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Posts posted by pguy2981

  1. On 10/8/2022 at 8:33 PM, Takashi96 said:

    For me, getting hard from the need to pee began when I was a small child. This, I assumed was by design. Because of the difficulty of peeing while erect, it struck me as a safety feature. Naturally, our creator installed this as a backup to make it much harder for males to have accidents. I was a weird kid with way too much religious influence in my life. 

    I agree, the classic piss hard-on can be a little more tricky to get rid of. It is a damn good orgasm though. 


    I laughed at the "Saftey feature" part, because this was the opposite for me. I accidentally peed in my gfs mouth when hard. I keep telling people its IMPOSSIBLE to give me a blow job bc i'm too sensitive, but she didn't listen and paid the price, in gold I should say.

    • Haha 1
  2. Does anyone else get really hard from being desperate? I do and I get some of the best hard-ons I'll ever have. It's the kind of hard that doesn't go away with any movement whatsoever. Funny thing is it only happens when I'm both desperate and horny. When I get like that, I really wish someone would tie me down and use me as a plaything until I either pee inside them or pee on the bed from desperation. I mean it when I say that when I'm desperate and hard like that, the boner is extremely hard to get rid of.

    I also last longer when that happens. Who would use me in this state?

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  3. Idk if this will be a driver but anyone in the mountains/southwest DEFINITELY needs to consider pissing outside. Especially you, California.

    I'm imagining pee-related technologies like indoor grass you can pee on. I imagine having houses fitted with some kind of tank that takes the nitrogen in the pee and mixes it with water to remove the waste factor, leaving nitrogen rich water that get irrigated into your soil for a good garden or something like that. I would pee outside all the time if it meant healthier fruits and vegetables, I just can't do maintenance on plants.

  4. On 10/4/2022 at 9:12 PM, PeeGurl74 said:

    I don't like farting noises on videos. 

    I actually love it when girls fart when they pee. I think its perfectly natural, and it makes me laugh even though I go flaccid lol.

    To add:

    • Extremely yellow pee. Please drink some water bc I can smell the video
    • Peeing in someones mouth.
    • Not very much into couple pissings but there are a select few vids out there that I do get off to.
    • Peeing on someones hair
    • Peeing in cups or bowls. I agree with @Bacardi on this one bc I don't like the idea of collecting my pee in something I'll likely use
    • Pissing on animals. Thats pretty niche but i don't like animal abuse
    • Biggest turn off has to be pissing in food. To me that is disgusting bc not only is it a waste of food, it's also disrespectful to the people whos hands are calloused from collecting the ingredients to make that dish, AND a disrespect to the person that made it, including yourself.
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  5. Can this be both a kink and a fetish? I can be aroused without it but when it comes to porn, its virtually the only form of porn that is arousing to me. It would have to be the real deal if it were to be anything else. However, I don't think I could consider it a lifestyle, just something that is a turn on to me when I do it, or if others of the opposite sex do it. It would be a lifestyle if I could do it without repercussions, but as @Bacardi said, once you take away the risk and taboo, it isn't as fun anymore. Plus I HATE the cleanup, so it couldn't possibly be a lifestyle for me.

  6. I've been reliving some childhood adventures and peeing in my vent. @pop-a-squat reminded me with her vent pees that I used to do the same at my old grandmothers house.

    Seriously though, there are a number of experiences that I would like to relive. Most of my pee kink experiences were in my young adulthood. I used to date a girl who would pee around my house whenever she needed to, or wanted to for that matter. I have a number of experiences with her that all stand out in their own way, especially this one night that I REALLY wish I could re-create with a willing and naughty participant.

    We were snowed in and she couldn't get home, so she decided that she'd spend the night. This was back when my parents were not adamant about a girl and a boy sleeping together in the same room. They had every right to worry as we got up to some really naughty mischief why we were hole'd up in the room. She quickly became very desperate to pee and she couldnt figure out whether or not to just go on the carpet. What she actually did was stand up, part her lips and let a torrent out over the old wall heater. She pissed a full and audible stream. You could hear it cascading down the metal insides of the heater. I angled myself to get a better view, and I could see a single, thick stream, pattering over the window sill and the heater as she stood and pissed like a man. What was sexier than that was her cute butt and back outline. I still cum to that image alone.

