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Posts posted by pguy2981

  1. 2 hours ago, epdreamgirl said:

    im starting to kinda think it might be hot to have a guy put his dick in my diaper and wet it with me

    Haha, I've always wanted to try pissing in someones pants while they piss in it themselves. I could see myself doing this with a (very) close friend at a festival if theres no other option. Just pull out the shorts a bit and let go down her backside into her pants

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  2. To wetting the bed: Hotel room furniture might be your best friend. Also, Amazon mattresses. You can get a queen size mattress for 300 I think?

    Man... I've never had anyone intentionally wet the bed with me. I've never done it myself either. The way you mention it really has me thinking whether or not I would like it. I might be willing to try.

  3. 13 minutes ago, marking my territory said:

    I didn't know about Marie Antoinette peeing before her execution, but I imagine thats fairly common for someone about to be executed.

    Did you know that due to lack of bathrooms in Versailles it wasn't uncommon for servants to be seen urinating in the halls? And that some noble women were denied the bathroom while waiting on the queen? There are a few stories of some of the noble ladies having accidents, which I fond strange because of the prevalence of the bourdaloue at the time


    Didn't people in Antoinette's day pee on the floor in those huge dresses they wore?

  4. Right around the industrial revolution, I would kidnap the guys responsible for greyhound and ford, transport them here to show them how they fucked with our transportation system, and then kill them so it never happens (assuming time works in a linear way of course, probably doesn't though). I could talk about how much industrial revolution leaders fucked with the united states for hours because I have a DEEP passion for trains as a freight and human transport system. We are missing out on so much technological evolution in that area because a few fuckers thought it'd be nice to make a quick buck by lobbying against public transport trams, installing non-functional bus systems, putting everyone in cars and then fucking up the environment by expanding roadways into highways and popularizing suburbs, thus promoting segregation. If not for that, I could almost guarantee you we would have three times more public land, a healthier environment, and less polarized political climate. If we were all conditioned to normalize public transport the way we normalize highways and personal transport, we could probably have something close to a Hyperloop ACTUALLY in development, and not the facade Elon put on just because he didn't want California to build a long distance public transportation system (WHICH THEY DESERVE! Of all the places the people working for that one front company whos name escapes me, they were the most successful in California).


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  5. Does anyone have parts of the month or year where they just get insanely horny? I'm going through a patch of that right now with zero outlet other than porn. I really feel like buying a lovesense, hopping on tinder and asking if anyone wants to get vibed in public with it. I can't seem to stop masturbating lately either...

    This has happened before and usually passes but this is a longer stretch than usual. Anyone else experience an onslaught of dirty thoughts for no reason?

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  6. 10 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    Feels like that in the shower too. Although my husband tells me I like my showers so hot he doesn't like to shower with me often 🤣 but I often like to stick my fingers between my legs and feel the temp difference. Like the cool pee running through my fingers while the water is extra hot. It's really neat.

    Quick, lets meet in a hot tub and drink lots of water on the way!

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  7.  "Interestingly, because the water is so hot, the pee actually feels cold."

    I absolutely need to do this with someone...for science...

    My friend, her ex and I once hotubbed together. Her ex had sprayed the wall prior to going in, but she suggested he could go inside the hot tub next time. She pees in it all the time, regardless of impact on the water chemistry, claiming it as her personal bathroom.

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  8. I used to when I was a kid but now no since I am sandwiched between two houses whos porches face mine. I almost always peed behind the house, so much so that there is a permanent stain on the concrete wall. Other than that, I got drunk with my friend and we helped ourselves to my parents alcohol. She peed several times behind me and I peed several times on the same concrete wall I used to piss on.

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  9. On 2/1/2023 at 9:52 AM, eee555 said:


    I'm sorry that you feel this way. I know my English still has a lot of room for improvement and I will revise my title according to your suggestion. I think the reason why you feel uncomfortable with some of the vocabulary is because I directly searched for English translations by google and all that came up were some more academic usage, and I don't understand the common English phrases in this area very well, thus causing you to feel uncomfortable.
    I like pee too, so of course I don't want the public to be biased against us, in fact the reason I want to initiate this survey is to dispel the bias. If it can be proven that this community does not have these characteristics, it will show that our characteristics are not different from the general population. This is the statistical result I expect, and I hope you understand what I mean.
    Finally, I apologize again for making you feel bad.

    You're fine! I didn't mean to sound upset, just comes from a lot of things in my past--I have been tricked and played before and it doesn't take long to pick up on some indicators. I know you didn't mean it that way, but definitely ask anyone on here to translate, mods especially. Most of us are really kind here. Though I highly doubt any sort of statistic would stop the public from shaming kinky people, I would love to see what you come up with.

    If you don't mind me asking, where in the world are you from? The website had Japanese characters on it and I figured you were Japanese, but I don't want to assume. I wanted to ask what it's like for you over there, having a fetish and how you feel the overall population views it.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Fanny said:

    Wow how did you do that. Half of what you said is completely gibberish to me 😄 I wouldn’t even know how to set that up😇

    You can DM me if you're interested and I can either tell you or point you to the sources I learned from. It was also more of a consequence of a hobby at the time. The world of privacy in the 21st century is so deep, I don't know everything and everything I do know may not be 100% accurate so take me with a grain of salt. Also, keep in mind that there is a trade off between privacy and convenience. You can make yourself private online, but you can cost yourself the convenience of using the internet (like breaking webpages bc your browser settings are configured to break critical website features).

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  11. 1 hour ago, gg111 said:

    I’ve always been in the habit of either deleting my browser history or using incognito mode when viewing porn and erotic stuff, including this website of course. 
    The fear is that if I let someone else use my IPhone they will accidentally see the stuff I’ve been looking at (damn auto-suggestions). But I can’t remember the last time I let someone use the browser on my phone.

    But sometimes I wonder if taking the precautions of “covering my tracks” is doing more harm than good. Like I’m sending myself a message that what I’m doing is wrong or bad.

    On the other hand, maybe I just have a healthy dislike of the Big Tech companies tracking my every move. 
    What do you think? Do you delete your internet history after viewing this stuff? Do you feel bad about it or just see it as a necessity?

    Deleting your internet history doesn't do much, depending on your browser and browser settings. Likely all that stuff gets stored away, but no Big Tech companies really care about it unless you're openly committing a crime, which piss is not.

    Taking precautions is something everyone on here should do. You wouldn't want your workplace to see it, or your wife or kids and have them feel any sort of negative sentiment toward you. Having a kink or a fetish isn't a crime just because the people around you do not have a crime. You are not actively hurting or extorting/exploiting people, nor viewing content (hopefully) that exploits or extorts or brings physical or psychological harm to others. You are simply keeping your private activities private.

    Big tech is hardly the only problem. Its who the big tech companies sell your information to, and how much information you have publicly available that they now have access to. Its also your insurance agencies, hell even your small sites with bad privacy practices.

    I will never feel bad about doing something that has been apart of me for years. Society likes to say that so many things are not okay. I say it is, and its fun to boot. I just cover my tracks to make sure no one pokes their nose into my business.


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