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Posts posted by Chrissy89

  1. 1 hour ago, PisSRL said:

    Holding wise, normally just pull my foreskin back a bit to make sure the pee doesn’t fire out at a side angle and make a mess 🙃 happens to often when your half asleep 😂 just feel a hot splash on your foot and it’s like well now I have to wipe the floor and the seat, peeing seems easy as a guy but there can be issues 😂


  2. 6 hours ago, DoctorDoctor said:

    If a woman wants to hold it for me, I wouldn't criticise her grip.

    Oh myyyyyy. That’ll be a new one for me if I ever got to try it. After reading the posts on here I’ll be spoiled for choice at what grip to use! 


    5 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    .........why does this sound so hot to me?

    I know right! 🥵 this thread is amazing chick! 

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  3. 11 minutes ago, avatar said:

    I mean, that might as well play into the hotness of it. Being your dirty little secret only you know.

    This whole place and all my experiences is my dirty secret. To the outside I’m quiet and shy Chrissy. But in here I’m like “What can I get up to next” 🤣

    • Hug 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, avatar said:

    I'd been waiting for a write up of this story ever since you talked about it in chat (which I was one of the lucky few to witness in real time) but you've just outdone my expectations

    Aww guys im actually in bits here. ❤️❤️

    25 minutes ago, Kupar said:

    Err ... don't go making a habit of inhaling bleach for relaxation please!

    haha! Not to worry my dear 🙂

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