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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. @steve25805 you might like this! Last week I posted about my morning routine (which can be found HERE) and there was some comments about how I sat on the toilet before having a shower. I decided to be a little naughty this morning and pee in the shower instead. Enjoy! I woke up naturally at a leisurely time, 10 am and laid in bed for a few minutes just enjoying the warmth, slowly waking up. My husband was downstairs so I had nobody to cuddle into but I made the most of the empty bed, enjoying just how much I could stretch out. After a few minutes I figured I should stop being lazy an
  2. At least post the one with Bethany Woodruff!
  3. I would choose the time machine. There's so much I could experience, both past and future. Learning about history from books or videos is one thing, but actually being there to experience it first hand is unbeatable. And if I had chosen the teleportation device I have a few options, I could travel anywhere on earth (Which I can do anyway with some patience), or I could visit other planets which for all I know, could all be barren and empty. Definitely a time machine.
  4. I was talking to @Rewdna in the chatbox last night and we talked about me heading out to the shops with a full bladder and seeing what mischief I could get into. If anything interesting happened I would post it here. Well since you’re currently reading this, something happened. Hoorah! I got up about 10am and went through my usual morning routine before getting comfortable on the sofa with a coffee. I was wearing some dark blue skinny jeans that I had never wore before and a blue t-shirt. Underneath was some white briefs and a white bra. I loved the jeans, they were tight in all the right
  5. I'm a bisexual female. I was attracted to guys at first while growing up and became curious in my late teens. After my first girlfriend, and first sexual experience with another female, I was hooked. Since then I've dated a couple of guys and girls and I find both very attractive but I think I lean more towards women, although I am married to a man.
  6. I have by my husband! There has been times where we've been sharing a shower and he has needed to pee. I tell him to just go and it's not unusual for me to get splashed.
  7. It was completely innocent too! We were making rockets and I thought it would be funny if one stuck in my colleagues ceiling.
  8. Maybe I need to be a little naughty and pee in the shower when I get up... 🤔
  9. Hah that's awesome. I was thinking of TV ads though.
  10. I saw this advert on TV earlier featuring a woman sat on the toilet flicking through her phone (something I've done a few times) and it made me think, what other adverts are there?
  11. Probably not the funniest thing I've said but I did once say "I need a stiffer end" to a room full of teenagers. It took me a moment to realise why they were laughing and I was bright red for the next few minutes.
  12. Awww thank you so so much. That has made my whole day! Seriously, thank you.
  13. I love the little things that remind me of when we first started dating. We have plenty of photos taken on date nights that I often look through, they put me in such a good mood. It's very important. Thank you! I'm definitely a very lucky lady. Thank you, I always feel like my stories aren't that interesting because I ramble too much and describe insignificant details rather than just posting the meat and potatoes.
  14. I used to all the time but for some reason now I usually only do it if I need to pee while I'm already in the shower
  15. I have just began a week off work and while I cannot completely relax, as much as I’d like to, I thought I’d at least have a little me time to enjoy myself. My daughter was staying with a friend all weekend so I decided to go for a nice Sunday walk with my husband. It’s something we did often when we first met, just a nice stroll through the woods, holding hands, just the two of us. We’ve been together for over 10 years and we still make sure this happens. It’s our special thing. Unfortunately I live in the middle of a city so it’s unrealistic to walk the whole way so this morning about 9am we
  16. 100% agree ! Why does everyone think it's nessecary to post their kik details as soon as they join? It would be interesting to see where these new members have come from.
  17. Sophie


    I wish I could rate that photo more than once!
  18. Probably not very helpful to you but the few times I've peed on a plane I've just sat down, but I also pretty much always sit when I use public toilets so I'm not sure what that tells you.
  19. Not really a famous celebrity but Sophy Ridge. I've been watching her on the news for the last couple of hours and can't help but imagine her dashing off to the toilets for a wee as soon as the adverts start. Coming back with a smile feeling very relieved. Just from her twitter I know she enjoys drinking coffee!
  20. I have next week off work so I'm going to try and squeeze in one or two of these. No promises though.
  21. Hi, I'm glad you enjoyed the story but that would be career suicide.
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