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Posts posted by pguy2981

  1. I would like to say I'm more reserved about this, but virtually all my friends know of my pee fetish to some extent. 

    Out of all the people I've ever known in my personal life, only one completely abhors the idea and isn't very into it. They didn't shame me for it but the did judge me and that's enough. Others, close friends mostly, have been supportive and some have gone as far as to indulge it. 

    That being said, I won't let it play a huge role away from the keyboard. If a decent sexual partner comes along and is into the vandalism, brazen pissing where you shouldn't part of it that I am into, then I'm all for it. If not, that's okay too. Interacting with people here and in other forums is fine as well. I am into other things, though I will most certainly bring it up to test the waters(I know, I'll see myself out).

  2. On 9/5/2020 at 4:48 AM, Big Bear said:

    Got a handful of sightings over the bank holiday weekend which started off with a hot blonde milf and her equally hot friend. I had just finished work and was walking into town along the main road. As I was two women appeared from one of the side streets across the road and started walking towards town.  A little further along there I walked across the road at the crossing point and fell in behind them, immediately wishing I had done so sooner. One of the women, a tall leggy blonde was wearing some sexy skin tight leather look leggings which not only showed off her great butt but also clearly showed the outline of her sexy thong underneath. As someone who loves VPL this was a lovely sight. Not to mention her friend who had one some black shorts, showing off her slender legs. As we walked along I just admired the view. 

    Not long after though my interest in them increased as we reached the town's outer ring road and stood waiting at the crossing. They were chatting and then suddenly the blonde, mid conversation, moaned "God I need a pee" and did a little curtsy motion then continued with her conversation. We crossed the road into the town centre and as we walked along the main shopping precinct the blonde moaned again "I really need a pee". This time her friend laughed and made a comment about her going before they left not too long ago and the blonde said "I know I know but I had a lot to drink before I came to yours". 

    A few minutes later she told her friend she would quickly nip to McDonalds for a wee then they would head for the bus. I checked the time and realised that McDonalds would have now changed to take out only so she wouldn't be allowed in. As we reached the town square and were almost at Mcdonald's she started walking a little faster. When she reached the road she had to wait for a bus to go by and as she was stood I noticed she was now gently bouncing her leg. Clearly her need was growing. When the bus had gone she dashed across the road and I stood and watched as she went to the door and realised it was blocked. She spoke to the guy inside obviously asking if she could come in but he refused and she came back to her friend.

    "They have closed now, its only for take out food, I'll just have to go at the bus station" she told her friend, squirming gently. I set off walking towards the bus station with the two of them just behind and a few minutes later as we reached the side entrance to the bus station she moaned to her friend "hurry hurry hurry" and started doing fast little steps up the stretch of drop off points to the main bus station area. I turned the corner to where the toilets were just a few moments before them and when she came around she walked towards the door and found it firmly shut. She pushed a few more times before accepting they were closed and turned round, bending over slightly and squirming on the spot. She looked at her friend and said "fuck they are shut too". Her friend replied that their bus was due in 10 minutes to which the blonde replied "I know but I'm busting for a pee and there is no way I can wait until we get to (town name), I will wet myself on the bus, I need to find somewhere to pee before we get on the bus". 

    She set off back down towards the side door and I quickly walked along to the main exit of the bus station. I waited by the door and watched as they came out of the side door and walked across the courtyard in front of the bus station and my guess had been right. They were heading for the alleyway between two buildings across the courtyard. I walked across and down the alleyway and about halfway down it opens up into some car parking spaces for the staff of the shops. I moved behind there and moments later the blonde women appeared and turned towards the parking spaces. She moved into the corner and without wasting second she pulled down her leggings and little red thong and squatted down and started peeing. She let out a sigh as she did her friend came round the corner and I waited a moment before coming out from behind the dumpster. I had undone my belt so when I walked out it looked like I had just done the same as her. I apologised and said "as if they shut the toilets when the buses are still running". The blonde looked up and said "I know right, surely if the bus station is open the toilets would be too". She finished peeing and pulled her leggings and knickers back into place then her friend said "I think I better go before we get on the bus too" she moved towards where her friend had been and pulled down her shorts and white knickers before squatting down and releasing her bladder in the same spot. I just watched as she peed without a care and when she had done she sorted herself out and she asked me where I was heading. As we set off back to the bus station I told her I had finished work and was heading home and asked the same question of her. She told me they were going to meet some friends and I told them I hoped they enjoyed their night. When we got into the bus station they headed to their stop with a goodnight and not long after got on their bus. I left the bus station to head down into town to see if I could scope out any more sexy sightings.

    I see this too often, and then people catch a misdemeanor for pissing in public as if they had a choice. Better the alleyways or outside than messing up some restaurants bathroom 

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  3. Not a total gearhead , but a friend of the family (who's now deceased) was super into cadillacs, which got me really into cars at the time. I always tell myself that if I ever had enough money to start playing around with cars, I would like to restore something.

