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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Awesome work! Isn't it fantastic when you came quickly, and cheaply come up with solutions like that?
  2. There is no training because there is no neural network, but I get what you are saying 🙂 I would get the same results if I used 10 faces or 10 thousand, actually if anything I would get worse results with more faces because of false positives. If people looked vaugely similar it would lump them into the same folder unless there was already a photo of that person, if that makes sense? and I have over a thousand images to play with if I really wanted to! 🙂
  3. I'm not sure if this counts or not but I have started working on a GUI for my yourworldoftext pasting script. It's more or less as I want it at the moment (the browse button isn't quite aligned and it's annoying me so much) and things go strange if I expand the window, but it's a start! It will paste whatever I put in the top box, which I can type or copy+paste, or it will take something already written from a text file. In this case, bunnysign.txt ________ | hello! | |_______| | (\(\ | ('-')| ( 3 3 (_")")
  4. Somebody asked if I had found a way of automating / cutting and pasting. Unfortunately I do not know of a way of just simply pasting so I wrote this little python script the other day. It takes anything you write into a txt file and then pastes it onto the website. Happy to answer any questions! #! /usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pyautogui import sys import time art = sys.argv[1] # FIrst argument is the script itself, second argument is what you want to paste. print(f"Printing {art}, get ready!") time.sleep(5) # Five second delay to open web window. with open(f"asc
  5. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. I'm amazed at how much has been posted in the last 24 hours!!
  6. Lovely pics as always, but can you please post the full size of them? Thanks!
  7. An infinite grid of editable text. Anyone can write absolutely anything absolutely anywhere. It is completely anonymous, and completely free. No login required. https://www.yourworldoftext.com/peefans *Please note this content is not moderated, peefans cannot be responsible for anything written here. Please enter at your own risk.
  8. Not a Shewee but my sister owns a Travel Mate and quite likes it. Uses it all the time at festivals and things.
  9. Because he hasn't written it. Please be patient instead of asking for another part on every story.
  10. Yes at the moment it appears to be okay. I meant to post earlier today but it slipped my mind
  11. That was incredibly, incredibly hot! I don't even know what to say! Amazing writing, stunningly beautiful characters, I loved how Sarah set an example by wetting her jeans and then Lucy followed suit, wetting the bed she was laying on. I'm lost for words, just...amazing! I also hope the session continues. Since I can only rate this once, I used a little trickery. I wish I could rate it this much!
  12. I'd likely find something different for work. Don't get me wrong, I really love my job but if I could I would do something more "fun" and less stressful. They say if you do the job you love you never work a day in your life. I'd like to be an industrial designer, prototyping and coming up with ideas. I'd have a house custom built to my own design with lots of woodland, maybe a little stream. I'd want it to be custom built because if I buy a house there will always be something that I didn't like no matter how small. Custom allows me to have what I want, how I want, and where I want it. (A down
  13. I'm having an issue where I cannot view the main chat only while not logged in. The corner chat still works fine when logged out and the main chat both on the home page and https://peefans.com/chatbox/room/1-live-chat/ work when logged in. I've repeated this on my android tablet running Chrome and Ubuntu desktop running Firefox , I've also cleared my cache.
  14. Warning points aren't something you want to collect lol. They're warnings given by staff members for breaking the site rules. The less you have the better.
  15. I'm listening to a cover by my favourite pianist 🙂
  16. The site is running slowly and I was also timed out (7:17 pm)
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