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Posts posted by pguy2981

  1. On 12/22/2021 at 11:00 PM, arigalo said:

    I had an experience last weekend that was so incredible it’s only now that I can write it out. 
    I live on the second floor of a split-level condo. Last Saturday, my neighbors in the first floor apartment had a holiday party. I was invited, but since it’s the end of the semester at my university and I’m always tied up with grading or other work I hadn’t really planned on going. We had some uncharacteristically warm weather, so I was sitting in my living room with the windows that face a secluded driveway open. One benefit was occasionally hearing people pee in the driveway—each of these units only has one bathroom and when multiple people are drinking, it’s inevitable someone will have to go outside. It was quite nice hearing the familiar belt/jeans rustle followed by some nice and powerful streams. 
    At one point I hear some people from the party moving outside to the yard. It sounded like three or four people. I heard one person ask another if he wanted a hit off his joint, that person said “In a minute, I have to take a wicked piss. Damn near pissing my pants.” This certainly piqued my interest and I moved closer to the window where I could see outside without being super obvious to anyone around. I looked down as he was racing to undo his belt and watched him pull his cock out and immediately start pissing a thick stream up the wall. I was impressed by everything I saw. Full disclosure, I’m bisexual but have a strong preference for women. I rarely feel aroused by men (even though I find men peeing hot) and generally do not pursue them especially since I tend to only do one night stands with men—I am not interested in dating. However, whenever I become interested in a guy, it becomes like an uncontrollable need to fuck him. So, I sat and watched until he finished and decided I’d be attending the party after all. 
    As I was getting ready, I Chugged water and wine, hoping to get good and desperate—and bold enough to flirt. Eventually I made my way down and introduced myself casually. I grabbed another drink to grow my own need and made sure to keep offering to refill his. There was almost always someone waiting for the bathroom, and as more people were getting buzzed, this was getting to be a longer and longer line. i was hoping it would stay this way so I could get more desperate (and to hopefully get him to a point where he needed to piss bad enough to go elsewhere). I was hoping I could convince him to either go outside with me, or share the bathroom—he takes the sink, I take the toilet. Meanwhile, I’m getting a bit flirty with him, and he gets slightly more touchy. 
    about an hour goes by and we still haven’t peed. I was almost at the point where I’d need to go fast, and just as I was about to suggest getting in line, someone mentions that a guest is sick in the bathroom and will be a while. A few men walk outside, and I decided to shoot my shot. I just casually mentioned that I hope she’s okay, and hopefully sooner rather than later because I really could use the toilet. Much to my delight, he says “yeah, I’ve had to piss for a while now.” I offered that we could go around to the driveway, or we could go up to my bathroom. He opted for the latter. 
    once we got up, I walked to the bathroom with him and said “I don’t know if you can hold it, but I really can’t wait any longer. I’m happy to share the bathroom if you’re okay with taking the sink.” He agreed that’s the best option because he also couldn’t wait. It was then I noticed the tiniest wet spot on his jeans. 
    In my bathroom, the sink and toilet are right next to each other so there’s really no hiding. I sit down and almost immediately start peeing. It was easily one of the most relieving pees I’ve had in recent memory. At this point I’m pretty buzzed so I look over as he pulls his dick out and just blurt out “you have a really nice cock.”

    he blushed a bit and stopped peeing and just said “yeah?” I then stopped peeing and said again that it was really nice and he then asked if I wanted him to finish peeing in the toilet with me so I could get a better look. Um, hell yes! I scooted back a bit to make room, and he walked over. Before he started peeing again, he grabbed my hand and placed it around his dick, which I noticed was starting to get a bit hard. I aimed in between my legs and we both started peeing again. He let out a sigh, and kept on peeing even after I stopped. Once he finally let out his last spurts I decided to make my final bold move and start stroking him to get him fully hard. This took almost no time, and at that point, he pulled me up, propped me up on the sink and we had an amazing drunk hookup. At one point I needed to pee again, so I moved back and started to pee in the sink, and he just slid back inside me and fucked me while I pissed on his cock. After a while, we went back down to the party to hang around a bit more. Once things ended, he stayed the night at my place to hook up some more. We ended up showering together in the morning and he tried to sneak a pee while he thought I wasn’t looking, but he was going too long so I just watched and giggled. We exchanged numbers and each agreed to meet up again after the holidays. I’ve been pleasuring myself at the thought of our pee fun—and the possibility that I’ve met another pee fan out in the wild—ever since. 

    I thought hookups like these were a thing of the '80s (statistically, more people reported these kinds of sexual encounters back then than in the present day). The things I would do to experience this kind of thing spontaneously...

  2. It's never happened to me and I'm probably okay with that. I don't have the time to comb site after site for willing participants, participants that fit the personality I'm looking for, and dealing with the demographics that weigh heavily on the male side of things. Not that there's anything wrong with males--I'm just another straight guy who enjoys women doing this sort of act, and there's too many of us as is. Not going to be one of the many people in someone's DMs. This guy doesn't do rejection lol.

  3. 6 hours ago, Bilove6967 said:

    So this is for pguy and Kylie but I’m actually from the Northeast (PA) but I live in Chicago now! Actually my school is right on the river - definitely MANY places to do some naughty pissing!! 

    Aye, nice to see more people in the area! I feel like naughty peeing is hard to come by in the city since every street im on seems to be surrounded by cameras or cops. Got any go to places if you don't mind sharing?

