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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Thank you for the advice, going to try the sink next time (hopefully sooner rather than later!) Do you have any advice for me using the sink? I can just picture it running down my legs and onto the floor, not that I mind of course. I've tried a few times in the shower and let's just say, it didn't go well lol.
  2. Sorry for the late reply. No photos I'm afraid, my mind was occupied with other things to be honest and i was already worried about getting caught, I didn't want to have to fumble for my phone, open the camera etc.
  3. For anyone who wants to the conclusion to what was posted above -
  4. As promised, here's what happened last night! I was wearing grey leggings, a white skirt about mid thigh length, a white top and grey briefs underneath. Once I said goodnight to everyone in the chat I turned off my computer and went into the living room where my husband was sat on the sofa watching TV. I walked in front of him and straddled his lap, wrapping my arms around him as I felt him do the same to me. He could tell I wasn’t my usual self. “Aww, what’s the matter beautiful?” I gave him a little kiss and told him how I was feeling a little unhappy and how it was probably because I w
  5. Who has the ability to use the upload feature, everyone?
  6. Interesting... I can upload a png just fine but I haven't succeeded with any jpg I have tried. File type specific?
  7. After a little digging I have found this, I'm not sure if it will be helpful for you. I don't believe it is related to upload speed. Even with a poor 1 meg upload speed I should have no problem with uploading a 66kb jpeg https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/455417-200-error-when-will-this-issue-be-resolved/
  8. I click the "Click to choose files" below the text box and navigate to a photo. The little uploading box at the bottom appears and I get the usual progress bar but once it is complete I get a pop up with the exclamation point and ok button saying nothing but "-200". The upload box then says "upload failed" I have tried different images with various file sizes. Links still automatically embed fine. @Kupar is also reporting the same error but I am unsure how they are uploading files. Ps - while I am on the topic, who has access to the upload feature? I think I was asked to help test
  9. Going to go pee now, I'll make another post tomorrow detailing what I did and how I got on. I'm not at bursting point but it is quickly crossing the line of what's fun and what is uncomfortable
  10. Starting to get pretty desperate now. I'm not leaking yet but I know I will be peeing sooner rather than later. The orange squash is working its magic.
  11. Not really... I'll definitely invite my husband to watch whatever I end up doing but I'm not entirely sure yet. Maybe another wetting in the kitchen or something
  12. Thought i'd make a post here documenting what is going on in chat. I'm wearing grey leggings underneath a white skirt and a white top, underneath all of those is light grey briefs. I've been filling up for a little over two hours now, just water but I have moved to the orange squash which really goes through me for some reason. I'm not uncomfortable but I am very visibly desperate for a wee!
  13. You might be interested in the member map https://peefans.com/membermap/
  14. Orange squash does it for me, the kind you mix with water. I'm not sure what causes it but I'm guaranteed to need to pee within 30 minutes after having a glass (500ml?) of the stuff and I usually need to pee again 10-15 minutes after emptying my bladder. Sometimes even a third time. It's fun!
  15. Lots of sexy girls in this video (you may recognise part of it)
  16. Keep up with that attitude and you won't be a member of this site for long, I promise.
  17. Less exciting and no pretty pictures I'm afraid but I also went for a bike ride, with my daughter. I don't have the distance stats but we rode for about 90 minutes each way at a leisurely pace . I live in the middle of a city so no beautiful views but we stopped half way to have a rest and eat sandwiches with our backs against a tree.
  18. As gldenwetgoose says, great to get to know you! It has been wonderful talking to you in the chatbox and seeing you around on the forum. You have fit in so well it's difficult to believe you've only been here for a few weeks! Huge welcome to you! 🙂
  19. Welcome to peefans, I have merged your topics into one because I don't think 3 topics for the same thing is necessary.
  20. The more I look at this photo the more I like it
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