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Posts posted by Chrissy89

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sexismygod said:

    *Rummaging through the "stock questions" box*

    Ah, yes, here we go (sort of a 2-for-1):  What superpower would you like to have ... and what "superpower" do you already have?

    SuperChrissy revealing herself…. Ok 

    if I could have any superpower, I’d love to fly. Again this lass is just determined to be airborne so I wouldn’t need a plane or an expensive pilots licence if I could just lift off and fly. 
    The superpower I have is a secret! 😜Don’t want anyone chasing me for it…. It helps me with my kryptonite. 
    naah I’m not that super ha! 

    • Love 2
  2. 9 minutes ago, Takashi96 said:

    "Where I stay" is actually the most commonly used phrase to describe "where I stay," where I stay. Having never been to Scotland, I had no idea African American Vernacular English was spoken there as well. Perhaps if I visit Scotland my native dialect will be more acceptable than elsewhere in the English speaking world? So long as they can decipher my uncouth Detroit accent. 😉

    Interesting. I’m sure it will..although listening to Scots’ talking is much more difficult for outsiders than it is reading their slang. My dad was actually born just outside Detroit than moved here with his folks as a boy as his dad worked in the oil industry. 😊

    if I said “it’s a braw bricht moon lit nicht, the nicht” 🤣🙈 you’d probably have no idea… sorry I’m dying it looks so wrong typed out. My autocorrect was going mad! 🤣🤣

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  3. 28 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    What is something that most people can do, but you can not?

    For example, I cannot blow bubbles with chewing gum.

    I can’t do that either. 😂🙈

    I can’t socialise in large groups. 
    I can’t go from A-B directly without veering off and going C-Z before I get to B… I’m terrible. 

    I’m sure there’s others lol but my brain is tired! 

    • Hug 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Oleg777 said:

    Wow, Chrissy, this is a wonderful dream! This is one of the most wonderful professions in the world, it is a wonderful and very romantic profession. I understand your dream, because in my childhood I too dreamed of becoming a pilot. I'm still in love with airplanes. Every time I hear the sound of a passing plane, I lift my head into the sky. It's so wonderful to conquer the sky, take off the ground and rise above the clouds. You have a wonderful dream and I am really delighted that you even started on the path to realizing your dream. But that damn covid! A lot of people had their plans ruined because of him. I sincerely wish you that everything will work out for you and that your dream will come true and that one day you will be able to take the helm in your hands.

    Aww what a wonderful thing to say 😭😀

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Thiscouldbeanywhere said:

    Very hot story

    Love the desperation and the need to find a place to go when the queue is to long.

    Ladies needing to queue when desperate is a huge love of mine

    Does it happen to you often?

    Im so glad that you loved it. 
    Unfortunately not, I’m really shy, so it takes a lot for me to do things like that. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

  6. 8 minutes ago, Kupar said:

    Wow! Love that dream ... you may not know there is at least one pilot who is a member here. Hope you're enjoying your garden anyway ... and who knows, the circumstances may be right again one day to restart the lessons 🙂 

    I didn’t know that! Haha I live in Scotland where it always rains, should have built a roof over it to enjoy it more! 
    hopefully…it’s such a buzz being up there! 

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  7. 1 minute ago, Kelly2699 said:

    I have had lots of ultrasounds before and I thought it was hard to hold it then, if I was pregnant I wouldn't have been able to hold it and would probably pee on the table.

    As my pregnancy went on, holding it became harder and harder. Leakage was quite common

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  8. 1 minute ago, Kelly2699 said:

    The relief afterwards is the most amazing feeling after holding a very full bladder and the doctor pressing on your bladder.

    Oh my god yes! Luckily there was a bathroom just outside! Makes me want another child just to relive that experience 😊

    • Cheeky 1
  9. 24 minutes ago, Sexismygod said:

    I'm going to steal @Sophie's question:  Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized ponies or one pony-sized duck?

    Oooh tricky one… I can’t fight. I’ve always wanted a horse and to have 100 duck size ponies would be really cute so I’d probably go for the option of trying to lure them in with goodies and turn on my good Scottish charm so they fall in love with me and I can keep them forever 🤣

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