    Another experience I would love to relive would be that time my friend had to pee really bad on the way home from the nightclub. This could have been made better by the fact that I could have gotten laid that night so it would have been my friend driving, and a really pretty girl that I AM STILL KICKING MYSELF FOR NOT DANCING WITH AND TALKING TO probably fucking in the backseat since I lived at my parents house for six months, but I digress...

    My friend and I were getting burger king around 2AM, and keep in mind this was before COVID shut everything down. We were in the drive through when she said she really has to pee. She starts going through all the places at the drive through she could piss: Behind the bush while the line was empty, right there in the drive through before we pulled up to the takeout window. I encouraged her to hold it as she would be caught. We got our food and left. I asked her if she was sure as there was an outline of trees just up ahead where she could go and she said she'd make it home. When we got there, after a bit of talking with each other, she said "Ookay, I'm sorry but it-its coming out, I have to pee". She popped around the other side of the car and said to me "Don't look, don't look", when I wasn't looking at all. Buuut I'd be lying if I said I definitely didn't turn off the music to hear her torrent hit the ground, and I'm so glad I did. She let out the biggest torrent of piss I've ever heard anyone take, pissing for a full 15 seconds like that. I got a semi right then and there. After she was done, I got out the car to go to mine and remarked on her incredible river she made. She smiled and almost looked like she was blushing, but I could have just made her uncomfortable. I have more stories of her that I've written down if you go to my profile. There was also the time she was telling me about how she loved to be made to squirt on someones face. It goes without saying that I would love for us to fuck around just once.

    There was also that time I had with a long time friend who became a sort of fwb. She sent me a video of her pissing in the toilet, and I loved it. Before then, she asked me "Do you think I can hold it?" It was then and there that I realized I absolutely love bladder control. I didn't want to test the waters in case she peed on herself, but if she was willing to explore the pee kink like that, I would have arranged something.


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  7. 13 hours ago, WaterBoiPNW said:

    Hope im not too late to the post, but I do! I work with kotlin and rust mostly but I've touched c++, python, go and others 😛

    No, you're right on time. I'm just wondering how to give you the full repo without outing my real name, since my real name is on my github.

  8. 1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I can imagine how well that would go down with my partner'. 

    I did respond to that actually. I said something along the lines of "Theres a ring camera in my house and I'm not about to explain your presence to my gf. But if you actually need to, ask. I have a couch".

    I could wear the new jacket, but its not cold enough for that yet. I feel like I would respond with something along the lines of "Hey, I'm kind of picking up a vibe between you and I, and I don't know whether or not thats a thing with you, but I've noticed our conversations seem to be more flirty than light-hearted. I'm really flattered by you, honestly, but you know I'm already with someone, right? I can't really do anything to you or with you thats anything more than what we're doing now. If things were different then possibly, but they aren't and I just wanted to make sure you knew that, so no ones feelings get hurt."

    I could try doing that, but I don't want a knee-jerk response or anything. Alot of people at my job really do believe that you can do anything you want with anyone unless you are married. The amount of women that told me that really early on in my employment is baffling (also this is why I'll never date should I break up with my current partner). I would love to hear from other women in this community how they would want to be let down by a guy if a guy noticed. I would also ask them to think back to the tender age of 21 and think how they would have handled it back then, if some of the responses are from people over 30. My co-worker is 21 and I don't believe that people of that age handle their emotions well, unless they are mature for their age.

