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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I don't stare but I do often wonder what other women look like underneath their bottoms, what they sound like when they pee, how do they wipe etc.
  2. I'm going to ask you what I ask everyone : Would you rather fight a horse sized duck, or 100 duck sized horses?
  3. Thank you! The staff room is down a corridor and students are forbidden from going down it (and they don't anyway because there's nothing interesting there and a bunch of teachers to tell them off) so I don't have to worry about the pupils and my colleagues have never said anything, girls often pee in groups and we're not the only people to share that single bathroom. If I went in with a male it would be a different story.
  4. We have had a wee together many, many, many times. She's my best friend, she's seen me peeing or naked (or peeing naked) more times than I can count.
  5. It was my first day back at work today and like every first day of the school year, it was busy. It wasn't busy in a bad way but I had a lot going on. I had to hold an assembly for all the new pupils, go to the individual classes and personally introduce myself and solve any issues that may have cropped up, and there's always issues. Luckily these were minor and after two hours I spent my morning break preparing for my first lesson. My first lesson went well and I spent my lunch break in the staff room catching up with my colleagues who I hadn't seen for six weeks. The five minute warning
  6. Of course you can! 🙃 It of course varies from person to person but usually I can work it out quite quickly, the ones who truly get it often seem more engaged in their work and will often be answering my question to themselves sometimes before I've even finished. Those who understand the subject enough to do well in their exams but maybe don't have a deeper understanding tend to be a little quieter and if you ask them a question but in a different way they might take a little longer to come up with an answer, or have a little difficulty explaining and expanding on their answer. Of cour
  7. If they drink plenty of water, yes. I don't believe gender has anything to do with it.
  8. You summed it up perfectly @gldenwetgoose. I'd just like to add that the rule also serves the purpose of retaining some standard of quality to the site. The Snapchat/Kik rule was added after the site was flooded with people joining only to ask for Kik details. Thread after thread of pretty much nothing but "Add me @blahdeblah" and no posts elsewhere. It contributes nothing to the community. If you want to meet up with people after getting to know them, go ahead at your own risk but PeeFans isn't a hookup site, we are a community of people who share the same interest, a place where we can
  9. I peed over the drain at the swimming pool changing rooms if that counts?
  10. Thank you for your work with the mod squad over the years.
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