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Posts posted by pguy2981

  1. When I was going to work, I sprayed in the corner of the elevator on the ride up because I felt like it. I didn't even have to go that bad, I just pushed it out. Immediately after I zipped up and buckled there was a guy waiting to get on after me. Hopefully he didn't think too much on it.

    I've really considered pissing in the hall of the IMAX theater as there are no cameras. I'll get to trying that one day.

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  2. I have found myself in new Orleans, and at this Airbnb, they've rented out a furnished basement with a concrete floor and some thin carpeting. All I can think about are all the naughty things you could do around here without consequence. Even the beds have comforters. My only problem is that the owners like everything white, so most sheets, walls, and objects are white. That being said, you could get away with so much with the right cleaning tools. 

    If I could (if I had a gf of a naughtier nature) I would invite 3 or 4 people under the nose of the owners, and have them let loose wherever except on surfaces that couldn't be washed. A good amount of alcohol would be served to dilute everyone's piss. Everyone involved could just let loose whenever and wherever.

    If I owned one however (with the second story patio and everything) I would probably be more daring by getting the thin carpets I've seen here , a thick plush carpet for the splatter effects, and chairs on the patio if anyone felt naughty and wanted to arc their piss out into the street. No rules, everyone wets on any surface/objects. 

    Does anyone know how many homes in NOLA come with concrete floored basements? 

  3. Think it's safe to say that everyone here shares this kink in some way, shape or form. What will differ is the form (pissing without a care vs wetting for example). Some people have some more personal restrictions than others. It's to each their own around here, but regardless of what your into, most people will at the very least understand why you're into it

    That being said, what sites were you on before where they weren't into this? I know sites like the r/Pee subreddit tend to be more kinkshame-y...


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  4. Oh shit, another big name PH artist! Glad to have you, I really enjoy your content. Yeah finding people who align with the pee kink is hard, I've only known one a couple people who were into it and that's probably gonna be the extent of my luck for the rest of my life.

  5. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone to meet up with on this site. Not to say that doesn't happen, but it's outside the scope of the site. I'm no admin but pretty sure someone will say something along those lines.

    That aside, this here is pee city and anyone here  should definitely consider going. I know I would, but alas, no funds.

  6. I will definitely be peeing in the hot tub regardless of the surrounding gender.

    My friend explicitly told us her bfs hot tub doubled as a bathroom when no one was looking, so I used it as one. When her bf pissed on the stone wall adjacent to the tub, she said, "You could have peed in here!", only lead me to believe that she isn't shy about pissing into the tub with people around.

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  7. Goes without saying I was on the really young side, fetishes start young.

    The earliest memory I have of it was a girl and her father at a soccer game. There were no bathrooms available I guess, so her father had her go behind a bush next to a bunch of people watching the game, knowing they'd pay them no mind. Except for me who happened to be walking by, catching a rather long glance at her spraying a bush in front of her while in a squat. Then again as her dad took her over to the courtyard, hoisted her up and had her piss on the wall. Been into it ever since, naughty peeing whenever I can.


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  8. Yeah I have one but it was less naughty and more lazy/ fuck the system.

    This was in kindergarten and basically FOUR teachers told me I couldn't go to the bathroom. So I was holding it from morning until noon or later, I don't remember that, but what I remember quite vividly was finally being able to go to the bathroom, and when I got there, I stood in front of the toilet and basically said the kid equivalent of "fuck it..." and let it out in my pants. Idk how small that bathroom was, but it was enough to contain a millileter (forgot how to spell) of piss. The teacher got the nurse and the nurse said AND I QUOTE, "It's like a puddle...*Proceeds to mimick child stepping in a rain puddle*". 

    Honestly the weirdest thing I have seen a nurse do but I pissed my pants, everyone saw and that was the only upsetting part. The smart tall kid, his name was Brent, had given me a pair of yellow tipped socks and I couldn't help but feel like he was adding insult to injury.



  9. How would I go about asking my closest friend if they're into pee or anything related? I feel like I've seen far too many signs. I went home at the beginning of the weekend to stay with my friend of...wow almost 10 years, and we go out, have sushi, and I'm telling her about my SOs dog and how I absolutely dislike this dog with every inch of my being. 

    I go into his most recent infraction, pissing on the carpet after barking for no reason (probably a fair warning we brushed off but still...), how he smells, dominates women and throws tantrums when he doesnt get his way. I say "Who the fuck does this shit", to which she shyly raises her hand and says, "Yeah I peed on the porch, the one below because I didn't feel like walking up the stairs to the bathroom. 

    From what I can recall, you only need to walk up the steps and you're there essentially. The porch is cluttered, so I can imagine that she sprayed some items with her torrent. It's so nonchalant for her that it leaves me to wonder...does she enjoy pissing where she shouldn't? I mean this is by no means her first time, just the most brazen as far as I know. She'll probably never know how much of a turn on that is in the most platonic sense, but I do want to ask if she's into that sort of thing, without leaving a door open for awkwardness or potential sex (okay maybe I wouldn't say no to sex at least once, she is attractive).

    How would you ask a friend if they were into piss/piss play/watersports, without sounding like you wanted to fuck their brains out? We know quite a bit about each other, but she DID ask when drunk and I couldn't tell her because I don't feel like she would look at me the same if I told her I was into pee, bc that calls into question if she should ever pee in front of me again and I love that she is comfortable with me in that manner. Friendships like that are rare.

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  10. I've got a new one.

    Among the naughty and daring ones as of recent was pissing in full view of a library across the street in the early hours. I stood up on the couch, cocked one leg up for balance against the back of the sectional and pissed out the window from the third floor. 

    Another time was on the sofa of the shared livingroom. My roommate was home and could have come out to see me letting go into the couch cushions. 

    Most recently was my piss in the data center at my job. I checked for cameras in a particularly dusty area across from the servers and there were none, so I dropped into a squat and let rip onto the concrete. I mopped it up afterwards as the janitors closet was right there and I didn't want them to investigate. That one was the most fun.

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