  9. Full disclosure, I am absolutely GARBAGE at socializing. I am especially garbage when it comes to dealing with people having romantic/sexual feelings for me, and vice versa. Those are emotions I really never learned how to properly handle. As such, I am an extremely clueless person when it comes to someone "dropping hints" to get a guy to ask them out or invite them home. I always try to play it off like they're joking with me or pulling my leg or trying to get some kind of reaction out of me. Like "theres no way they ACTUALLY mean that". My gf actually has to point these things out

    Well as of recent, I've had some not so innocent conversations/physical encounters with my co-worker that are starting to look less like hints and more like giant green neon signs that I can't ignore. She hasn't made overtly sexual advances, but I have considered the following to be signs:

    1. ) "Well if I'm drunk, maybe I could stay with youuu" *She said flirtatiously while running her hand down the length of my shoulder*
    2. ) "You like being called daddy? I could see you as a daddy in bed. You know, I really love it when someones hitting from behind" *Continues to portray being hit from behind by jiggling her ass while moaning the word daddy*. "Ooof, let me stop before I cream my panties". This was in response to a customer calling me daddy after I remarked on her burn, saying that ashtrays exist for a reason.
    3. ) "Could you take off your glove?" *Takes it off* "You umm..have really nice hands. *Makes a gentle fingering motion*

    Yeah I can't really ignore this any longer. She does know I'm already with someone as well. I'm not sure if I need to reiterate that, or if it doesn't matter because she doesn't care. How do I ask her if she's feeling some type of way about me, and how do I tell her that I can't morally do anything sexual with her, so hitting on me is kind of pointless? I feel like it would be weird if i didn't say something at this point.


    I really just want to nip this in the bud. I appreciate the help!

  10. 1 minute ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I just happened to be online and got a notification of your post - so it's not something global I guess.

    At the top of this topic do you have the 'follow' box ?   I'm on the desktop browser and it looks like this:



    Other than that, I don't know if it's one for @Admin  ???

    We have to click follow


    1 minute ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I just happened to be online and got a notification of your post - so it's not something global I guess.

    At the top of this topic do you have the 'follow' box ?   I'm on the desktop browser and it looks like this:



    Other than that, I don't know if it's one for @Admin  ???

    Thats strange. I never click follow for any other posts and still get notifications. Probably a question for admin I guess.

  11. On 9/10/2022 at 3:35 PM, Pontepee said:

    Post the problems. I may be able to help. 

    I do have new problems. The old ones have been solved already but I could seriously use the assistance. DM me if you're still interested and I'll post the problems there. It's early morning where I am so I'm gonna prioritize exercise first.

  12. On 9/10/2022 at 3:16 PM, GenericUsername said:

    I wish. Tried computer science and programming just didn’t agree with me.

    I did too, and I learned I don't do classes well. I'm better off with those self-directed Coursera-type courses that you see on boot.dev, opencourseware.mit.edu, and Udemy.

  13. Thanks for responding to this, guys.  I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner since I don't get notifications for this chat. I did solve it though, but I introduced more bugs I need to touch upon today. The two projects I have are in node.js and golang. I'm sure I'll think of something, I appreciate you guys trying to help!

  14. It's hard to give tips when we don't know the enemy against it (in this case, your illness). That being said, what do you feel is stopping you from peeing in the places you listed? Is it pain, or is it the possibility for shame and embarrassment?

    I like to think that 9 times out of 10, you'll likely never be caught peeing in public, even if you aren't all that careful. If I were you, I would try going in park bathrooms, slowly graduating yourself to public bathrooms like over the drain at a Starbucks (do they have those where you live?). Wear skirts without panties, go to dimly lit bars, nightclubs, or crowded festivals. These are places where you could do alot of naughty things and get away with it, simply because no one is looking or trying to look at you. As for peeing in private (I'm guessing you mean places like a friends place, an Airbnb, maybe a movie theater?), try training yourself to pee in cups, and then move the cup away and finish on the floor. Go with a full bladder, releasing into the cup, then each time move the cup away for a bigger amount on the floor. Keep trying that with less of a full bladder, smaller cups, then moving to no cup at all!

    You could also read peoples stories on here for tips. I believe @Eliminature and @Paulypeeps might be more of the authority on these kinds of topics. Hope to see stories of you flooding places some day. Happy peeing!

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  15. On 9/26/2022 at 6:17 PM, peecurious94 said:

    I love this!! When I pee with my mom and it accidentally sprays, we don't stop peeing either! Such a great experience! 

    So you mean to say you and your mom accidentally spray each other and don't stop when you do?

    I need a detailed recount of an experience haha.

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