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Posts posted by Chrissy89

  1. Just now, steve25805 said:

    Not supposed to do desserts anymore due to being diabetic but I am still naughty sometimes.

    My favourite probably has to be mint viennetta ice cream....

    Omg yes! So many good memories of Vienetta, visiting my gran and it would be there waiting for us to finish dinner! Xx

    • Love 2
  2. 21 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    So am I. Turning 30 is kinda bringing me down. Struck with "I should have been graduated by now" and "yeah, it's too late for you to skate. Just focus on something else" 😑 it's exhausting but I feel like once I can remember to take my medication those mindsets will change. Hopefully at least. 

    Hun, 30 isn’t too bad. I remember I was proper upset about turning 30. I hadn’t done so much that I wanted to do. I was a mother, I was overwhelmed with personal issues and I felt like nothing fun was gonna happen. 

    turns out I was wrong 🥰 go and do as you please. 30’s actually a great age. 

    don’t think I’ve asked you anything yet… have I? Can’t remember lol…  ah well… 

    Do you have any tattoos? If you don’t would you ever get one? Xx

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  3. 25 minutes ago, Sexismygod said:

    When you get your pilot's license, where would you go for your first solo flight?  This is after your training ... in case training includes a solo flight.

    Oh it’s already planned out. I’d fly right up the west coast of Scotland over Mull out towards Islam and Jura then back in, down Kintyre peninsula and over Arran. Simply stunning 😍

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  4. 4 minutes ago, AWN_84 said:

    If you could go back in time to change something in your life, would you? And what you would change?

    Now now now Andre… that’s a difficult question. Let me think…. 


    You know what, actually I wouldn’t! I love my life. There is one thing I would change though but it’s a bit too personal to share on here (sorry) 😭

    • Hug 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, AWN_84 said:

    It is right? 

    There is so much! For starters i would be in the VIP sector in every F1 race around the world since i am a big fan, take flight lessons and own my private airplane since i also love them. I would surround myself with tenho of all sort, from a smart home to a smartwatch, love automation, machines and roboticts. There is much more, but from the top of the mind, that is it!

    Absolutely, my AMA is so much fun! 

    oooh yeah my Bf loves F1.  I am also a lover of the air and want to continue my lessons to get airborne solo! 
    thank you ☺️

    • Hug 1
  6. On 1/12/2023 at 1:28 PM, peenation said:

    I’ve been lurking around forums like this for a very long time. I’ve always been too shy to reach out to others in the community. But I recently have felt a strong urge to explore the fetish further. 

    I have a hard time finding lasting connections. I personally am not into public play and to this day I still won’t even do holds with partners who have held for me. But I love watching and guiding and experimenting on my own. 

    Anyway the point of this post was meant to ask a question. 

    What is your holding buddy/partner fantasy in as much or as little detail as you’d like to share. 

    Mine would definitely be voyeur leaning. I’d love to have a friend who held their pre often and gave me updates and videos or commentary about how their bladder is doing. Especially if they worked in an office or a career where they could easily access privacy often. I’d also love the knowledge that I could hold with them and have them keep me accountable but I don’t have to.  

    Getting back on topic; I’ve not really had many holding buddy opportunities… I’ve read many a topic on the live action thread and gotten quite a thrill out of it! 

    • Hug 1
  7. Just now, MC Cumzy said:

    Scotland's favourite sitcom "Still Game" - a show that I had a brief discussion about with @Chrissy89   - tends to have quite a lot of peeing scenes/references. The one I want to share in particular is from the episode "Dial-a-bus" in which Davey the driver (played by the late Robbie Coltrane) ends up having a mental breakdown and taking everyone on a "magical mystery tour" in order to get him to stop, Jack and Victor send Isa to the front to "come over all womanly", none of which seems to phase him until she says "But I need a pish, I could pish, and you could... watch me"

    The scene is at about 8:20 in this video:


    Oh my god yes! The most epic reference to peeing ever shown on the BBC! Shame they didn’t do that scene!


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  8. 1 minute ago, Sophie said:

    First thing I will do is freak out and probably cry

    Second thing is I will make a shelter

    Third thing would be to find food.

    I'd hope to have with me a knife and maybe something to keep me occupied? Perhaps a volleyball!


    Omg it’s Wilson! (one of my favourite movies) 
    Everyone stranded on an island should have a Wilson. 

    Can I ask (and I’m going to be incredibly Scottish here which I do apologise for): do you like Irn Bru?  Xx

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  9. On 1/11/2023 at 9:56 PM, Sexismygod said:

    Guess I'll have to look up Still Game.

    In the meantime ... What subject would just love to learn everything about ... and what would you do with that knowledge?

    You have to…. It’s the funniest thing ever to come out of Scotland. I’m sure if you watch it on Netflix there’s subtitles so you can follow it without the Glaswegian accents 🙈

    that’s a horrible question to answer 🤣
    Probably flying so I can just pass the exams with ease or if that’s not an option then I’d learn everything about how solve the world’s problems 🥰

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