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Posts posted by pguy2981

  1. I'm more or less new here so my opinion probably doesn't matter much, but that kind of request doesn't really fit the culture of the site. While I would love (seriously) to immediately meet up with people and get straight to business, it doesn't work like that for most if not all the people on this site. It's not like craigslist where you can just put in an ad and someone's gonna answer. The friendships here took alot of time and everyone sort of expects the same amount of effort. Anything less just looks sketchy and feels off-putting. You're chances aren't zero but they are certainly extremely low with that sort of approach. 

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  2. I have a friend who I'm pretty sure I have mentioned my pee kink to and she doesn't seem to mind. One time we were video calling and she said "Hey I have to pee, do you mind if I pee in front of you?" Well I sure as hell wasn't gonna stop her or make a huge deal out of it, but I did say " Haha, I promise not to get turned on." Safe to say she knows about it and openly pees around me when it's convenient. I just get silently turned on and touch myself a little but it's never a big deal, whether she's trying to get something out of me or not.

    • Hot 4
  3. Literally everything listed above (alcohol, natural diuretics) with the addition of aloe vera juice. I'm one of those weirdos who likes a little crunch to certain things and I think aloe vera is a fun drinks and tasty too. However I try not to drink these on long trips because they run right through me within the hour.

  4. On 4/15/2021 at 6:28 PM, rubytuesday said:

    That would be so hot ....a guy spreading my pussy lips for me in a public place, not sure where though, so that I could empty my full bladder from under my dress. I'd love to do it on a busy tube train, but would probably get arrested  ....especially when I pulled his cock out of his jeans to guide his piss on to the carriage floor too. 

    It's good to fantasise.

    I have a fantasy where I do this with someone on an interstate bus at night. We sit in the back, after a long day of holding it back, just for the purpose of letting it loose in the back seats. We sit down and my friend spreads her legs, showing me her wet pussy, aching for touch. She tells me she can't hold it back anymore and before I even get my hands to her lips, she starts leaking. With one hand I take her leg, cock it up whilst taking her lips in my fingers and directing her spray onto the back of the chair in front of us. She gasps and suppresses moans as she pees harder against the fabric. I would slowly and quietly fuck her  the rest of the ride home.

    • Hot 4
  5. Sort of. 26 y/o make and, yeah, the thought of having someone straddle you and release is really nice. I've had it done once in that position on my bed. It was so hot. There was another time where she cocked a leg while hugging me and pissed all over my lower half. I don't miss the relationship but I'll be damned if I don't miss the sex.

  6. Alright get ready for some dream salad...

    I had this dream where my so and I were in a hotel that doubled as a bdsm play house. You check in like any regular hotel and get the key to your room. You can either bring up your stuff or have stuff brought up for you. Each room has a bdsm playroom hidden in the closet, equipped with something for every kink and fetish imaginable. My brain for some reason made the rooms beige with a mirror in the back and a large table in the middle of the room with another table having all kink equipment on it. 

    There was a two way mirror on the floor, and at the time of writing this text, I had this idea that every night, there's a social where all the guests get to know each other; you go in, eat dinner, drink, dance, and in your room is every button to get in touch with any active room and talk, exchange numbers. The two way mirror idea comes in when you ask for the others consent to watch  someone masturbate or couples have sex. If it's not a room directly adjacent, a zoom-like call could activate a secured camera in the room.

    For some reason, my brain added things you can't do. Rule 6 was pissing but you had the chance to undo one rule of the playroom by doing something with the hotel staff or something like that. Not sure what it was. I'm sure something real could have rules that you could undo and some rules you can't. The playrooms are cleaned by professionally trained cleaners ( could be the staff w/ certifications). 

    I woke up thinking this has to be something that's already been done or at least attempted. Thoughts?


  7. 2 hours ago, Mr Mercedes said:

    Not really. Maybe use it as an Uber or something. Plenty of drunk girls needing drives home on the weekends lol. Accidents do happen when you're drunk lol

    I like this. Getting off and getting paid to do it lol.

  8. On 1/25/2021 at 11:42 PM, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    Places like this must exist somewhere....either in a public club or perhaps on private property.

    I found this on the news a while ago. A nightclub where people fuck on the dancefloor, a guy in the bathroom drinks your piss, and all kinds of other hedonistic adventures.



    Is there a date on that article? I'm reading that every club in Germany closed down, and this one re-opened as an art center as of recent. I haven't heard anything else about it


  9. I know how that is. I live in a decent sized apartment building with a basement, so whenever I go out and I don't feel like stopping what I'm doing whenever the urge hits, I just go where I am or find a discreet place. Once I felt the urge while going to walk my dog, so I took it out and pissed on the wall next to the staircase. Other times when certain maintenance doors are unlocked, I'll just relieve myself all over the floor, the basement, or the staircase going down. Usually it hits at night, but I'm in a meeting now and all I want to do is piss under the desk, but I just started here so I guess the pleasure will have to wait.


    • Haha 1
  10. I don't see torture/ denial play enough. Maybe I'm too specific and/or looking in the wrong places. I'm thinking something along the lines of making a partner hold it for a set amount of time and making them do things in public while they have to try to hold it together.

    I actually made a bet with a kinky fwb that if I win a race, she's to hold it for 8 hours and if she needs to let go, she's going to do it where I tell her to, wear what I want her to wear, and there is a reward for successfully holding it in for that set period of time ( I give up control for the remainder of the evening so it's a win-win). Essentially she has no control unless she busts out the safe word. Figured that would make for a wonderful day.

