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Everything posted by MidoriLemonade85

  1. It’s nice. Of course I kept wanting it to dive further and give me more wet detail but it was romantic and lovely. AI will never match my dirty mind.
  2. Sure just send it on IG…all good. Yes. Park, shop, pee and skedaddle. 🙂 Wear something easy to move out the way of the pee then I guess if not a long gypsy skirt. Have tissues or a little towel available to wipe wet skin if needed. I think it is the art of the “poker face.” Act normal and don’t give away what’s in your mind. Most people are so self-absorbed that they don’t care or don’t notice what others do. That is how most of us PeeFans get through the day. “Me, no I am not looking at porn, I’m checking the weather on my phone. Yes I did the dishes (you’ll never g
  3. Right, girl. I have drawn a map too, according to your description. It helped - as I was originally confused because I forgot your steering wheel is on the other side of the car! 😆 I think a plastic drink bottle beats a cup. You could have the lid on it loosely and drop it “accidentally” so it spills on the ground, and your pee puddle would look like spilled water. But do it on departure, not arrival. I think you should chill because carparks are quite messy places generally. Whenever I park in the multi-story carparks in the city they are full of pee puddles as well as various car
  4. Has anyone ever told you that you are perfect? I just love the way you think. ❤️‍🔥Yes I would wear a skirt too or pee down through my leggings with legs together because I am modest. And towel on seat is great thinking too. 💚
  5. Gorgeous & delicious, especially the 2nd one. Sunny days were made for this. 💚 I hope these aren’t your last videos. 😔
  6. Felt soooo naughty but I was opportunistic because they were wet and dripping with pool water anyway. It worked out so well. 💚
  7. This was just my reconnaissance mission. Now that I have found paradise I will pick you two up on the way next time! Would absolutely love you both sitting next to me, drinking and peeing at the bar! Though the pool closes relatively early so we might need to continue the private party on the beach. Sounds fun to me. 💚🏝️
  8. 🥶 Brrr …I prefer a pool that I can just walk right in without having to adjust to as I get in and then shiver when I get out. Tropics are such a pleasant place to swim.
  9. Oooh, well. Definitely a water-themed accommodation like maybe Disney Sea https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3016_sea.html or the Hilton in Hawaii… https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/hnlhvhh-hilton-hawaiian-village-waikiki-beach-resort/?WT.mc_id=zlada0ww1HI2psh3ggl4amphtbrd5dkt6HNLHVHH7_153682779_1003528&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0-Gsit2lhQMV0yR7Bx0pqQZLEAAYASAAEgJ1WfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds I am not really one for organised activities or competitions. But being able to pee freely in the pool, ocean, hotel room, gardens, and maybe even the resort shuttle bus when
  10. Hah! The one time I get to make *you* jealous of my adventures! 💕 Thanks Kupar. 💚 It was so amazing.
  11. I thought I might regale you, my lovely friends, on my experiences staying at an island resort. It was a wonderful place, surrounded by a tropical, lush environment made up of clear blue, warm ocean, deep green rainforests, tall coconut palms, white sandy beaches and multi-coloured corals. A natural paradise, just as I imagined it would be. Once I landed at the airport and made my way to the resort, I wasted no time; changing into my bathers to jump in the pool. The pool was large, though fairly shallow, with sparkling, clear, warm water. There was a swim-up bar with s
  12. Oooh, romantic! And her relief would have been very pleasant to hear. 💚 You *are* rather cheeky, eh?! 💦 What a wonderful way to relax over a long weekend. Thank you for sharing.
  13. Welcome! Plenty of that here. Have fun.💚
  14. So long but so fucking amazing! Love the realistic detail. So erotic. Dreamy! 💚
  15. Absolutely dreamy. A lovely thing to replay in my mind over, and over. 😘💦mmmmmm❤️‍🔥
  16. It’s wonderful, @Alfresco. You are living the dream. I especially love the wet seat but it’s all beautiful. ❤️‍🔥💦 The car was made to be your toilet.
  17. 1. Do you like cooking? What are your favourite foods? 2. If you won lotto where would you like to travel to? 3. Would you ever write a memoir? 4. Do you believe in dragons? 5. How can we get more girls onto PeeFans do you think? Or are you happy with the ones already here? 😉
  18. And…I would have loved to hear the sound of her pee hitting your jeans. ❤️‍🔥
  19. Wow, so wonderful. 💕 They look a little like shorts. Like you’d wear in PE at school. K is 21, isn’t she? 😉 I really love that you lay under her waterfall on the bathroom floor. Beautiful and sexy. Dare I ask, did you still get to rip them off for “slightly rougher sex than normal?” Yes you are a very, very lucky guy. Your young wife is also fortunate that you create these wonderful adventures for her to have fun. So gorgeous, you two. 💚
  20. Gosh @Bacardi your thread is getting sexy, messy and rowdy. It’s very you. 😆💚
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