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Everything posted by Bunnyboy

  1. Can I join in? 🤭 https://www.erome.com/a/7rDt6CXG
  2. Yours looks just fine in your post where you’re hosing down the bathroom wall 😊
  3. That’s a nice image to have. I love watching cum come pulsing out through the fabric of underwear 😍🥵
  4. Only 32/115 I clearly have some way to go!
  5. Depends on who they were… just some randomer off the street, probably not.
  6. The site after being unreachable all day now seems to be running really slowly
  7. Well it was never stipulated that all of the ‘aftermath’ puddles had to be pee… 😉
  8. I seem to remember that I was pretty good at it and messing about in the shower the other morning I discovered that I can still get well above head height 😂
  9. 1)Where you from (country, maybe what state)? U.K. 2)Whats your gender and age? Male and getting older much faster than I’d like 3)What 5 words first come to your mind when you think about peeing? It’s mainly images and feelings that come to mind when I think about peeing, but I’ll try to think of some words; Spray, steaming, sexy, hot, stream I’m not sure that gets anywhere close to the pictures of golden liquid arcs, in constant motion, sparkling in the sunlight or the imagined feeling of sudden warmth spreading between two closely pressed bodies that occu
  10. I’m not claiming I have 100% accuracy here 😂
  11. It’s too cold to go outside now so…
  12. Thanks. It’s nice to have people to share them with 😊
  13. Not much smell (I’m pretty well hydrated at the moment) but it did make an awful lot of noise as it splattered across the ground.
  14. Slipped behind a shed for a quick piss on my way home
  15. There might have been a bit 🤭 I had a pretty full bladder and rapidly got board of peeing in the same spot and began to wonder how far up the wall I could squirt.
  16. A quick splash and dash against a wall
  17. Sometimes the combination of a full bladder and horniness go to your head and what was supposed to be a bit of naughty sprinkling becomes a full on golden tsunami of unadulterated pleasure and not always in the most appropriate location. 10 minutes later you find yourself staring at the flood and the one solitary paper napkin to hand thinking how the **** am I supposed to clean that up?!
  18. When I was at school there was an abandoned old outbuilding in the fields near where I lived and over the years I must’ve pissed all over it, inside and out, and when I was a bit older ejaculated over a good deal of the interior too! It certainly smelled pretty funky in hot summer weather. I think it’s been knocked down now and is under a housing estate, which is a shame as it’s deprived younger generations of the same fun experiences I got to enjoy.
  19. I’d never thought of peeing in the dishwasher before reading it here. I think just need to go down to the kitchen now… 😉
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