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  4. On 2/28/2021 at 4:55 PM, Sophie said:

    Who fancies attempting this? I don't think I could do it.


    I'd attempt this when and if I got myseld up to peak fitness. Sadly with my bulky football player body, that's a far fetched goal. I like cycling but I'm not very good at it.

  5. On 3/8/2021 at 11:30 AM, hornygoat24 said:

    Desperation is my favorite. Hearing a man whine and watching him pinch his cock while piss dribbles out gets me going.

    I've never whined, but all the noise comes out as heavy  breathing, moaning and tapping whatever surface I can to stop myself from thinking about pissing myself. This happened on a trip home. Drank too much and near pissed in traffic. Found a rest stop and let loose for nearly a minute.

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  6. 1 hour ago, hornygoat24 said:

    Does anyone have any experience with being peed inside of? Or have you peed inside someone? This is one of my biggest fantasies but I'm wondering if it's truly as good as it looks.

    No I haven't but I imagine it's like pissing inside a condom or fleshlight. I've done the former and it feels amazing. I guess to simulate the experience you could do the following:

    A.) Take a water bottle with warm water after cumming and just squeeze.

    B.) Drill a hole in a silicon penis and jerry rig a water balloon to it and squeeze. Sorry if that sounds complicated.

    You were probably looking forward to more answers from women, I apologize.



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  7. 14 hours ago, pop-a-squat said:

    I want to go on a cruise where everyone can piss where they want, or stay in a hotel like that. I also like the idea of peeing in the street during a busy parade. 

    I like this. I think there's a video on xnxx that takes place on water and everyone's just pissing around and on each other. Only thing is that they are constantly moaning in ecstasy, which is a slight negative for me but it's still hot af.

    I would love to bear witness to that second one.

  8. 13 hours ago, rubytuesday said:

    I'm so glad I've found this site. 

    I love solo peeing. It's so liberating to go out wearing no panties under my dress and just let it flow when I need to go. I make sure I have a full bladder so that it lasts longer. Like so many members here I'd love to pee in a shop fitting room, but haven't had the courage yet. To be in such an enclosed space, watching myself in a big mirror, knowing that there are strangers in the fitting rooms either side of me, unaware of what I'm doing, makes me feel so horny. I've often touched myself to orgasm, watching myself in a fitting room mirror and would love to go one step further and piss over my hand and the floor.

    Something I fantasise about is riding a guy, then after he's cum and before he pulls out I pee down his cock and balls, drenching our legs and making a wet, soggy mess. I'd love that.

    I wish I had friends like you more into this kind of pee play. I had a friend bet me in a race and if they lose, I get to punish them by making them hold it in all day. I know she won't make it past high noon, so I'm hoping we can get into some naughty public pissing. Hoping to get her in a nice dress/skirt with no panties as you said. Also hoping to be the one to spread her pussy open and piss uninhibited somewhere really public.

    It's all I've thought about this week.

  9. A friend bet me she could win in a cycling race against an electric bike with her and her husband. We set th terms of loss and I chose making her hold her pee for 12 hours (sunrise to sunset). If YOU were setting the terms of a hold, what are terms you would set for this bet?

    I'm thinking of making her drink a cup of water every hour so she stays hydrated. I'm also thinking about making her wear something tight fitting and doing some kind of activity while trying to keep it together. That, or wearing something like a dress or skirt with nothing underneath so she completely soaks whatever shes sitting on or standing over. Do you guys/gals think 12 hours is enough? What should we do during that time? Should I set a timer, audibly keep track of how much she has left? 

    Should I say "after 12 hours, where you pee is up to you, anywhere is fair game. BUT, anything before twelve hours is my choice, and I pick what you wear afterwards."? Think that's fair? Any input would be greatly appreciated.


    EDIT: Figured it out. Still would love your input though.

  10. On 3/4/2021 at 12:46 AM, Desperation14 said:

    Hi guys! Im new to this whole thing and also sorry if i spell wrong im terrible at spelling haha. Im into desperation and stuff like thatm hoping to connect to eople like that. And find was ig to make it fun. Also if anybody has tips on how to make liquid go through fast. Let me kjow haha. Sorry if this is awks and/or i sound like a robot. Im horrible at talking

    I have found a big bottle of aloe vera juice to be very effective. If you love the pieces of aloe plant in it and all the different flavors, I suggest you get it. Also it comes out clear and doesn't smell all that much. Source: Drank not even half the bottle on the way home from the big city and nearly pissed myself while stuck in traffic in front of my ex's mother. Found a gas station and pissed for what felt like a minute. Had to do it again no more than 30 minutes later.

