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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-57340739
  2. If I was the opposite sex for the weekend I would keep drinking so I could explore and discover as much as possible. I'd want to make the most of it. I want to see all the differences, and new experiences. I'd like to see if it feels different. Can I feel it travelling through my penis before it comes out? What is it like peeing with foreskin? What about with an erection? Does filling up feel different? Is it different being desperate as a man than a woman? Maybe you feel it somewhere else. What is sitting on the toilet like with yourself pointing into the bowl? I'd like to pee
  3. I don't take pleasure out of all of my pees, usually the opposite actually. I'd say 75% or more of my pees are just regular sat on the toilet out of convenience or necessity, I don't give them any thought whatsoever. I needed to pee so I did it. This has the nice side effect of making the special pees EXTRA special. It's like a rare treat. If you ate at a fancy restaurant every week it would quickly lose its charm and the same applies to peeing. That time I decide to wet myself, or pee outside somewhere is so much enjoyable because it feels special, it's different.
  4. Hiya, I'm more than happy to discuss it ๐Ÿ™‚ For the most part I just don't like it, it's messy (which isn't always a bad thing) and if it gets in your eyes it hurts like hell; it's like having shampoo in your eyes and they are sore for ages afterwards. I find it degrading in a way, probably due to its prevalence in porn. Anywhere else on my body is perfectly fine, I love it when my husband pulls out at the last second and finishes over my stomach, or I'll get it on my hands and chest after a hand job, it's all good. I just don't want it on my face. If people enjoy it, power to them, I
  5. AWESOME song, and a very, very jiggly performance by one of the backing singers ๐Ÿ˜‰
  6. Pomplamoose! pomplamoose! pomplamoose!
  7. I do something similar I think, I don't allow myself to pee half way through a task, I have to finish what I'm doing first. Depending on what I'm doing, this can result in me getting rather desperate. Sometimes it's really quick like I'll hoover/vacuum before peeing and it only takes a couple of minutes, and other times it might be while I'm washing the dishes. I refuse to leave a couple of plates to go and pee then return, so I have often found me jiggling about at the sink. I'm sure the water doesn't help things.
  8. Just had a slightly naughty pee ๐Ÿ™‚ I needed a wee, not desperate but I definitely needed to go so I went upstairs to the bathroom. After unfastening and pulling down my denim shorts I decided that a toilet wee was just too ordinary, I wanted something a little naughtier. I stepped out of my shorts and took off my blue briefs before stepping into the shower. I kept my legs together and a few seconds later I was rewarded with a gentle stream of wee running down them. It felt so naughty! I loved keeping my legs together and making sure to soak them from top to bottom. It was running down my c
  9. Awesome story! A huge high five to you and K! Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. Please speak English on this site. Thank you
  11. Welcome to PeeFans Noelia !
  12. No pretty pictures or fancy stats I'm afraid... I went for a bike ride with my daughter today, about 20km in total at a rather leisurely pace along quiet roads and through parks and we stopped half way for some cake! My daughter came off her bike which I feel responsible for and a little guilty. I took my hands off the bars to wipe my sunglasses and she tried to copy me, but she didn't sit upright. No major injuries, just a graze but I do feel bad! The cake made everything better though. Had a wee together al fresco on the way back! You can't beat peeing in nature.
  13. Version that isn't tiny -
  14. I'm closer to 30 than 3 celebrities but I would LOVE to watch Rachel Stevens having a wee! Going back to her hotel room after a long concert, jiggling about in the taxi on the way there, holding herself in the lift before dashing to the toilet, hitching up her denim skirt before she even made it to the bathroom. Tugging down her panties and having the best wee of her life.
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