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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. This is in fact "the problem". Only 37 per cent of UK voters actually voted to leave. They did so on the basis of a whole lot of lies that were told to them, many of which have been repeated in this thread. Of the remaining 63% OF UK voters, about 34% voted "remain", and 29% did not vote for anything to happen at all, which essentially also means "remain". Now the lies have been exposed, and people are beginning to realize the amount of economic and social misery that is going to happen to them, many of the original 37% who voted to leave have changed their minds. This me
  2. For those who would like another site with similar ways to discover users by looking at what they like and who they follow, I can recommend imagefap.com It's free to join. Members post galleries of images, and list their favorite galleries from other members. Other members can look at the favorites and follow through to the (different) member who posted them, discovering all of that member's other galleries. A news feed tells you what the members you follow have posted recently, and you can rate and comment on any image you find. You can also have a blog, although onl
  3. I recall two other social media sites that banned adult content. They were "Excite communities" and "Yahoo Groups". For those who have never heard of them, that's why. Cue tumblr going bust in 3, 2, 1 .......
  4. I only saw this today for the first time. I'm very sad to hear that Mary has left your relationship. I hope things continue to get better.
  5. Always remember, there are more than three thousand million people in the world who have below average intelligence. There will always be someone who does not appreciate you. Even among the above average people, there are many with bad manners, and many who get pleasure from whining, criticising or being cruel. It is best not to care what other people think. To thine own self be true. Be glad of those who like you, and ignore the rest if you can.
  6. So are people offended by my avatar? Nobody ever said so. Also, does anyone have an answer to @Drench's original question? Inquiring minds want to know.
  7. Given that these old posts have all been corrupted in the same way by the server move, might it be possible to write some query code that would make a single pass across the database and correct each occurrence of the error as it finds them? I'm not familiar with the software used for the forum platform. What kind of database does it use? Is the interface open? Is there an API? Of course, you'd want to be very sure of your backup and recovery procedures, before you risked running a process like that. Edit: I just took a look at the Invision site, and it appears that datab
  8. I am very sorry that you suffered this cruelty. Society has a responsibility to give young women the confidence to reject these ignorant remarks, but often fails to do so because of prudery. In Australia, because of prudish censorship, magazines are actually required to photo shop the pictures of women so that their inner labia are erased. I have read that this has caused distress among many young women who are made to believe they are not "normal". They even seek cosmetic surgery to make them look like the magazine images. The endless variety of women's vulvas has been a const
  9. A couple of funnies: When we converted to metric in Australia, food labeling was changed from calories to kiloJoules, yet these are both metric units. Also, my electricity bill is charged in "kiloWatt hours", and my gas bill is charged in "MegaJoules", even though these both measure the same thing (energy) and they are both metric units. (1 kWh = 3.6MJ) Both bills come from the same company, and clearly from the same computer centre, yet they still do this. Weird.
  10. Of course, but this is a right wing concept, not left. It benefits the rich parasites, not the workers. What makes you think it was the workers, i.e. the left who did this? When did you ever hear of a trade union demanding the import of cheap labour? The rot of western civilisation was begun by Thatcher and Reagan, both creatures of the right.
  11. I'm a left wing socialist, for exactly the same reasons that you stated, except I would say it is more like 30 years than 20 since the right wing nutjobs started wrecking our civilization so that the richest parasites could feed on its rotting corpse.
  12. Economically I am a social democrat (some would say socialist.) I believe in a mixed economy where everyone gets a fair go, regardless of how much money they have or who their parents are, and the rich are not permitted to poison, rob or murder the rest of us for profit. I strongly support the concept of a universal basic income. I believe that the environment is always more important than the economy. There are no jobs on a dead planet. Socially I am completely libertarian. The only law I would have about sex, marriage, relationships or whatever would be a simple "do no harm
  13. A gallery of his drawings. Serpieri druuna pics
  14. Whatever it is, it is completely instinctive for me. I began fantasizing about doing it when I was just twelve years old. Nobody had told me it existed, I never saw any porn, there was no internet in those days, and it was never mentioned in sex education. I just knew I wanted to do it, and wanted it so much I could hardly think of anything else. I used to imagine the girls in my class, and dream about kissing their inner thighs, gradually going higher until I was kissing their sex. I didn't even know what a girl's vulva looked like, but I knew I wanted to kiss them. I didn't k
  15. Same for me. That beautiful scent lights up my whole brain like an orgasm. I would do it for every woman in the world if I could. It fills my whole body with pleasure. Having said that, I do love the fact that it gives her pleasure too. It is such a delight to feel her climaxing with my mouth on her clitoris.
  16. I would give her a choice, Either pee on the sofa while I watch and encourage her, or put her pussy into my mouth and squirt her pee onto my tongue while I gently caress her clitoris with my lips, whichever one she would like the most.
  17. I've never done it in a tree, but once licked my girlfriend on a picnic table in a public park. There were no other people around to see us, but I think she enjoyed it a lot.
  18. Here is another where the story is a mystery. It seems to be a group of very wealthy ladies, dressed in the style of the Victorian era, in a room that looks like it is in the home of a millionaire. They are watching with interest as one lady is having her pussy licked. Now why is there only one lady without her clothes on? Is this perhaps a mutual cunnilingus club, and these ladies are all members? Is the nude lady perhaps a new member being initiated to the club? Are the other ladies going to taste her too? One can only wonder.
  19. Some of these pictures that I already posted seem to need a story to go with them. I wonder about this one for example. Clearly the lady is sitting in a toilet stall, maybe in an office building, a hotel or a restaurant. How did the man get in there with her? Did she invite him to watch her peeing? Has she done it already, and did he offer to lick her after she peed? Did that excite her even more to know what he was tasting on her pussy? I can only guess.
  20. So happy you enjoyed the pictures, and I'm quite envious of whoever is doing it for you. It's always been my most favorite way to please a lady.
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