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Everything posted by kalle2020

  1. Yes, I'm from Germany. Rhineland, so not far from Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France.
  2. kalle2020


    Hi and welcome to the community! There are lots of likeminded people around here. 😊
  3. Yes! And there's nothing naughtier than a woman secretly wetting herself in a pullup or diaper while amongst unsuspecting people!
  4. What kind/brand was it? Are you still wearing it?
  5. How did the pullup work? Really no leaks?
  6. Definitely very hot to see you wet yourself. Thanks a lot for sharing!
  7. I completely agree with your husband! That's also one of my favorite scenarios.
  8. What's your plan when you can't hold any longer? Wet yourself or use the toilet? Or something else?
  9. Try to keep holding and keep us udated on how it goes! What are you wearing?
  10. Those are the hottest wettings, in my view: surrounded by other people who don't have any idea. 😉 Thanks so much for sharing that experience! 😊
  11. I keep my "fetish" interests on this and other sites completely separate from the rest of my life, with an e-mail address, a user name and a google account which I only use in this special-interest world. I even have a separate, password protected user account for this stuff on my pc and my tablet. As far as I know, nobody around me knows of this "parallel universe" in which I spend a few hours almost every day. However, I would like to emphasize that this separate identity for the fetish world is not a fake identity. What I reveal here about myself is true, it's the "real me", as @gldenw
  12. Sure! If you have any grammar feedback, I'd love to hear it.
  13. OK, I'll give it a try. Please forgive me any mistakes; English is not my native language: You did not even take your coat off before you rushed to the toilet. "I had to pee so bad for the last 15 km of the bike ride", you sighed with relief and smiled. I walked up to you and kissed you on the forehead. You were still peeing.
  14. It's not only in your mind that this creates a lovely picture. 😊
  15. It's a great idea, and I love all the examples you provided. Little masterpieces!
  16. Welcome to the site, you can meet lots of nice and cool people here!
  17. Probably option c), and the more I think about it, the more I hope never to be in that situation......unless it's not me who has to pee but one or more pretty ladies!
  18. I love the look on her face, in both pics.
  19. I'm pretty sure coffee and beer have a diuretic effect, so I would rank them first (in that order), followed by water. I don't drink energy drinks so I don't have an opinion on those.
  20. Besides peefans, there's a number of other sites which I visit pretty much every day. The most important one is http://www.fetlife.com where I spend at least as much time as on peefans (sometimes more, often in parallel). Besides that, I pay (usually short) visits to http://www.omorashi.org, http://www.abkingdom.com (my main interest is women in diapers) and Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram where I follow a number of people who post pee- and/or diaper-related stuff. About twice a week or so I check the pissing videos section on http://www.eroprofile.com .
  21. I'm generally not a fan of dark modes, so after trying it out for a few minutes I returned to the default setting (purple fade). I like it!
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