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Posts posted by pguy2981

  1. "Following the previous question, if you have other fetishism,  were you affected by this(PeeFans or Omorashi) website?"

    This question did not make sense, do you mind clarifying?

    "Do you have mental disorder?"

    This question is a little direct and kind of rude sounding...I would rephrase it as "Do you have a history of mental illness or other disabilities?" and give options to choose which ones. I'd be more inclined to answer truthfully.

    "How high are your desire for urophilia? "
    Again a very confusing question and poorly worded, consider rewording (being more specific, urophilia has layers upon layers) or using google to translate to clear english. Is this work-related research or is it personal. Is there an abstract or something we could see that would explain this better? Also, the question following this question makes the quoted question redundant in my opinion.


    "How do you think why you are a urophilism?"
    I don't mean to be rude but your English could use some work. This could be re-worded to say "Why do you feel attracted to watersports/pee related sexual activities?"
    Someone definitely chime in if there is a better way. I did the best I could answering that question.


    I'm only doing this because I keep this likeness for pee VERY close to my chest and I get very cagey when I'm asked to explain things about it, like why I'm into it. The way these questions are worded makes it sound like what we are into is taboo and we are all crazy and need to be placed in a mental facility. That could be my brain blowing things waaaay out of proportion, but the questions to me sound targeted and biased. I'm half sure you didn't mean it.


  2. I'm gonna parrot @Bacardi and say that yeah... San Francisco is different from the rest of Cali, even from the rest of the country. The people have a lax view of alot of things, so I guess you could fuck around and find out, but I would not do so in front of cops. If you're intentionally wetting, I would have an excuse on hand that says that you should be excused from any sort of shaming. If I were a girl, I think I could get away with saying "Oh my pregnancy ruined my pelvic floor, sorry". Idk what that would look like for a man however.

  3. @scarletsfitch and I hung out in a park not too long ago (we lived in the same area code and I go back frequently to visit, not frequently enough though). Instead of waiting for a bathroom, which she had no intention of doing, she got up on the bench for fun and let go that way, in broad day light with someone behind her who could have easily seen what was going on if they weren't distracted by their dogs. This park had no bathrooms anyway, so of course people will pee right in the open.

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  4. Though I feel like it's something out of movie-crafted fiction, has anyone had sex on a staircase before? I remember seeing a clip from The Crown where the photographer and the asian model (or whatever she was) doing it on the staircase. The scene is...visually pleasing to my eyes. Is it even possible?

  5. 23 hours ago, avatar said:

    Basically as the title says, have you ever walked into and peed in the other gender's bathrooms (not the unisex bathrooms) on accident? Not like going there becase your's are closed or the line is too long, genuinely choosing the wrong door.

    For some reason I've just randomly remembered something funny that happened to me a few years ago. I was alone at a mall in another city, had a coffee and needed to pee after some time while shopping. I headed into the public toilets, walked in what I thought were men's ones, went straight to the stall like I always do (I hate urinals), did my thing and went to wash my hands. This was pretty early in the day and there weren't many people at the mall, so the toilet was empty the whole time I was there. As I was washing my hands tho, a girl perhaps a few years older than me walked in, looked kinda surprised at me and said "Uhm.. this is the ladies's toilets you know".

    At that moment I went full deer in the headlights, realizing that I somehow walked into the wrong toilets, didn't even notice the lack of urinals and pissed there without ever realizing. I somehow stuttered an apology to her, saying that it was an accident and I didn't realize. Thankfully, she just chuckled, gave me a smile and said have a nice day. Guess I was super lucky I didn't have the security called on me or something.

    Does anyone else have any similar stories? If yes, how did go down?


    Did this in community college while drunk off of a lack of sleep. I stumbled in there without even looking at the sign, sat down and pissed bc I was feeling mad lazy and tired at the time. Thank GOD I did because if someone were to look under the stall and see shoes facing the wrong direction, I'm sure security would have been called. But I sat down and saw a woman sit in the stall next to me and pee. It took me awhile to register it and then my stomach dropped to the fucking floor. So many women were coming in and peeing (I was surprised none stuck around for a shit though, it was early morning after all), I was sure there was no way out and that this was just my life now, stuck in the women's bathroom listening to people piss. Finally there was a break in foot traffic, so I bolted for the door as two women were coming in. "You can't be in there" one stated, and I'm like bro I know, it was an accident I swear.

