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Posts posted by Chrissy89

  1. 7 hours ago, TMN_Femboi said:

    - Michelle Obama didnt like Barack at first because "his nose was too big"

    - the income from the sparkling wine tax in germany is supposed to be used to fund the imperial navy... which doesnt exist anymore for over a hundred years, yet ppl are still paying it (especially useless knowledge since i have never touched a drop of alcohol in my life)

    - the "paradoxical frog" - "Pseudis Paradoxa" is called like that because their tadpoles are the worlds largest, yet the adult frog is just a third of that length and pretty average

    - some males of the "Argentinian rowing duck" can get erections larger than the average body length for that species

    - the Egyptian god of knowledge, Thoth, was sometimes written as Θώθ in Greek, making the furry meme phrase "owo, whats this" somewhat more sensible than it has any right to be

    - you are not allowed to stand next to the current British king/queen without socks

    Brilliant… though I’ve found myself reading these fascinating posts a few times as I’m trying to take them all in. 

    perhaps this isn’t a good place for me to be in 🤣🤣

  2. 8 hours ago, Sophie said:

    Thank you SO MUCH for the replies and feedback everyone. I was worried people would find a toilet wee story a little...boring? Mundane? but you have convinced me otherwise. I'll definitely post more in the future.

    Hun, that post was far from boring.. reading I totally felt your desperation and can completely relate! 
    That was such an ordinarily situation that if it was my N he wouldn’t have mentioned it but you’ve made it extraordinary! ❤️

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  3. Omg @Sophie yessss! My head is full of useless sh!te and you’ve just created the perfect place to let go of it.

    In the spirit of remember door locks: I remember the code to get into the staff room of mums work to get a chocolate out the box when I was little: C7461X - she hasn’t worked there for over 20 years and the building is now houses! 

    I remember the rhyme that our maths teacher in the early 2000s taught us to remember trigonometry: Sex On Holiday Comes After Having Tons Of Alcohol (SOH CAH TOA) 😆

    I have vivid memories as a wee girl of putting a slice of toast into the VCR and totally destroying it 🤣 (In my defence it was a wee mouth just asking to be fed!)

    I can remember every car registration and mobile phone number I’ve ever had! 
    my current one being 0737….ahh I tease! 

    I can sing SpongeBob SquarePants in French 🤣

    That’s about all I can remember… the thought of my morning pee has come to the front of my mind and I NEED! I’ll add to this later 🥰

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

    Well I'm not the thinnest person in the world so I was worried about the damn sink collapsing out from under me 🤣 but I've now peed in it twice and it's held my weight so I guess it's just gonna be my toilet until then water comes back on. 

    So, come try in my sink and you'll get the hang of it!

    Aww thanks for the offer! On the first plane… 😘

    • Haha 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Carthoris said:

    That's a great story. Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you and your dad can have a good laugh together about that.

    I am reminded of an ex-gf of mine who made sure to piss with unusual vigor. It wasn't a cute tinkle, it sounded like a firehose. I gather some women have been told to do that because it was supposed to reduce the risk of UTIs.

    I don’t intentionally do it 🙂 

  6. 1 minute ago, avatar said:

    Also, be sure to try to find an opportunity to give some of the embarassment back to him lol. Might as well make it a two player game 😀

    I wish I was more on-point with my banter or I’d be right in there. I told him that he better watch his back 😉 as I was leaving lol. We have a real special bond! 

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  7. 1 minute ago, Kupar said:

    I think Johnny Marr still plays a few Smiths songs when he plays live (two or three, according to K, who saw him ten years ago or so).

    Indeed! He’s doing some work with Noel Gallagher just now, “Pretty Boy” 

    another epic tune on! I’m actually in a great mood this morning. Just need to decide what to wear! 

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Chrissy89 said:

    One of the best 80’s songs ever written. A proper feel-good Sunday morning tune! 


    Funny @Kupari had a feeling you’d react to this ☺️. I know you’re a man with excellent taste in music!

    I was literally standing in my room getting ready swinging last nights pyjamas around just like Morrissey 😆

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