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Everything posted by MidoriLemonade85

  1. I am not Ruth, but thanks. 😉 PeeFans is very friendly. It’s mainly inbox storage restrictions that drive me nuts. 😆
  2. “A beautiful mess”. 💚 Very imaginative and deliciously destructive.
  3. 1. The private chat: can it take you to the most recent page rather than page 1 all the time? 2. Private chat does fill up quick. Can we have an archive or quick download option to free up space? 3. Can you somehow make membership more anonymous? I would be happy to pay if I could tell my husband it is an online yoga membership or something? 4. Instead of anyone being able to message anyone, have a Friend Request option first? Then we can check out their bio. 5. Have a section in personal bio’s for links to stories the member has written so it’s all cent
  4. Ok, trying to outdo Kupar in the fancy, healthy food stakes! 😆 Vegetarian Buddha Bowl 1. What did you cook today? Buddha Bowl (diet version) with spinach leaves, garlic and ginger sweet potato, Spanish onions, green beans, poached egg, fried halloumi cheese, seedless green grapes, cherry tomatoes and chia seeds on top. 2. Can we have the recipe? Yep… https://www.themanshake.com.au/blog/recipes/dinners-and-sides/vegetarian-buddah-bowl/ 3. Does this meal have special meaning for you? I like recipes that even a kid could make. I get nervous when it involves blende
  5. Really lovely. 💚 The sound is one of the best things about pee.
  6. So I normally wear skin-coloured or black or maybe green bras. For a change I bought a Barbie-pink bra. 💗 What do you think? Or is it better to leave it off? 😉💚
  7. Mmmmmm, ooooooh smoked paprika makes everything taste next level, doesn’t it?😋 Very healthy and looks delicious. Ah well, maybe some nonchalant kitchen peeing next time? 💦 Gorgeous food, just like you. Thanks for bringing us into Kupar’s Kitchen. 💚
  8. I am so happy I am crying. 🥹 K is so lucky to be able to do this. And you are obviously lucky to have such a wonderful wife. Such a loving and romantic thing to do. Utterly beautiful. As a couple you are so adorable. 💚 Thank you. I am off to find some tissues…
  9. Magnificent. I love everything about it: *the hands-free fully-clothed peeing *your beautiful hard cock *the lovely lighting and sparkle *the mid-air stream *your breathing *shoving it back in your jeans! I could watch this one over and over. Absolute magic, as always. 💚 You’re a work of art. 😘 The creator was showing off when they made you.
  10. I love the video…I expanded it on my phone to get a close-up of the knickers and puddle! So hot that she was trying to make the biggest puddle possible for you and I can see she was careful about not wetting her socks! Warm feet are the key to a woman’s happiness!! Thank you both. Very lovely, sexy, romantic as always. 💚 Looking forward to seeing the holding picture too!
  11. Those are all my favourite flavours and spices! Sounds absolutely delicious! You are making me hungry and I am not allowed to eat this late at night!
  12. Wow that was a hot story. 🔥 Thank you so much for sharing and it was a lovely description! You’re welcome in the PeeFans Kitchen anytime. 😘
  13. Creative!! I vividly remember being desperate for a pee in a plane descending into Melbourne Airport. I willed the plane to land faster so I didn’t wet the seat! As soon as the seatbelts sign came off I dashed to the plane’s loo. Then I couldn’t find my boyfriend who had got off the plane real quick!!
  14. Seeing as we are always talking about food in the Live Chat, I thought it might be fun to start a cooking thread! So…. 1. What did you cook today? 2. Can we have the recipe? 3. Does this meal have special meaning for you? 4. Did you pee while you cooked and if so, how and where? 5. Pics? Me?: 1. Teriyaki Tuna patties with fresh garden parsely and lemon herb panko breadcrumbs. 2. Sure! https://www.theladyshake.com.au/blog/recipes/dinners-and-sides/tuna-patties/ 3. I am on a diet. These are recommended. I want to lose 10kgs to fit in the Economy
  15. This has got to be one of the most romantic real life pee accounts I have read on this site!!! Beautifully described too! Looks like the start of many beautiful, wet adventures. And…she fancies you, mate! 💖
  16. If anyone is interested in how cranes work BTW…. https://open.spotify.com/episode/440RhiKGcAdNxO0N3pl4eA?si=RonGz-4rRk2UcUWbNfEXmA
  17. Yes, of course. Wow, interesting re pro cyclists. Wonder if anyone notices?
  18. Mmmm peeing during a bushwalk/hike is always a pleasure.
  19. Wow, re astronauts. Wonderful, re peeing in scenic locations. Very lucky.
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