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Everything posted by Chrissy89

  1. A pee card spotted in Sainsbury’s: I’m sure members may disagree though! 🤣 happy weekend ❤️
  2. I love Coldplay 😍 and this is an excellent song!
  3. Yes it is…. I’m so glad a man is on my side here…. Mine just looks at me as if one is enough…. Umm excuse me! 🤣🤣
  4. I love the fact that both you and K have such amazing times on a Friday night! X
  5. This morning I read a wonderful post from @Sophie that reminded me of a situation with myself yesterday. I was so busy that until I read hers it had completely slipped my mind! I was working from home yesterday, N was out at work and E was at nursery, so home alone. It was Friday and every Friday, I treat myself to breakfast out the house. As I dropped E off at nursery, I jumped back in the car to Starbucks! Yaaay large cappuccino to me… turned out it was on the house as I’m such a loyal customer, so I grabbed an orange juice as well. About 2 hours later, I was sitting at my
  6. Omg that happened to me yesterday. I’ll post about it later for you all to enjoy 😉 oooh @Sophiethank you for the very vivid description of that pee! 😘
  7. Nah I couldn’t, I still have memories of the sound his stream made and the puddle though…
  8. Oh my god @gldenwetgoose that second part is absolutely stunning! very vivid and arousing! xx
  9. Oooh if you’ve never been to London before you’ll love it! It’s an amazing city 🙂
  10. Oooh welcome! A couple from me: 1. who’s your favourite band/artist? 2. I seen you like travelling, where’s the best place you’ve visited ☺️
  11. Hun, I’ll agree with everything that has been said so far in that the world “normal” has become almost extinct to describe a person with so much neurodivergence, culture, belief and sexual orientation around these days. Everyone has a right to be who they are and what they want to achieve with their own life. It’s not up to others to carve your path, it’s up to you to carve your own. what you want in terms of pee fun, others on here may want that too, so you’re on the right site to chat about those feelings and observing what others have to say. Take me for example, right; I’m a shy
  12. Oh my…. @gldenwetgoose is this my future… single?, a plumber? and with a second child? 😍 Hmm that magical empty Lancashire Blonde bottle you found may well have given you a sneaky insight into my future! I do have pretty awesome holding abilities 😉 I would have responded sooner but you know…. I had to run to the shower for urgent matter quickly building in the nether-region 🙈🙈. Not as easy in my house with a man who’s getting ready for work and a wee one who wants cereal…” GET OUT THE TWO OF YOU!!!” Mum has needs! 🤣 Lovely work hun ❤️ and thank you again for choosing my name x
  13. Now that would be worthy of a recording!
  14. The first time is the hardest, when I started recording it took me ages to get into it. I’m not a porn star either and I certainly don’t sit on the toilet any fancy way haha 🤣🙈. X
  15. I have two, one of which represents my E in the form of my favourite animal, and another one which is very very close to my heart. I’m happy to show you in a PM anytime 🙂 the first one is the worst… you don’t know what you’re getting into but after that they get kinda addictive. Oooh yeah I want one on my shoulder too. Both of mine are on my sleeves so I can cover up easily xx
  16. Aw luckily for me I work from home. They don’t let me near the factory… I’d be under the machine licking it all up 🤤🤤
  17. I work for an ice cream company so that’s kinda both heaven and hell in the same place 🤣. I love a good mint ice cream myself. ❤️
  18. Omg yes! So many good memories of Vienetta, visiting my gran and it would be there waiting for us to finish dinner! Xx
  19. Hun, 30 isn’t too bad. I remember I was proper upset about turning 30. I hadn’t done so much that I wanted to do. I was a mother, I was overwhelmed with personal issues and I felt like nothing fun was gonna happen. turns out I was wrong 🥰 go and do as you please. 30’s actually a great age. don’t think I’ve asked you anything yet… have I? Can’t remember lol… ah well… Do you have any tattoos? If you don’t would you ever get one? Xx
  20. Oh it’s already planned out. I’d fly right up the west coast of Scotland over Mull out towards Islam and Jura then back in, down Kintyre peninsula and over Arran. Simply stunning 😍
  21. Now now now Andre… that’s a difficult question. Let me think…. 🤔 hmm You know what, actually I wouldn’t! I love my life. There is one thing I would change though but it’s a bit too personal to share on here (sorry) 😭
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