    Hope this helps

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  11. 8 minutes ago, peeLIZZ said:

    It looks like there are many like-minded people here))

    My profile picture is a screenshot of pornhub video. 
    I'm pretty much afraid to upload photos of what I'm doing.  As long as I am just writing anonymously, all is well.  But I'm too naughty to show up. 
    I like to play it safe

    If I may offer some words of naughty encouragement; as long as you don't reveal your face, blur out any identifying features about your location, use sock puppet emails and phone numbers to sign up for services like these, and don't reuse your usernames across the web, you should be fine and no one will really bother to track you down. I would say use a vpn as an extra measure, but I'm remembering that russia doesn't allow those anymore if I'm not mistaken?

    Idk what this sites policy is when it comes to metadata of images and videos. Ask the admin if that stuff is automatically scrubbed from your uploads. We surely don't want to miss out on you being destructive and naughty. But at the end of the day it's your decision.

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  12. This has probably been posted here before, but I figured I'd ask since going to clubs and busy bars is not something I frequented in my earlier 20s (I'm barely late twenties but most do it in the five years of their early twenties and I was a prude then). I went to a local night club and stood in line for the bathroom after some time. Ive noticed that people use the bathroom in groups of people that they didn't know seconds before. Boy or girl it didn't matter. Not to mention the floor was completely soaked despite it being a dry day outside. I mean all the floors (men, women, unisex). Has anyone used the bathroom in this manner? What did you see and did you use the toilet or something else, like the floor, sink, garbage can, wall?

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  13. 5 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    I've read stories about this and I love the idea. I have a fire place we don't use but there's stuff in front of it so no fun for me lol. I'd imagine it couldn't cause thet much damage, and it does seem convenient! Even if you get some splashes on the brick who cares!

    I was lucky enough to have a basement with a stone and brick fireplace. Easy to crack open and let rip through the chain mail. If the stuff is movable you should move it and give it a try. Idk what piss does to brick, I heard it causes some damage when it soaks the rock but idk, can't be that bad. Plus, as I said, the sound of the splatter against the ash is beautiful. You're missing out

  14. Anyone who has a fireplace that's used and not active in the warmer months, do you use it as a personal toilet? I mean... posting this in a pee related website almost sounds stupid and I'm sure a number of you have done it, but like not out of naughtiness, rather the convenience of it? I did it so many times I've lost count. We had a metal gate surrounding the fireplace and I used to sleep on my parents couch. So when no one is awake, I just get up, whip it out, and let loose all over it for 20 seconds. I do so because it's absorbed by the ashes and doesn't give off a suspicious odor afterwards. Hell, even for fun, I would press the head of my penis against the metal frame so multiple forks spray everywhere (to maximize damage haha). Sure the gate rusts up, but my parents were none the wiser. Great place to piss in a pinch and hearing the stream splatter against the ash is wonderful.

    Anyone else?

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  15. Anyone else find that the vocabulary used in pee related stories/ videos is a huge turn on? I find that the talking does almost as much to me as the act itself. I love stories that say things like "let loose", "releases", "torrent", I could go on forever. Let loose has to be my favorite. It really does imply a sense of urgency combined with a sense of "this is gonna come out one way or the other so it's happening here, now, and I don't give a fuck who sees".

    I also love it when people talk about how desperate they were, or lack thereof, right before they just start pissing right there. It's a rush as I feel as though I'm living vicariously through the person in the video or character in the story, or watching them as a silent observer. I love hearing how your bladder is torturing you and how you'll pretty much consider anything at the point you're at. I'll throw out a couple suggestions that don't include the toilet and purposely make a friend hold it longer until they say the three magic words "I can't hold it anymore" or " It's coming out" and they let out a beautiful noisy stream. 

    Vocab is fucking everything.

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  16. Don't be afraid to ask questions and to write. It's the best way to learn if you aren't around native speakers. I spent a large portion of my life with someone from that side of the world and it wasn't an easy thing for her to pick up the language but she did and now she speaks and writes better than most Americans. 

  17. 2 hours ago, peeLIZZ said:

    I sometimes pee in my boyfriend's car but he is not very happy that he has to wash it

    I posted something about being against pissing in my car but I'm drunk and have been waiting an hour to be sober. I don't want to use the empty alley way a few steps away but I don't want to piss in my car even though it will probably just be vodka water. What would you do?

    Edit: Autocorrect is a life saver right now.

  18. My roommates been out for the longest time and hasn't come back. Took advantage of his absence and pissed on the gray sectional couch this morning after masturbating. Was about to walk into the bathroom until I said fuck it, why not!? Wasn't much, but we all know how piss looks on the color gray. Got some in between the couch cushions too. It's left over from the previous tenants and no ones coming back for it. Might as well use it while I can.


    This might not be the last time either.

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