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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. There are many different aspects to our yellow fetish and a company that caters to pretty much all of them but what is missing? What can't you find?
  2. Not really I'm afraid. It's not something i do. Hopefully someone else will be able to help you.
  3. It's amazing what people talk about when they don't think anyone is listening. There has been times when I've been in the staff room at work reading a magazine on my lunch break or something and some of my female colleagues have talked about barely making it to the toilet, peeing in an alley on a night out, or other things. There has been times where I've heard in explicit detail what happened the night before. How she dressed up in sexy lingerie bought especially for that night, how he tore her tights, how they fucked so hard (her words) she thought the bed was going to break. and the wh
  4. You cannot attach a PDF to the forum directly, but you can host it elsewhere and link to it here.
  5. That did cross my mind. If I had the money and the confidence I'd do it in a heartbeat
  6. I'd say I'm both. I wear the trousers in the relationship so to speak and I do enjoy being in control at times but sometimes I just want my husband to throw me onto the bed and have his wicked way with me 😏
  7. Ooh good question! I would love to get into tv, behind the scenes instead of in front of the camera. Maybe a producer or something like that.
  8. For me it would entirely depend on who else is using it, and who is moderating it. If the server is being used by people I don't particularly enjoy conversing with, I won't be there. Likewise, if it is being moderated by someone who frankly, just isn't cut out to be a moderator.
  9. Sloth :D Cute, lazy and very laid back. They're adorable
  10. When I was first dating my now husband neither of us knew the other liked peeing. One day I was on top of him play fighting and he was tickling me. "Stop it or I'll pee!" "You're lying! You can't get out of being tickled that easily" He carried on tickling me and sure enough a little later I started peeing. It wasn't a lot but enough for him to feel it and to leave a mark on our jeans. It was then I noticed he had an erection and he confessed it was from me peeing.
  11. I'm in one of those moods so go ahead and ask me anything!
  12. I've had this in my head all day. Robyn Adele Anderson is an amazing singer and the whole performance reminds me of my friend.
  13. One of my favourite songs to play on my piano 😁
  14. Hi there! Please speak English on this forum. Thank you. Salut! S'il vous plaît parler anglais sur ce forum. Merci.
  15. I'm hosting them again this year. The nominations begin in December.
  16. I couldn't answer this because there isn't a single person on the planet I would marry just because they're sexy, nevermind four. I'm not that shallow.
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