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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. First of all, an apology to everyone in the chat for suddenly leaving last night. I was a little *ahem*… distracted, afterwards. A huge thank you to @gldenwetgoose, @Kupar, @kalle2020, @FlyingthedreamUK and anyone reading in the background for making the night so special. I was feeling very naughty yesterday, after holding my pee while sat on the toilet which you can read >here< I wanted to do something else, I wanted to wet myself. My toilet visit was at 7:30pm and I popped into the chat about 11ish, really needing to pee. I was bursting! I was sat at my computer in the study with
  2. Yesterday afternoon I got very desperate to pee, it wasn’t intentional as such, I didn’t actively drink lots of water and fill up, I did put off going to the toilet though for a few hours. I was wearing grey leggings and a white hoody. For the first couple of hours it was just me and my husband so I could jiggle about as much as I wanted to but after a while the kids joined me on the sofa, I had to be more proper. In a way I enjoyed this part even more, it was really fun trying to hide just how desperate I was. I *really* wanted to wet myself and completely soak my leggings but I didn’t really
  3. Do you mean your inbox? Or the little private chats in the bottom corner? The inbox hasn't changed for me and I can still sort it like I always have.
  4. Cherry lips also features a toilet and peeing in the video
  5. Not working for me again. 16:50, corner chat still works Working again 17:10
  6. If I were to direct a pee porn video it would be a series (am I allowed to have a series?) of videos. Anywhere between 5 and 10 of them. I would hire girls who genuinely have a fetish and are not just doing it for the views, aiming for the more cute / innocent maybe a little shy type instead of sexy and confident. I would have a nice house converted into a studio so they had somewhere to relax and be themselves when they are not being filmed , and there wouldn't be much of a movie script, just a basic idea. For example, the theme could be wetting and the model(s) being filmed for that pa
  7. Thank you for reading! Those nights really are the best Thank you! My friend doesn't know about my peeing interests, at least I haven't told her anything. I think the shed was just an innocent suggestion, the house I was going to was about 5 minutes walking each way and she'd have to give me the key etc. I was really glad, it was hard not to appear too eager lol. It was this large metal shed thing (sorry, I'm not a farmer) with a concrete floor. I'll post a photo of something similar below Thank you! I really liked that she peed in the shed too and that she wou
  8. I haven't but I would like to. I'm too worried getting caught by someone walking in! I've used the gents before but I was hidden away in a stall.
  9. It's amazing how music can unite people
  10. A few years ago I was staying on my friends farm for a couple of weeks, it was basically a mini holiday. One night I was sat around a little campfire with my husband, my friend and her husband, just relaxing and having a good time. I had been drinking a lot of this non alcoholic lager stuff and of course what goes in, must come out! I told the group I was just going to the toilet and as I stood up my friend said "Don't be ridiculous Sophie, it's like a 10 minute walk just for a pee? There's a shed over there you can go in if you want." There was no way I was going to pass up this opportunity
  11. Main chat is broken... Again. Popout in corner still works like usual 5:50 pm
  12. You can ask me twenty questions if you want! 😁 I would call that a crumpet and I would have it with marmite. Partly because I love marmite and I've eaten it nearly every day for the last 30 years. Jam would also be nice though!
  13. I was going to say something to do with TV, a camera operator or something like that but then you said "and have the talent for it..." I'd have to say a product designer (often known as an industrial designer). I love the idea of being able to improve people's lives in a significant way. Clever designs that make things easier, or more comfortable. I love the thought of being able to take an idea no matter how small or simple and turn it into reality. Imagine being the person who created the computer mouse, it revolutionised computing and has been used every day by millions of people for
  14. Do this specific piece, and more specifically, the clapping!
  15. My favourite part was how wide it is at the top. I didn't really have to aim! The splashing was a little louder than I'd have liked and the warmth felt a little strange.
  16. You're very welcome.
  17. I particularly like the blonde lady
  18. I've peed into an empty coffee jar before if that counts? We had builders in the bathroom and I didn't want to ask them all to leave just so I could pee but I had just woken up and I was bursting. For some reason I had an empty jar in my room so I took off the lid and positioned it between my legs. The relief was heavenly! I replaced the lid and hid the jar to be emptied later. 🙄
  19. Who fancies attempting this? I don't think I could do it.
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