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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. You know you're a pee fan when you can recognise the company just from how the girls are squatting to pee outside. (legs parted wide, one hand behind them. You know the one)
  2. I may post later if I think of more, a lot of these may seem like minor OCD or may not be unusual. I must have my drinks coaster lined up with the edge of the table. If it's at an angle I correct it immediately. When I turn everything off at night I must turn off the TV before it shows the static. Same with my pc monitor, it must be switched off before it shows "no signal" and goes into standby. When I'm tired I am constantly playing with my hair, stroking it with my hand and twirling it around my finger. When making hot drinks I never pour and stir at the same ti
  3. https://peefans.com/topic/9901-the-siblings-part-one/?tab=comments#comment-144458
  4. ** This is very similar to my other stories featuring the woods, if you’re not into that feel free to skip but if you enjoyed my other stories, please read on!** Today I went for a walk through my favourite spot with my husband. I wanted to do it on Sunday because it was valentines day and a romantic walk would be ideal but the weather just wasn’t good for it. Today was much nicer. I wore tight dark blue jeans, and a white hoody with red underwear underneath. The walk was the most important part of the day, but I also had a secondary goal. I wanted to have a wee, a nice, long outdoors
  5. Awesome little story! Thanks for sharing.
  6. A DJ called Unimerce, he told you above those photos.
  7. Site has gone down 3 times in the last 90 minutes. Simply doesn't respond for a couple of minutes then displays this error. Clicking try again immediately works afterwards.
  8. These photos have just popped up on my feed. I would love to watch Holly Willoughby have a wee!
  9. I'm flicking between the purple and the bluey one next to it (they don't have names on dark mode) but I'm preferring the blue
  10. Dark mode only for me so I have voted accordingly. Thank you for asking!
  11. My tablet displays the desktop version of the site so I don't have any input I'm afraid!
  12. I have chosen a long term partner. Peeing is something that is deeply personal to me and I would only reveal it to someone I deeply trust. Although saying that, I wouldn't have a casual sexual encounter with someone I'd likely never see again.
  13. I visit peefans.com multiple times a day, every day. I visit pissblog.com maybe once a fortnight. Other than that it's just the usual pornhub, xhamster, eroprofile etc whenever I'm in the mood. I don't have a regular schedule.
  14. I cannot embed images in chat by pasting a link. When I hit send the link vanishes and nothing shows up.
  15. Am I doing something wrong ? I just searched "couples who pee together" (without the quotes), in titles only, and it is returning topics that only have the word "couples". I would expect it would only return topics that had all of the words.
  16. Absolutely! Listening to women peeing is one of my biggest aspects to my fetish, I can't get enough of it. I love hearing the stall door lock next to me followed by the jingle of belts and rustling of clothes being pulled down. Then the peeing itself, unique yet unmistakable. I love how everyone is different, not only from person to person but also per toilet visit. Some people have a really delicate tinkle while others will have an almost silent hiss. I love how the stream varies as the pee goes on, maybe starting out as a strong flow before quickly slowing to something much more gentle. Some
  17. I've peed in front of family members many times. I have no issues with peeing in front of my mother (still happens often at family get togethers!) or my sister and most of my female cousins I know well. I've peed in front of a male cousin once or twice but it's pretty rare.
  18. I'm sure that they used to be at the top at one point, maybe I've finally cracked and lost my marbles. I was thinking of having them below the recently used but above the regular ones but if it's not possible don't worry about it. It's not important. I knew about the codes and I've memorised my favourite ones but thank you. Yes I meant a list of the specific dates I've won but it's really not that important, I was just curious 🙂 Thank you in regards to the chat and notifications but please don't pester the developer for every minor thing I think of! Nothing else comes to mind
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