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Everything posted by Johnboy777

  1. Thank you, pee01 Thank you, Couple92
  2. I hope that Title is not misleading. I would like to have as many pics of dicks posted each day as possible. The pic can be of yours, a friend (with his/her permission), or one you found on the internet, and size (small, large, etc.) doesn't matter. I will post my compact/uncut dick as soon as I get new pics taken. This beautiful penis is one I found online. AND it's perfectly okay if it happens to involve a dick that is peeing.
  3. I went to a store today to purchase something, tried to be a good clean boy, but the Men's Room was unavailable for use. I knew I couldn't hold my pee too long, so after leaving the store, I walked around to the back alley behind the row of stores, found a nice shiny red dumpster (trash bin). it was filled to the top with trash. I could not resist using the side of this bright shiny bin as my personal "urinal" and as I walked away I noticed a nice long trail of yellow liquid running down the alley. Wonder where that came from? 😉
  4. Now that is one cool "naughty" piss. Wish I could have made it a trio.
  5. I count 21 beautiful women. That's 21 pairs of titties, 42 individual tits. [Sigh] "so much beauty in one place."
  6. Only a couple of times, once at a friend's apartment, from a bedroom window. I'm a guy with a kinda short dick, and It's hard to reach far enough to actually piss past the window. Sometimes I'll stand on a stool to get high enough to reach past the window. it's naughty and FUN.
  7. I'm a guy with a kinda short dick, also. I agree, it's hard to reach far enough to actually pee past the window. Sometimes I'll stand on a stool to get high enough to reach past the window, but I'll get the job done because it's naughty and FUN.
  8. Hello, and welcome to PF, Colette. There's a whole lot of interesting pee fans here, and we're all into pissing in different ways. I'm a (mostly) straight guy, but there are all kinds of pee fans here, and you'll make friends quickly.
  9. I love seeing a urinating dick, and this redhead is amazing. Should actually be wetting on the tree, though.
  10. A friend had to drive a distance the other day, and he wanted some company, so I went along. We stopped to grab a bite of lunch and of course I drank quite a bit of coffee. Needless to say we both had to make a piss stop along the way. He took this pic of me doing my "public" pee pee.
  11. I love pissing on a wall, especially a brick wall, and seeing a puddle form at the ground.
  12. She looks like she's getting ready to pee!
  13. I love to piss where I can smell where other guys have pissed.
  14. This article was published by the Babylon Bee back in July. BB is famous for its satire stories.
  15. That is one hot pee, and one of my favorite ways to piss. Just open the back door, and let loose.
  16. That's how I like to piss. I like to stand on one step and pee on higher ones.
  17. Great place for a pee. I prefer to piss on a wall or door, too. I like to move the stream around, instead of peeing straight down.
  18. Who doesn't like an Asian beauty with sexy titties!
  19. That last one is exceptionally beautiful.
  20. When I was in a public high school (many many years ago), in PE (physical ed.) we had to shower at the end of the period, before going to our next class. I'd say most of the boys would just pee in the shower because of having to rush to get ready for our next classes. I think that's what turned me on to pissing in public.
  21. Doing that has been on my "bucket list" for a long time. Maybe someday when I'm in the right place at a good time. I've managed to do a small piss in the street between 2 parked cars.
  22. I've heard or read that the average toilet uses about 1 gallon of fresh water per flush, not sure how accurate that is, and then we pee in it, maybe several ounces (?), flush that down, another gallon fills the tank, and we repeat that several times a day...? What a waste of fresh clean water. If even only the menfolk (or women If they so choose) would begin to do their pissing in the garden or yard, or somewhere else of their choosing, we would be conserving so much of that precious fresh water. All of you who agree, start your own conservation efforts right now. I have.
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