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Everything posted by Peewee123

  1. I’ve seen men do it on here yet for me (a woman) it’s impossible. If I’m tuned on I can’t pee, I have to wait a while to turn myself off then I can start peeing. The two are very different and separate for me! No chance of mixing the two!
  2. I think I’ve had some good scores recently based on those 😉 definitely a 39 and a 54 although if we add the public and next to someone it’s be much higher 😉
  3. I’m the same, I go through phases. Like I don’t think I’d thought about it or done anything for about 10 years, then suddenly I remembered and googled and found this site and I’ve had a few months of really enjoying it. Then the last week I’m back to nothing again.
  4. Female and totally shaved every few days!
  5. My ex husband would have sex during that time of the month, we just put a towel down. To be honest when you get turned on the bleeding often stops anyway so isn’t as messy as you might expect and if you go to the toilet before then sex can be as normal as usual anyway.
  6. Definitely, it’s so sudden and like a polar opposite feeling it’s odd! Glad I’m not the only one! I definitely get it, I guess sometimes I can decide to keep masterbating So those feelings come back or stay but at some point I have to stop and then those feelings change.
  7. That’s a huge factor for me, the thought of getting wet and cold again is not fun!
  8. For me pee is either just a bodily function with no pleasure or it’s a sexual thing. If I’m not turned on then peeing is just something you have to do and I go without thinking and there’s nothing to it. However if I’m horny then suddenly the thought of naughty peeing, wetting, pee during sex is suddenly a big thrill and I enjoy it. Downside is as soon as I’ve had the orgasm I then regret everything I did, and if I cum before I carry out any of my plans then I lose interest and just go to the toilet and my prep was wasted! 🤣
  9. I have to say I’m shocked at how many people pee in pools! I’ve never done it and I’ve never known a partner or friend who does either. Im not sure I want to swim again 🤣
  10. I’ve never looked into chamber pots but could it be for excrement so it stays in the insert and the pee goes to the pot? Or could it be so when you carry the pot that it’s less likely to spilL out?
  11. Overall I would say no. I don’t think anyone should be secretly filming anyone, and I don’t think anyone should whip a camera out if they see someone compromised like that. It is polite to look away and leave them to it. If however they choose to squat and pee where there is CCTV and there’s signs announcing it then it’s kind of her own fault for doing it and it’s fair enough to watch the film as it’s your cctv but it shouldn’t be shared with others or online unless she agrees to it. I think basically if you are doing it secretly it’s because you know they won’t like it and therefore it’s ques
  12. There are women’s public bathrooms that are just a hole in the floor, it’s all concrete from memory. You just squat and go. Think they were in India and maybe somewhere in Europe.
  13. About 5 years ago when my abusive husband left me! Can’t face it again!
  14. I think people are talking about wetting while on the bike and still cycling.
  15. It does sound very odd the way she reacted. I’d say she either enjoyed the show or was in Shock and didn’t know how to handle it.
  16. Doesn’t the clean up make it more effort then going to the toilet? That’s why I can’t do anything like this.
  17. I think I’d want to wet a chair somewhere, like on a train or in a movie theatre. Having said that I can’t pee when sitting on a seat so probably wouldn’t be successful anyway 🤣
  18. I can’t pee while sitting on a solid object so the gap might be helpful!! 😉
  19. Oooooops. Of all the places you could choose you chose her gate! 🤣 were you embarrassed or was it slightly thrilling having her watch?
  20. It’s definitely interesting as there are so many of these vans and they are open long hours but clearly no facilities. I wonder what they are “meant” to do?! Intrigued now!
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