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Everything posted by Hamster245

  1. Whilst playing safe is necessary with casual partners, there is nothing I like more than going without a condom and leaving a healthy dollop of cum behind.
  2. So I met on Thursday with a new pee buddy. It was both our first time exploring with another person. She had a go holding me whilst I pee'd which was great experience. She was unfortunately a little pee shy whilst peeing for me, but she let me wipe which was very intimate. We have scheduled another meeting.
  3. Male Smooth after years of being natural. Epilate with Barenuts cream.
  4. PH deleted all my pee videos last year, around the same time that xtube did.
  5. It's a really great video, I love how your stream sprays about.
  6. I wouldn't say encouraged, more out of necessity due to a lack of decent toilets. Once I was a bit older, it was discouraged. The red phone boxes also began to be replaced with fully glass ones or semi open booths. I last pissed in a phone box about 7 years ago, it was near a busy road. Sadly Xtube deleted that content. ☹️
  7. It would depend where we were, we lived in a very small town which had a lot of footpaths connecting parts of town. If we went out by train, I'd often need to wee once we'd got off the train and the house was a half mile walk from the station along one of these paths so she'd make me go into the bushes. When I was very young she'd have to supervise my clothing being undone but then I'd do the pee unsupervised. As I grew older I would simply go in the bush and do it all myself. I remember in one market town we would visit, that she would often take me into one of the old phone boxes and I
  8. Yes, I did give that as a main trigger for it being a fetish. Still unhappy with the outcome of that interview. It definitely remains my biggest kink, yet one I have struggled to explore with partners.
  9. Welcome to the site, and a lovely contribution from yourself.
  10. I have managed to find a selection of my videos that were lost when Xtube deleted all the content. Now uploaded to http://Erome.com/hamster245
  11. I'm not sure I'd say it was harsh, but it's certainly an act of gross misconduct. Filming yourself doing it isn't very clever either.
  12. My first go at a squat pee, I really enjoyed it. Squat pee in the dirt
  13. Bristol has its famous street urinals plus many quiet side streets and parks.
  14. I find a morning wood pee the most similar sensation to ejaculating, even when desperate. The relief of a desperate pee for me is the relief as my bladder contracts in size again rather than stimulation to the head of my penis. Ejaculation and orgasm is a much stronger pressure, when you feel it about to happen my prostrate throbs as I pulses fluid to my balls, my penis goes rock hard and pressure builds up as it passes up the shaft. At that point the head really throbs until the pressure is too much and then it pulses causing the semen to pulse out. For a second or two I almost totally b
  15. Havent posted for a while, difficult to host since Xtube deleted all my videos. Barn Piss
  16. Bristol's best for peeing when the Harbourside festival is on, the temporary toilets come out all weekend including open sided urinal troughs. As the booze flows, so does the pissing.
  17. Welcome to the site, nice to see somebody into outside peeing too.
  18. Hamster245


    I'm gutted that xtube has deleted all sixty of my videos from my profile with no warning whatsoever. These were not backed up at all, so have now been lost.
  19. Great to see you joining in Louise, after me convincing you to join up here.
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