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Everything posted by Chrissy89

  1. Steve…. Hi 👋 Do you have a favourite dessert? X
  2. You’ve put me in the mood to listen to that now! Thank you Goose!
  3. Absolutely, my AMA is so much fun! oooh yeah my Bf loves F1. I am also a lover of the air and want to continue my lessons to get airborne solo! thank you ☺️ x
  4. Getting back on topic; I’ve not really had many holding buddy opportunities… I’ve read many a topic on the live action thread and gotten quite a thrill out of it!
  5. God, reading this you sound a lot like me (minus the Italian). I’ve never shared anything to do with my fetish outside of here and I’ve often found myself recording myself having a wee in the toilet for my own pleasure…. Many a night though I’ve found myself fantasising about what may happen if I ever met any of my PF friends in person and I could stomach being brave for once in my life 🤣 Ah well back to reality I guess. 🙂
  6. Hi Andre, These are so much fun! ☺️ If money was no object, and you could have anything in the world, what would you have? x
  7. @MC Cumzy “big pot o’ pish under the bed” 🤣🤣 im actually dying here
  8. Oh my god yes! The most epic reference to peeing ever shown on the BBC! Shame they didn’t do that scene!
  9. Omg it’s Wilson! (one of my favourite movies) Everyone stranded on an island should have a Wilson. Can I ask (and I’m going to be incredibly Scottish here which I do apologise for): do you like Irn Bru? Xx
  10. You have to…. It’s the funniest thing ever to come out of Scotland. I’m sure if you watch it on Netflix there’s subtitles so you can follow it without the Glaswegian accents 🙈 that’s a horrible question to answer 🤣. Probably flying so I can just pass the exams with ease or if that’s not an option then I’d learn everything about how solve the world’s problems 🥰
  11. Eww 🤢 I’d rather not go there please…
  12. Fair enough. If it gains new found popularity amongst other pee fans then that’ll only be a good thing! Put us on the map for things other than Irn-Bru, Haggis and Whisky
  13. I can’t believe you had to ask me if I like still game…. 🤣🤣🙈
  14. Omg yes! I wouldn’t be Scottish without being a fan of Still Game. “Snowballs” if you know….you know! 🤣
  15. Well the pain wasn’t worth it. By the time I left the train station I had crossed the point of no return as I had to navigate my way though subterranean London at rush hour. Not nice for me
  16. Well the end goal was making it there dry so yeah 🙂
  17. The Hulk. Hogan is a bit old for me lol
  18. This afternoon, I travelled to London for work. Having worked all morning, preparing my presentation; practicing it in front of N and then rushing around in a flap, finishing packing my work bag before leaving, there was one thing I forgot to do….pee! I had been so pre-occupied all day between doing my job and preparing myself mentally for what was up ahead in the next few days that I forgot to empty my bladder before setting off! N dropped me off at the airport to catch my flight to London. I had about an hour and twenty minutes to kill before my flight after security so I stroll
  19. Oh I do love a good spreadsheet! once my toe heals up I’m gonna get back running
  20. I wouldn’t get much fun out of it myself, unless I set a camera up 🤣 but it could be quite fun if others were around.
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