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Everything posted by Peenicks

  1. Haven't guarded anyone but I have had one of my gal-pals guard me before while I pissed on a tree. She's built like a twig so she didn't cover much of me but I appreciated the gesture nonetheless ❤️
  2. Always great to see you posting again! Wonderful work ❤️
  3. True, I wasn't trying to disprove your post. Granted, my school wasn't (and still isn't) all that kind to the LGBTQ+ community. The rumors surrounding anyone who was suspected of being not straight or cis weren't usually too kind, and if it spread to the parents, you might as well just move. It's not nearly that dire anymore (to my knowledge atleast) but it's still definitely a problem.
  4. Inspired by GlacierClear on Twitter As Agnes was attending to the upkeep at inn her helper, Sam, was loafing about as per usual. "Man, I'm so fuckin' thirsty right now." Sam sighed while getting up to rummage through the fridge nearby. Agnes didn't mind working alone but she couldn't stand for one common behavior of Sam's in particular. "You really shouldn't use such vile language, it's very rude." Agnes softly chided to them. As they rested back into their seating, now with a soda in hand they scoffed at Agnes's suggestion. "That's very old fashioned of you. What, are
  5. If Melody found out her one-night-stand had a piss kink I felt her sweat drip onto me as we both were panting and gasping for breath. My whole body was on fire and pulsing with tension. "Don't give out on me yet sweetie, I still need you for round three." the domineering woman purred, although I was too paralyzed to properly respond. I was so sensitive that I felt her twitch atop me ever so slightly. "Oh, hold that thought dear. I have to go pee." I heard her melodic baritone grace my ears as I felt the tight yet inviting warmth from her rear fade as she lifted herself from my c
  6. I'm in the Midwest US and I know amongst my group of friends we all talk about kinks and fetishes fairly openly just like any other interest. I have a friend who's into bondage, another into S&M, and I'm the piss kink friend. I realize that we're something of an oddity in that regard, when we were in highschool we talked and joked about sex and sexuality so frequently that apparently there were rumors that we had massive group orgies. Lol
  7. This may be pretty unremarkable to some of you but this was new to me! I was in the shower earlier today and a little bit after I felt the hot water run over me I realized I could pee. I looked down at my crotch ready to aim my stream at the shower drain but I noticed once I looked that I was already peeing! Maybe the lack of urgency on my bladder and the weakness of the stream under the warm running water made me not realize it, but it startled me and made me a little aroused when I thought about it. Has this happened to someone else before? This might concern some folks but rest assured
  8. "What's wrong, Aymee?" "Unfortunately I won't be able to continue performing tasks until I dispose of my unnecessary fluids. My assembly kit should have come with a receptacle for my needs." "I'm sorry, I got your kit secondhand. Robots are expensive nowadays." "Indeed. Very well, I shall make do. My fluid content is comprised mostly of multi-purpose lubricant which can be easily cleaned with a mixture of detergent and water. Therefore, the optimal location for disposal would be your washing machine." "You sure you don't just want to do it there because it's fun?" "I a
  9. I'm part Irish so I'm morally obligated to have a party today
  10. I know how it is, B. Just do your best and take care of yourself, we all love ya! ❤️
  11. A couple of my friends and I decided that we would organize a fighting game tournament on campus. We figured it would be a good way to get to know some people at the start of the semester. Apparently we were right, we got folks from all corners of the campus joining. Among those was a woman who was cleaning house all the way to the semi-finals, where I finally got to meet her: Jasmine. She was a small scrawny and very tired-looking indigenous gal with clothes and black hair styled as if she'd rolled out of bed just to come here. Going into the first match I could clearly tell despite appe
  12. Yeah, I think it's largely the same with women in the States. Most other women I've talked to on the matter have mentioned hating "panties" or thinking it sounds creepy at one point or another, and when I think about it for too long I can't really blame em'. Maybe my growing up AMAB and overexposure to porn has something to do with it but I was never really bothered by the word. But it is one of those words you have a better time reading than you do saying it. Honestly, I really like "bum". It's cute and delicate in a way that "butt" or "ass" can't match and it's more precise and succinct
  13. Bumping this cuz I'm genuinely curious how people would feel about this change. I think the only complication in implementing this system would be having mods or users to retroactively fit topic posts with the correct prefix. But honestly I think that's a relatively minor issue compared to the help this would have in streamlining the site for accessibility and inclusivity
  14. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! Means a lot to me 🙂
  15. Always thought it'd be fun to do the old pee fiction trope where you catch someone peeing in an inappropriate place and as they're apologizing or panicking you ask to join them
  16. My best guess is that germophobia didn't really exist before germ theory. It's hard to have an irrational fear or something you don't know exists. Obviously people could still have an irrational fear of the illnesses those germs caused but the remedy for those things prior to germ theory was usually something along the lines of "pray really hard"
  17. @gldenwetgoose I'd say this would fit better under Pee Talk, wouldn't you?
  18. I have adopted the word 'naughty" more frequently. Not out loud, but I like using it in my writing now, I never associated it with an English accent I suppose. I've never used the word "wee" or "loo" tho, still feels too unnatural and bizarre to me. I caught myself using the words like "snatch" and "cunt" in my early stories which I always imagine being read in an English accent. Guess I was trying to blend in, lol
  19. While we're talking about the industry's mysogyny, I think the rampant trans-mysogyny and general transphobia is also worth highlighting. There are very few out trans people in the industry and even fewer who are willing to do pee porn, and honestly from what I've seen they have every reason not to! Even on fairly mainstream sites like Pornhub who rally behind LGBTQ+ positivity every Pride Month, they load their video titles up with slurs for the sake of SEO. My heart goes out to any trans folks working in the porn industry, they're my heroes and deserve so much better than the pathetic fetish
  20. Between this and my attempt to make rules for "Strip UNO" and "Strip Smash Bros." I'm starting to think that gameified sexual experiences should be a kink/fetish in and of itself (if so, I have it)
  21. I think a good chunk of my friends in middle school thought I was trying to date em' because I have a tendency to talk overly-familiarly with just about everyone. At least one or two of my friends reciprocated this affection and tried to date me, I wasn't interested tho. In one particularly confusing instance I was asked by a girl for a break-up from a relationship I didn't even know I was in. What's your kinkiest sexual experience (pee-involved or otherwise)?
  22. I totally agree with this article. As a whole we need to stop criminalizing things that poor and homeless people do because they're poor and homeless, and instead actually make an effort to, y'know, help and support them
  23. I've heard that in atleast a few states it's not technically illegal unless you can see the person's genitals while they urinate. Yet another US law that unfairly targets people with vaginas, what else is new
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