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Everything posted by Johnboy777

  1. No...Sorry ... only trying to be friendly.
  2. A follow-up to my August 12th adventure: On Sunday I had to come back on the same bus route, and of course, I had too much to drink again. I didn't have to pee quite as bad as the last trip, but I knew I would not make it home without peeing. So instead of going in my usual spot, I found the place where my buddy Robert and I pissed before. It wasn't hard to find the alley, the smell of piss was strong, and there was only one other guy relieving his bladder but it wasn't my pee buddy. I pulled my dick out and pissed near the dumpster, zipped up, and looked around and the other guy was done
  3. Not much, but you're welcome to see it. ³
  4. Are you only asking for "body" hair meaning facial, hairy chest, or hair on the top of the head? Most of us males have hair elsewhere, you know, where we keep our "personal private equipment."
  5. Welcome Goatboi69, if you're a fan of peeing, you're going to love being here. Lots of good pee stuff here.
  6. I tried it & love it, nice warm feeling. Had to be careful tho, while pissing something wanted to exit from the rear.
  7. I would love to visit your GF's home so I could smell that wonderful smell. 😊
  8. That would be great. If I see him again or If we both happen to use the same "urinal" at the same time I will definitely find out. Quote
  9. After having a large Coke at McDonald's, then shopping, then a 20 oz. Mountain Dew on the long bus ride home, my bladder was screaming for immediate relief when I got off the bus. I had been conversing with another guy about sports, and when the bus got to the final stop, we were the first 2 off. I explained to the other guy I had to pee really bad, and started heading to my usual spot. He mentioned he also had to take a piss, and asked me where I was going to go. I told him and he said he knew a better place, why not come with him. He took me to an alley/driveway behind some stores, and it
  10. Do you as a man have your favorite places to piss, like on a bush, against a wall, or in a parking lot. I'll start: I have 2 favorites...on the wall of a vacant store and in bushes near a bus stop. Post a pic if you can.
  11. Johnboy777


    I'd like to see them all piss, but #4 if I had to choose only one.
  12. I ❤ 'em all. But I'll take the one 2nd from the right
  13. Would loved to have been with you when you peed.
  14. My usual pee spot is a wall near a loading dock, and I piss at an angle to avoid splashing. I also like to piss on steps, I love to watch it roll down the steps.
  15. I 💛 the way your piss made it's way down the brick wall and onto the ground. I would love to see a picture of you actually pissing.
  16. I like to water the ivy, weeds and lawns, but especially love to piss on walls and concrete steps.
  17. This is my first post showing the marking of my piss on steps of a vacant building. I'll try to post more and better pics maybe showing my piss stream.
  18. I am an uncut American, proud and happy to announce that. My doctor at birth said no to mutilating my dick, just said keep it clean. I have no problem pissing, indoors or out (mostly outdoors "dirty" pisses.) And I enjoy seeing other uncut men's cocks, in person or pics. Show 'em to me!
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