    • Hot 1
  11. 4 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    The first rule of Piss Club is: You do not talk about Piss Club.

    Sorry - my humour.  Looking forward to the next part when I suspect the club will be revealed.

    I'll admit, I giggled.


  12. I know I'll probably get blown out the water here, but here goes:

    A classroom (a couple at really well known universities in the east coast, actually)

    In front of my siblings(I was young and we were under the covers but if you looked it was pretty obvious)

    Next to a stop sign on the curb of a quiet road, completely naked.

    On top of a dryer (pee was involved in this one)

    In the ocean not too far away from shore. Mother was present and again, I was young.

    In the woods, butt naked (mosquitos got rich that night)

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  13. Thus far I've pissed in his room four times; on the wall, carpet in a couple places, and his curtains. I really like pissing in between the couch cushions in the morning because I'll pee for 45 seconds straight. I'm about to leave here so I think I'll stop and let it be innocuous before anyone gets suspicious.

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  14. 4 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

    I mean if the guys wanna use a toilet they should at least either A.) Be good at aiming or B.) Sit and pee ~~and browse Reddit for half an hour~~

    To be fair, I'm sure if I walked into a club bathroom with ladies in it ( i've seen men and women use a one toilet bathroom, not sure how...), and they saw me whip it out and piss on a wall, I would expect looks of disgust and horror. We can't just go anywhere easily, I feel its not as accepted as you might think. That being said, I am B.) in this scenario.

    • Haha 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

    Me too. I wish I lived alone sometimes.

    The freedom is truly a godsend. Living life on your own terms, pissing where you want on your own terms without fear of judgement, it's amazing and I wouldn't give it up for anything (willingly).

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  16. I had a good friend back in community college, lets call this friend P. We met in a community college club where I met most of the friends I have today. I was told to come to the club by someone who had walked into the club the semester before and had impressed everyone. This man was super into P at the time, and I was told that I should come see her because she was a kind of cute that was to die for. While I didn't quite understand, i figured it was my excuse for going down to the club and making some new friends (at this point in my life I didn't have any). I came into a dark room lit only by fairy lights, staring at the corner with the blanket over it, something I hadn't seen before and definitely wasn't there the last semester. I was introduced to everyone, and out popped this brazen girl, who had to be no more than 5'1", beautiful pixie cut brown hair, skinny body but huge boobs. She spoke to me in a deadpan voice, and did not mince words. I wasn't put off by her attitude, actually I liked it. She told the truth always, and I appreciate people who don't beat around the bush.

    We became good friends with time, although there were moments where I questioned if something more was at play between us. I usually chalked it up to her just being weird, but I digress. We decided we should hang out before I leave, having remarked on missing out on what could have been a beautiful friendship. I drove myself over to her place with my dads car, as I didn't have one yet. It was around mid-day and before starting work on our cosplays for an upcoming convention we wanted to attend as a group, we decided to swim around in her pool. We got into our bathing suits and fooled around a bit in the pool. She looked so hot when her hair was wet, but I still respect our friendship. We had a nice chat, and she states that she needs to piss. I suggest that she could do it behind the shed, in the pool or behind the pool. P pondered the three suggestions, with me nervously wondering if I had been found out. She states that she wouldn't want to be seen by any of her neighbors, as her neighbors knew her parents and would have no problem reporting what they saw. She then walked inside, much to my disappointment, but it was worth a shot. We continued to hang out that day, smoking weed, getting food. She was going to request if I wanted to stay the night and watch movies, but she realized I had my dad's car and not my own, so I had to decline, regretfully.

    There was another time we hung out in a town square not too far from the city center. She, myself and my best friend, lets call him J, were all out touring the town. It became late, so we decided to go for Mexican food a little ways away from where we parked before we left. As we got in, I go to the bathroom for a quick pee, and come out to P asking, "did everything come out okay?" I wanted to respond with something clever like "Go in and see for yourself", but my pee kink brain got slightly turned on by her delivery and I couldn't say anything of value other than "..maybe..weirdo..". We sat, enjoyed our meal, and went on our way. A third of the way back to the car, she walks up, putting a hand in my back pocket, loosely cupping my bottom as we have a rather awkward conversation skirting around the fact that she had went to second base with no warning. I accepted it, liked it more than I should have. As we get back to the car, P exclaims that she has to piss really bad. J and A make a suggestion to piss off to the side of the car, and she had opened the door, motioning her hands toward her jean button. I sat there, quietly trying to get a good view. She then decides not to do it, as there was a festival being set up and didn't want to be caught by any carnival people. Shame, another wasted opportunity. I guess my fantasies will have to do.

    The final time we had hung out, we had set up a blanket in the sun and smoked a bowl of her weed while listening to her music. She states that she has to pee, and I once again mentioned the shed. She flashes this naughty smile, giggling and says, "well..I can!", whilst looking around to see if her neighbors are around. She never did though, unfortunately. My pee-related fantasies of her live on in my mind.


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  17. Mine has become having tea in my dead grandmother's victorian era style household with Queen Elizabeth the II and Princess Mary. I did everything wrong, and at one point she walked up to me and aided me with something and I said "Sorry I'm screwing up so much, back home I..Im not--" then she interrupts, looks at me with such a haunting face that you could see all of her history, and says "This isn't your, home anymore".

    I woke up in my own sweat after finishing tea. That was coupled with my dad being omni-man for a day, if anyone here knows the show Invincible and is aware of the things omni-man does, then it's rightfully nightmarish to have him as a dad. Still, tea with the queen scares me a bit more, especially as an American with no knowledge of that high society etiquette stuff.

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