chickened out. I'm pretty sure that's where/when my fetish began.

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