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Posts posted by Chrissy89

  1. 3 minutes ago, Kupar said:

    Yup ... and ... *don't leave the last single sheet on top of the otherwise empty roll. One sheet left = it's finished! 

    Yes it is…. I’m so glad a man is on my side here…. Mine just looks at me as if one is enough…. Umm excuse me! 🤣🤣

    • Hug 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, avatar said:

    I'll be honest, I don't really have a favorite artist/band as that changes for me all the time. But lately I think I'd put Sasha Alex Sloan on top. I do love a lot of different artists from other genres tho, so It's kinda hard to pick one.

    I seen you like travelling, where’s the best place you’ve visited 

    I'd say it was Paris, the furtest I've traveled (coincidently it was for Sasha's EU tour concert). I'm going to London for a week this Easter tho, so really looking forward to that!

    Oooh if you’ve never been to London before you’ll love it! It’s an amazing city 🙂 

  3. Hun, I’ll agree with everything that has been said so far in that the world “normal” has become almost extinct to describe a person with so much neurodivergence, culture, belief and sexual orientation around these days. Everyone has a right to be who they are and what they want to achieve with their own life. It’s not up to others to carve your path, it’s up to you to carve your own.

    what you want in terms of pee fun, others on here may want that too, so you’re on the right site to chat about those feelings and observing what others have to say.

     Take me for example, right; I’m a shy girl who has a massive obsession over pee and I’d love nothing more than to have an amazing in-person experience with someone…and that will always be my fantasy! Sadly my boyfriend isn’t into it at all, I’ve planted those seeds and waited many a time.  Whether or not it comes true or not now, it doesn’t matter 🙂 what matters the most is that I’m ok with this, which I am, and that it’s great to have a sense of fantasy and those curious self-indulging moments - I know I love mine! 

    Understanding why you have these thoughts is a process that each person on this site would have had (or is having) at any one moment or another and it’s completely normal to do so. The brain is incredibly complex and often too powerful for its own good and it’s really easy for it to overwhelm us.  There has been times where I’ve over-indulged in my own fantasies and felt really down and dirty about it after it, then other times not so much! 

    Don’t ever think of yourself as sick for having these thought, please ☺️


    • Love 4
  4. Oh my…. @gldenwetgoose is this my future… single?, a plumber? and with a second child? 😍 Hmm that magical empty Lancashire Blonde bottle you found may well have given you a sneaky insight into my future! I do have pretty awesome holding abilities 😉 

    I would have responded sooner but you know…. I had to run to the shower for urgent matter quickly building in the nether-region 🙈🙈. Not as easy in my house with a man who’s getting ready for work and a wee one who wants cereal…” GET OUT THE TWO OF YOU!!!” Mum has needs! 🤣

    Lovely work hun ❤️ and thank you again for choosing my name x 

    • Love 3
  5. 6 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    I wish I was as brave as you. Idk I guess I don't like seeing myself on camera peeing lol. 

    Im just not cut out to be a porn star!

    The first time is the hardest, when I started recording it took me ages to get into it. I’m not a porn star either and I certainly don’t sit on the toilet any fancy way haha 🤣🙈. X

    • Hug 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    No tattoos yet. I've had ideas for some I've just never had the money to have any done lol. And, tbh, I'm sort of afraid of the commitment. 

    If I were to get a tattoo I'd want it to be somewhere I could easily see it, but be able to cover it up for work related reasons since my country still heavily discriminates against people with tattoos. I've had several ideas and most of them were tiny, Itty bitty tattoos relating to my favorite video games and Star Wars. I think I would love two little tattoos on my collar bones or on the front sides of my shoulders!

    I think I do definitely want tattoos to represent my children too. Each child would get some art work pertaining to them. I have specifics in my mind but I've shared these ideas with my friends and family so I don't want to share them publicly on the forum haha. 

    I have two, one of which represents my E in the form of my favourite animal, and another one which is very very close to my heart. I’m happy to show you in a PM anytime 🙂 

    the first one is the worst… you don’t know what you’re getting into but after that they get kinda addictive.  Oooh yeah I want one on my shoulder too. Both of mine are on my sleeves so I can cover up easily xx

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

    Working in an ice cream factory at a time when you crave ice cream must be a torture because I doubt your employer would be happy about you helping yourself, lol.

    I work in a supermarket in a variety of roles, one of which sometimes includes manning a checkout, with food passing in front of me constantly. I have learned never to be hungry in work otherwise all the food you have to scan but cannot eat is a mini torture in itself, lol

    Aw luckily for me I work from home. They don’t let me near the factory… I’d be under the machine licking it all up 🤤🤤

    • Haha 3
  8. 5 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

    I have seen other viennettas. There is the standard vanilla one which is very nice but not quite as awesome as the mint one. I have also seen an orange one and a chocolate one, neither of which I have tried yet. But the mint one would take some beating.

    I love mint ice cream anyway. I have happy childhood summer memories of being a kid in the 70s, on the beach with my family when dad would send my brother and I to the nearby shop to buy us all ice creams. Without fail I always went for the mint choc chip one. Happy memories.

    I work for an ice cream company so that’s kinda both heaven and hell in the same place 🤣. I love a good mint ice cream myself. ❤️

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