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Everything posted by Chrissy89

  1. My family and friends. Wouldn’t be anywhere without them. 🙂 Listening to Coldplay. Omg Chris Martin 😍 My wee car 🚘
  2. Getting my first experience out felt great, although by comparison, despite still feeling slightly rough (and grateful for my boyfriend who’s making me breakfast in bed) it was nothing. I met up with my bestie yesterday, who’s been in my life for over 20 years. We went through school together and have helped each other through lots. We decided after some shopping to go out for some food and make the most of our other halves watching the kids. There was a lot of great chat and drinking. We both went to the toilet at multiple times during the evening however this next time was diffe
  3. Usually as force of habit I go, however last night I just crashed out.
  4. Strangely I have been following it. It’s on at work and my Bf watches the evening game at night. My nation (Scotland) aren’t in it this time round. in the works sweepstake I have been given Japan as my team to win
  5. Stumbled by accident after browsing too much Reddit and Google! looks like a great community!
  6. I’m new here but I’d like to share my pee from this morning. I got woken up too early this morning by the little’un and realised that I had went to bed without peeing. I was BURSTING! I got up, pulled down my trousers just enough to get things done, sat down and had the best relief ever. It started off loud and going straight down. I beared down a little, this changed the trajectory of it a little to go forward and that’s when it started on the porcelain. It must have lasted for about 30 seconds! I will admit, with the force I felt some of the spray. felt so good afterward
  7. I’m brand new on here so I’ll need to read some! Thank you 🙂
  8. I don’t use much as I was brought up to conserve. Maybe 3/4 squares 🙂
  9. Being a girl I like to sit but I’ve always been fascinated with those who have mastered the art of standing. I’ve tried it a few times with little success.
  10. Generally I close the door and lock it as I don’t want other to know of all the positions I try out 🤣
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