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Posts posted by pguy2981

  1. @gldenwetgoose I agree with that -- all about respect. Alot of friendships that I gained during community college (well not alot, I maybe gained like 5), they had an air about them that it could be something more but we would have crossed a line we couldn't come back from. I think many if not all of them understood that, but I never understood what was it we could not come back from. I can't help but wonder if these friendships were only so intimate because there were feelings in the mix that I wasn't able to sus out. I've always wanted a friend I could do naughty stuff with but keep the platonic peace. In my mind, everything is easy when you have specific and non-negotiable boundaries.

    Yes I do think that magic spark is gone if you agreed to one set of boundaries, but then you cross the line without thinking about it, and now new feelings are introduced and you've lost your bearings. It's not a fun time for anyone. For the company I kept, I guess it would have been so easy to lose sight of what was originally discussed because there were things in play that I wasn't aware of because I wasn't asking questions. I like to assume everyone is good at keeping feelings and gut impulses out of things. I replay certain moments and it was almost never the case, with the exception of one.

  2. Something I've been thinking about for awhile now. Is it possible to keep pee buddies as a completely platonic friendship apart from sharing the pee fetish? Can two people enjoy a sexual thing together, knowing it turns the other person on, but never go further than that? If that is possible, how does one maintain a friendship like that?

    I ask because I grew up without friends in my life. And I mean the good kind of friends, friends that you eat with, drink with, travel with and have probably seen your junk; essentially ride or die people without the sex or partnership portion. Friendships in my life have been pretty surface level and short lived. That being said, I value friendships a great deal.

    How would you place boundaries on a friendship where you both share a similar kink, and want to do things together but keep anything more off the table? 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Eliminature said:

    A generously proportioned African American man releasing his golden stream in the outdoors sounds intoxicating! 😍 

    Haha I regularly do this in the wee hours of the morning outside of the patio door facing the sunrise. Something so peaceful about it. I'll record it for those I have accidentally intoxicated. For some reason I thought this would not be well received. I see I was wrong.

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  4. I think my friend is like this. There could be a bathroom right near her and she would opt to piss where she is. I can't speak to her motives but I think she gets the slightest kick out of it. No way someone would reject the option to piss further into the dark to be obscured from view, and instead say, "No, I'll pee right behind you". Unless you're in an unsafe place, which we were not (unless you factor in the occasional bear), it's purely for pleasure, fetish or not.

  5. I swear this site is dislodging some core memories...

    When I was in grade school, I had this "friend" named Alex. I guess you could call him that, I'm not sure. I do however remember quite alot of pee antics tied to him. One time we were in the bathroom and he wanted to show me how far he could pee into the urinal. He backed up some feet away, nearer to the wall than the urinal, and tried to pee. Obviously no kid has that kind of distance, so he began to pee on the floor. He stopped himself and started pissing in the urinal. At least he tried lol, I did not as I knew my limits and my limit was using a urinal in the first place.

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  6. I find the desperation portrayed here really sexy. My experiences are hardly ever overtly sexual. I would kill for a friend to be into piss marking or just letting it loose wherever we felt like, watching and helping each other piss. I definitely understand how boring fantasy can be.

  7. It was a couple and I'm not sure with which one it began.

    I was kindergarten at the time, and I remember having to go to all the activities in school. For some reason I was not allowed to go to the bathroom in ANY of those classes, which I had attended four or so of. It was always no, no, you have to hold it, and no. By the time mid day came around and I was finally allowed to go, I went to the bathroom and for some reason my brain just shut off, stopped trying to unbuckle and get everything in the toilet. It's as if my brain just said, " y'know what, fuck this..." And I pissed my pants, making a giant cubicle sized puddle in the tiny bathroom, fully aware of the consequences to come. It was embarrassing, and while one of the kids was nice enough to give me socks at the end of all that, I hated that the heels and toes were pee pee yellow. I remember peeing in alot of places I shouldnt be after that.

    I definitely got serious about this thing when i had witnessed a girl about my age at the time pee between two bushes during a soccer game. She was bent over and seriously letting loose on the grass. We exchanged looks as I walked by. She didn't make a fuss of me watching and returned to watching her stream cover the grass and even some of the bushes. It was quite impressive. I got to see her again shortly after, where her dad was helping her piss on the side of the building by holding her. If it wasn't one experience it was the other.

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  8. 26 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Guess it depends really on how far off ‘respectable’ your GF’s attitudes go when a little drunk and suitably encouraged. 

    For most people the fear of being caught and billed (or otherwise embarrassed) by the hotel is perhaps the main obstacle - and it’s that balance between willingness, drunken naughtiness against risk and fear of consequences. 

    So thinking from her perspective and ruling out the bed, I guess there’s a sliding scale - golden showers in the bathtub, peeing on towels or tiled bathroom floor and mopping up with towels ? The towels will be laundered anyway, so not causing any inconvenience or risk.

    Carpet runs the risk of a wet patch being found - but could be an acceptable risk - many hotel rooms have beds on wheels to suit pushing aside for cots etc - so perhaps move the bed, pee and then put the bed back over it?

    How about de-coupling the risk of a wet patch being tied to your room - perhaps a naughty wetting the carpet of a corridor, stairwell, underground car park or similar after checking for security cameras. That could be woven into a little role play maybe - too desperate to make it to the toilet?

    As this is the live action thread, please do keep us in the picture of how the action pans out - let us know how she gets on…

    She goes pretty far off when she's drunk. Since this is a conference and there are people we've networked with already, I think it HAS to stay in the confines of our hotel room. We have a bottle of urine destroyer, though as I write this, I'm looking at the carpet and I've got a gut feeling it's not very absorbent, haha. I'll probably back out of this as my gf really isn't into pee play until she's drunk and wants to do things, but I wanted to hear everyone's suggestions beforehand.

  9. On 3/7/2022 at 2:12 PM, foxypiss said:

    Currently holding and no one's home. Where should I piss

    Didn't see any suggestions to this but next time, if you have a sturdy counter or table, get on top of it and piss everywhere. Don't be afraid to go crazy and really let loose.

    Though the real fun to be had is when people ARE home. You're limited yet limitless in your options. I challenge you to do the naughtiest piss you can with someone in close proximity. Sister going outside for a smoke? Sprinkle the carpet with some piss by rubbing your pussy a bit. Talking to a roommate over wine at the dinner table? Sneak a towel in and slowly release on it while talking. Bf taking a shower after sex? Sneak into the shower and let some out on the floor right next to it, make it look like she showers leaking. 

    Can't wait to see where you land on your next piss adventure.

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