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Everything posted by Lennys_wet_now

  1. Both the bi descriptions are me. BUT, been wondering something for a while, am I more turned on with the physical look of a man's cock, mine or someone else's or the piss that exits out.
  2. Share all you like, please, those pictures are hot.
  3. Do I mind,oh no, don't mind that at all. Fantastic work.
  4. Would love to smell your pissed bed the next day, turn on.
  5. Fantastic, the way your cock decides to twitch and lift whilst pissing, extremely sexy.
  6. Do you wear cycling bottoms or mountain bike pants, the big no would be light grey joggers.
  7. It's not something I could discuss with my partner, but occasionally when being given a hand job, a few times I have released a small amount of piss out to see if it's a problem. It just gets ignored while for me the sight is a turn on. Trying to break the ice. I do have a cycling buddy who has noticed I always piss in the same location followed by the comment of, "do you enjoy getting your cock out here or something", my simple answer is always, "just needed that".
  8. Sorry guys, don't want to make anyone paranoid, that's the least of my idea's. My initial thoughts were how to get away with that thrilling piss moment more discreetly. I have always fancied the idea of a inside leg pissing tube that let's pee out onto the ground.
  9. Totally agree, 100% How can we defeat the fear of technology? I've often wanted to design a piss tube that is strapped to my leg.
  10. But is that piss on the walking trail as kink satisfying as a piss on the top floor staircase of a multistorey carpark, the answer for me is it isn't. I remember a good old layby piss, my favourite, the likely chance of being on a dash cam are greater now, another example. Are we being more technology controlled?
  11. Our kink could be dubbed as risky sometimes, that's what makes it exciting, right? BUT, is the ever growing use of modern technology as in cameras etc making you think twice about that perfect opportunity to piss outside in public. Question, if it does concern you what measures are you taking to feel more undetected or under the radar shall we say and go ahead to leave a lovely mark.
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