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Everything posted by Hamster245

  1. I don't think such liberal peeing takes place so much, but I was witness to an event a few weeks back. I was at work, outside and doing a survey, not far from a school. I noticed a fairly elderly lady with two boys, and one was just taking a huge pee on the nearby green I could see it from the other side of the road, he had not tried to shelter or hide away. A younger mother stood near me was chastising her daughter for laughing and looking at the boy from across the road. I thought it was interesting that the elderly lady had not tried to control him and let him do his own thing.
  2. Not a fan of piss bukkake, but cum yes it's very very hot. I must admit the cock curious sub in me would love to be in the middle of it all.
  3. I think it was around the age of 6, had a 'girlfriend' who I shall call C, she came to my house a few times and on one occasion needed a wee. My parents were downstairs and so I went in to watch. I had never seen a vulva before and like many here, I was curious as to how it happened. C. Pee'd for me but I didn't see it. Sadly she told her mum and that was that, she didn't come over again. C. Had a brother, who I played out with, at about 8 or 9 and we used to sometimes go around the garages. We had moments of showing our penises off as kids do but one day he needed to pee, I don't recall ho
  4. I've had 7 where full intercourse is concerned and probably another 5-6 where other things have gone on. Of those 3 have known about pee, my first girl pee'd outside a lot but not for any sexual pleasure, I never saw close up. My ex wife knew and would pee with me in the bathroom but no more. I've met a lady since who says she will try pee play but I've my doubts about her background and have not met with her recently.
  5. My first girlfriend pee'd in our bathroom, I asked to watch but did not see much as she was sat down. I was about 6 or so then. My first outdoor experience was in a local play park, I was about 9 and it was getting close to my curfew time to be back home. I was out with a neighbour who was about 15 and very wild. She just declared she had to go and with that, her jeans were down and she was squatting. She pissed and had a go at me for looking, but I had never seen a girl squat outdoors like that, I was totally fixated! And I got grounded for being late home!
  6. It doesn't arouse me, but I like the natural pee and yes it often happens when girls do it. I say keep it myself if you are going for the whole natural effect.
  7. I have a curiosity about the process and seeing a very private moment for a girl, esp using tampons etc. I've also experienced some incredible sex during as girls generally seem their most rampant. Period sex doesn't bother me but I'm less likely to perform oral sex.
  8. And me, I've seen loveangel pee and it's very good!
  9. I'm in South Oxfordshire, best place for peeing has to be Oxford late at night, drunk folk about. I'm a fan of festivals though which really attract those who don't care.
  10. To me, it's seeing something you are not supposed to see, particularly for me seeing somebody doing something with sex organs but as a non sexual act. I'm not into pee play on people, drinking or wetting. Purely seeing girls piss in public through need, and guys too!
  11. I'd love to find somebody to pose for my camera! I really enjoy photography and would be happy to do that.
  12. Mine was 25, I'd done everything but penetration with two previous girlfriends who both had deep rooted issues and it never happened. I also found out that my penis is thick and normal condoms just don't fit. I now use a brand that does wide fit! Glad it was right even if she turned out to be a deceiptful liar 8 Years down the line!
  13. It varies for me, on average between 1-2 times a day, sometimes to relax before bed, and sometimes because I've the raging horn. If sex is available I won't wank as much, home alone days it's up and out like a yoyo.
  14. Very hot, pics 2 and 3 really do it for me. How I'd like to find them, watch and then get my cock out and piss for them.
  15. Yeah, I like the natural look for sure, of those the last pic is for me the hottest because she isn't making it overly sexual. It's bits out, dirty pee in public and act like nothings wrong. Sure is enjoyable to imagine seeing her do it.
  16. I'm uncut, I prefer the look to be honest and sometimes I don't retract it, so my pee sprays out all over the place. Lovely but messy!
  17. It is that for sure, us guys make it obvious (although the shape and size and approach to pissing even varies with guys and I really like that too) but us blokes also pee in the open, the most you get is a guy shielding his bits or a small divider between urinals. Girls have stalls, lock themselves away and show very little, so when a girl is bold enough to pee, putting her stream and also pussy on show it is compelling to see and enjoy this otherwise very private thing.
  18. Hi, Just joined here, followed a link from a message on peesearch which I've recently joined too. I love voyeur peeing, to see and be seen in to pee in public places. I have had a long interest in girls peeing and really enjoy the sight and sound of pee. J.
  19. I got into pee from a young age, around 5-6 years old. I recall watching my then girlfriend in the bathroom, I didn't see the stream but I could see her bits and heard the stream. I was curious about how she did it without having a penis. Sadly she told her mum we'd been in the bathroom and she never came back around. I was fascinated by boys too, the difference in penises and the way boys messed about with their stream, and shook the drips off always interested me. Then around 6 a girl I was at school with and sometimes played after school with asked if she could see, and hold it. I started
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