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  4. To add to my last post: Last night at my favorite bar, I went inside the bathroom a little buzzed and feeling brazen. I said, "what if I just piss all over the wall and trash can? Yeah... I'm gonna do it." Took down my pants, whipped it out and aimed a powerful stream of alcoholic piss at the wall and trash. I filled the trash quite a bit but made a mess. 

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  5. 19 hours ago, Kupar said:

    That sounds like a bad situation for you both, and I wonder whether you would consider getting professional help. My heart goes out to you x

    Decided to end the dry streak last night. All it took was some foreplay but it's sucks how weird sex has gotten for us over the 10 years we've known each other. Usually we jump right into it and now it's gotta be a whole thing.

    • Hug 2
  6. There are some times where I do it out of pure desire to do so. However, my female friend seems to also enjoy the act, more so than me. She'll piss outside if it's just more fun. She was telling me about a time when she could of easily made it to the bathroom but "didn't feel like climbing the stairs". She's a healthy and mostly fit 26 year old, so she was definitely feeling lazy, and maybe bashful at the moment she pissed in her downstairs neighbor's front lawn. It was either there, or she pissed in the staircase leading up to her apartment for the same reasons. Even better in my opinion. 

    Me...there were times I was drunk and had to pee, and was with friends who knew about my fetish. It was out of desperation but I won't act like I didn't have fun doing it in front of them 🙂

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  7. It's been quite a few months and my gf is sitting right here. She blames me for not trying but she's denied my advances because she thinks she's "disgusting, gross and fat". Also the sex hurts her 8/10 times that I try due to her anxiety. I've  simply stopped trying with her and now it's somehow my fault. I've resorted to masturbating as I absolutely hate trying to read her wants and rejection. 

    • Hug 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Peewee123 said:

    It’s the alley before the cinema screening room. You usually go through a door into a dark corridor before opening the door to the cinema room. It’s to stop the sound and light from the lobby coming into the screening if someone comes in after the film starts. 

    OH! I've wanted to piss in those corridors for as long as I've been attending movies. Maybe Sonic The Hedgehog 2 will be the lucky screening...

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  9. 19 hours ago, Nia said:

    I’ve been into public peeing for a while, but never anything very extreme — I stick to supermarket restrooms and secluded areas at night. But recently I’ve been thinking about taking it a step further, specifically by peeing on someone’s porch. On a lawn chair, a table, a mat, a pot, something like that.

    I can’t quite put my finger on why I find this such a turn on, but I think it’s mostly how defiant and domineering it would make me feel, and not to mention that feeling you get when you walk away scot-free after the stunt.

    I doubt I’ll ever make this a reality, but is anyone else curious or has had experience with this? I might consider doing something like this on a less intense level.

    I think this would be a serious adrenaline rush. Find time when someone isn't home, survey the area for cameras, peeping kids, etc, go over and let it fly. My ex used to piss wherever she wanted without a second thought, and once she pissed on the concrete porch on the doormat. No way of telling if we would get caught by my parents or not. It was fun watching her do that. I would also find time on my parents stone porch and spray the wall lined with professionally cut rocks. I've done that countless times, and in broad daylight no less. It's fun!

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  10. I've done something like this in my recent stay in New Orleans. Similar situation, didn't think much about doorbell cams or the street renovations. I opened up the window (which happened to be on the ground floor) in the wee hours of the morning, spread my legs to get some comfort and let it go. I stopped mid stream and thought if the renter was walking his dog or if people were working on the street. After a quick head swivel, I kept letting it out the window. I did that about two or three more times during my stay. Not a porch, but I have stories about peeing on my parents porch when I was younger. It was less naughty and more out of convenience. I loved letting it fly over the railing, but that's another story.

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  11. 19 hours ago, embruh said:

    Those little "airlock" rooms before you enter the main cinema have tempted me so much, especially for the quiet movies, virtually no chance of being seen.

    You'll have to describe the airlock rooms. I don't think I've seen one before.




  12. 1 minute ago, KylieRobidoux said:

    I’ve always wanted to sit on the railing of a bridge with my ass hanging over 

    I def do not recommend that but you have friends so I highly doubt anyone would question you if someone were to hold your hands while you let loose. I read about the spraying, that would be quite the sight. Knowing the Chicago bridges, you'll probably piss all over your friends legs like that. But that's a decent friendship for you!


  13. Just now, KylieRobidoux said:

    Always been my dream To pee in the Chicago river from 

    Aye that happens to be my backyard! You would probably get away with it too depending on how you position yourself. Learn how to stand and piss; the bridge walkway is grated so it's great if you really have to go. 

    Would also be very interesting on st.paddys day. They dye the river green (something I didn't learn until recently)

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  14. 1 minute ago, KylieRobidoux said:

    You know where I’m coming from then. Yeah not the most welcoming environment - bathroom wide - for three basic white girls

    Yes and I can only imagine how nyc must have been for you guys. However, lots of options for pissing in public with no one around. Missed my chance with a good friend. Maybe 100 years from now when the next global pandemic hits (if the world lives to see it, that is).

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  15. Hard to put myself in any category here as I usually wake up mid-stream but...dreamer possibly? It does get out of control right before I wake up and it sprays a little. More likely to happen it the surface is bumpy and uneven, pressing on my bladder (air mattress or broken bed)

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