    Nearly did it a second time that year as well.

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  6. @colette888 verbal confirmation would be key here. If @Let_It_Go looked at me like she looked at him, I would have assumed she was either messing with me or just accidentally made eye contact with me. Most people wear headphones/earphones in the gym and want to be left to their devices.

    My unwarranted advice: Ask for help dead-lifting and then pee. Try that look again and see what happens. Failure of the pelvic floor with that exercise is quite normal, but if I caught a gaze like @Let_It_Go described, I'm risking it all in the changing rooms in less than 5 minutes.

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  7. Would honestly love a naughty pee day time adventure where me and someone I find physically attractive travel around, peeing where we shouldnt (restaurant floors, bars, stores (Really liking the idea of Ikea), abandoned houses, etc).

    I also love the idea of being straddled from the back in a hot tub with someone pissing down the back of my neck, really hard like they couldn't hold it but really sneakily like they want to do it in front of everyone and get away with it.

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  8. Damn why have I never seen this before. @scarletsfitch

    1) Peeing on a partner- 5

    2) Being peed on by a partner- 9

    3) Peeing in your partner's face- 4 (I like pissing but I also like kissing, haha

    4) Having your own face peed on- 3

    5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source- 2

    6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source- 0

    7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet- 10(00000)!!!

    8.) Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner- 10!!!

    9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches- 6

    10) Watching your partner wet him/her self- 10

    11) Having your partner hold your dick/part your labia while you pee- 10! (I love encouraging/encouragement when peeing, especially when its somewhere naughty ;))

    12) Being totally desperate in front of your partner- 5 (maybe the faces would get me off, but I hate the idea of ruining the very few clothes that I own)

    13) Seeing your partner totally desperate- 1000

    14) Pissing in full public view- 0

    15) Watching your partner or any other sexually attractive person piss in full public view- 10

    16) You and your partner watching pee porn together- 0 (I can't imagine getting off to porn with someone else. How do you guys/gals do that?)

  9. I remember one time as a kid, I was really desperate to piss during a soccer game. The details are a bit vague, but I ducked behind a bush that was in plain view of all the on lookers, pulled my shorts aside and let loose. I heard someone come up behind me, so I put everything back and wet myself a little. How I stopped such a hard stream is beyond me, but I definitely did not want to be caught. I released the rest later, not sure where. Not sure if that counts

    I did nearly wet myself on a trip to the city once. Drank too much Aloe Vera  (note to the fun people who are into desperation, that stuff goes through you like a hot knife through butter). I think she got a slight kick out of it, but I'll never know.

  10. 12 hours ago, NaughtyGold said:

    Talking ideas: I did it recently in a furniture store on a nice couch. The shop was big enough to find a good spot and rather empty. I did some test seating to find a squashy and dark surface, then just put a coat over my lap and pretended playing on my phone while removing my black leggings underneath. I really had to go and just enjoyed completely soaking the sofa 😜💦 It was a bit tricky to get the pants back on, and I must admit they got wet 🙈 But with the coat above it, nobody actually noticed. I only briefly had a look on the disaster. Since it was a dark cushion, it was not that obvious, but definitely visible. As planned I went straight to the parking lot and left the shop. I am pretty sure I will repeat that once in another store 😀

    I was thinking the same thing. Having her drink a ton and head to the furniture to let some loose into a cushion or two (if not watched by security), then drink some more and hold onto it until she can find a discreet place to spray her piss. I had the idea that if she gets caught, I'll just cover for her and say that she's post-partum and her pelvic floor is unusually weak at this time. I imagine in big stores like ikea, its hard to find the bathroom.

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  11. 13 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    By your friend, I hope you mean me because I have always wanted to pee in ikea!

    I think the warehouse would be easiest. It's where I've always wanted to pee. It seems so easy. Just duck under a fixture and pee! I saw a pee video a long time ago of a woman doing just that, and I've orgasmed so many times over it. Sadly I can't find it anymore 😭 but that would be my suggestion. No idea about the cameras tho lol. 

    Good luck!

    Oh how I wish I meant you ;). This is someone who's closer to home however. I feel like I've seen the video you're talking about, but its in that sort of lost video category now that its been so long. There's so many pissing in Ikea videos out there, and I've done a few naughty pees in warehouses before, so naturally I would love to have a piss marking adventure with this person. Kind of like what @peecurious94 did with her mom. Exactly like that tbh.

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