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What would you do if we met?

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I know this is kind of a weird question but I'm curious as to what people will say. I know I'm definitely not anyone's upper pick for someone to meet but let's say randomly you saw me or something at like a restaurant, party, etc (you choose). How would you want the interaction to go and what would you do? Its fine if you say you would ignore me I totally understand.

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I'm one of those guys who starts conversations rather easily. Maybe I'm a bit annoying to many, but, whether it's the checkout cashier or someone I run into on the street, I'll often make small talk in the hope that something more results. 

I think we'd first talk about things in general, maybe on many topics, until I found your hot buttons or at least things we shared in common. From there, depending on your reactions, we could either go our separate ways like ships in the night or quickly turn from strangers to great friends.

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Well thats a tricky one.Obviously we would have to know each other,i the sense it would have to be a set up thing.Like we wouldnt know each other in the street for example.

Then,if we had met maybe would go for coffee and maybe get chatting about our sexual and pee experiences.Maybe in time we would even get physical somehow.Or maybe just become coffee buddies enjoying our pee chats.It would be your choice of course.



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Interesting one...  Like the others I'm imagining we know who each other are, ie an arranged meet up.  If it was down to me to chat up a random stranger I'd probably fail at the first hurdle, it's not one of my strengths.

I'd like to think we'd grab a coffee, chat about things in general, then maybe get a meal or do something - basically normal stuff.  I wouldn't really expect anything sexual on a first meeting, but I'd like to think that knowing we've got a common understanding would create a bond, a mutual trust and understanding - if you and your small bladder found yourself squirming you wouldn't need to feel embarrassed.

(Helping out with bucket list stuff would be way down the line.... )

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Let's assume we have a virtual sticker on our foreheads that identifies what we were into, so no chat or coffee or meals required.
I tap you on the shoulder and you know that everything's OK, no matter what happens.
I say "You lead".
We head outside, to a nearby park - it's late, dark and deserted, but warm.
No words are exchanged.
What happens then is completely up to you - you can lay me down and be the dominant one. You can simply pee in front of me, naked or dressed, or you can stand over me and let go. Maybe you want to get closer, so you straddle my head and kneel. Your pussy fits perfectly over my mouth and you let go.
Alternatively, you lie yourself down and make it obvious where you want it.
No words are spoken, and when we're done, we go our own way.
In time, after a few more silent meets, we can progress to coffee, chats or maybe more. Meanwhile, we know where each other will be at a given time, can turn up, satisfy our urges, and go away happy.

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I would find it so easy to find nice words to make you quickly feel at ease with me, for you to enjoy my company a lot, and for me to enjoy your company too, and perhaps through that pleasure of being together steer the conversation in due course to nice/slightly naughty things that we would both enjoy, all the time feeling our way together very gently;  and loving every minute of our time together.



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On 4/8/2019 at 7:03 PM, Riley said:

I know this is kind of a weird question but I'm curious as to what people will say. I know I'm definitely not anyone's upper pick for someone to meet but let's say randomly you saw me or something at like a restaurant, party, etc (you choose). How would you want the interaction to go and what would you do? Its fine if you say you would ignore me I totally understand.

I would say hi, give you a hug and say "see I knew you were cute"😋

I think alot of ppl from here would want to meet you if that had a chance.

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I say like the others for that to happen it would have to be planned so i would just start tallking about something random and try to find out your interesst etc and start tallking about them so i wouldn't bore you and then i would problaby take you out for some food and beer and later to a club if you wanted to otherwise i would let you shoose and depending on how it went i would ask for your number and snap:) and why would anyone ignore you?

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Usually when I talk to someone I try to keep my fantasies out of the conversation. I like to talk about other things like music and hobbies with people and get to know them that way. If they feel like they want to talk about their fantasies I wont turn down the conversation but I usually don't drift that way so If I saw you I would strike up just a regular friendly conversation.

Edited by TwistedTiki26
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
21 minutes ago, pop-a-squat said:

I would love to chat, have a drink and watch each other pee 🙂

Nothing would please me more than that, its my favourite thing to do.

After a few pints it becomes really enjoyable, believe me! Lets do it on here sometime??

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Guest UnabashedUser
On 4/8/2019 at 5:03 PM, Riley said:

randomly you saw me or something at like a restaurant, party, etc (you choose). How would you want the interaction to go and what would you do?

Give you a fist bump, a smile, and say "How's it hanging, bro? " .

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Guest UnabashedUser
5 hours ago, peeingone said:

But She is a girl calling her bro is kind of weird. Girls are not bros haha

Have you met her?  😋👄

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/8/2019 at 7:03 PM, Riley said:

I know this is kind of a weird question but I'm curious as to what people will say. I know I'm definitely not anyone's upper pick for someone to meet but let's say randomly you saw me or something at like a restaurant, party, etc (you choose). How would you want the interaction to go and what would you do? Its fine if you say you would ignore me I totally understand.

I would walk up to you and introduce myself and ask you how you were, how your day was going and get to know you better.  I'd also get us some drinks and something to eat.

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On 4/9/2019 at 1:03 AM, Riley said:

I know this is kind of a weird question but I'm curious as to what people will say. I know I'm definitely not anyone's upper pick for someone to meet but let's say randomly you saw me or something at like a restaurant, party, etc (you choose). How would you want the interaction to go and what would you do? Its fine if you say you would ignore me I totally understand.

I would love to think I would buy you a drink, chat, laugh and we would get on famously.  More likely though is that I would be too tongue tied and it would be awkward and hopeless  🙂 

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