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Everything posted by Eliminature

  1. Just went on an evening walk with the husband. We walked on the path by the canal and I asked him to take a photograph of me peeing into it. As always, I lifted up my skirt and directed my lower lips to arc a stream into the water. It made a lovely trickling sound! I have posted the pics in a thread I made on the pictures forum. Before I found a place by the side of the canal, we noticed two guys were standing on the pavement opposite, peeing through the railings and down the side wall into the canal. I heard the trickle before I saw the streams. They stopped and eyed us suspiciously when
  2. I've never actually done that. There aren't that many natural bodies of water near where we live. Though I could try the canal.
  3. A public urinal in Amsterdam. Specifically the ones with a metallic spiral around them to shield the user. In English, it translates to "piss curl."
  4. You'd like me, then! 😀 I absolutely refuse to sit, except when I have to for whatever reason. I've even used the plaskrullen in Amsterdam.
  5. I personally prefer a bush or tree. In the city there are few about but I'm perfectly happy to find a discreet corner against a wall to relieve myself. The weeds growing in car parks are a passable substitute. I've watered those a few times.
  6. Watering a tree, grass or bush is always nice, in a rural setting. When there's no one around, just letting it flow out onto the grass. I also like to do it on a wall, in an alleyway or down a grate in a more urban setting. I'm female, so in a gents' urinal is more thrilling for me than it would be for many men. All varieties. I've been doing my morning pee down the shower for the past few days which feels nice. I don't need to aim and it saves water!
  7. Did it yesterday and did it today. Indeed, I enjoy letting my stream out in creative positions in the shower. Crouching down on all fours like a dog, bending over, sitting directly on the floor, etc. Saves water, and is easier than aiming into the bowl.
  8. I did number three this morning. My stream was very thick and yellow againstthe white shower fitting. Nice to let go!
  9. I'm going to try number three in the shower next.
  10. Glad to hear that I'm not the only lady who prefers to stand and pee. Maybe more ladies could learn. Yes, I'd be happy to give a few pointers (pun intended)
  11. Just as long as no minors are there at the time! 🤣
  12. Thank you, Speedy. Yes. I do prefer it this way. It was a drag being bullied into sitting down, but those days are behind me now. ☺ Kids can be cruel.
  13. Some of you might be interested in how I learned to pee standing up as a female. Well, it was my male playmate who taught me. Aged around five or so, we were playing in the street, kicking a ball around, and I suddenly announced that I needed a wee and I turned to go back into my house and use the bathroom. My friend ran after me asking "Do you want to have a wee in my garden?" I wasn't so sure. I had weed outside before but only with an adult holding me. I hadn't tried to do it myself before. "I don't think I can," I replied to my friend. "Only if I'm held." I remember feeling a bit upse
  14. I got down on all fours like position number one in the shower this morning to do my morning pee. Never done that before. It certainly felt nice. I'm not sure I'm flexible enough for any of the other positions, though!
  15. Same. I'm not really a sun worshipper. Indeed, I like to keep my skin as pale and protected from UV as possible - I'm very paranoid about skin cancer! However, if I were at the beach I'd probably pull my swimsuit (not a bikini, no one needs to see my plump belly!) crotch to the side and go discreetly in the sand, covering it like a cat afterwards. I think standing and going openly against the wall/rock would be frowned upon, especially if there were youngsters making sand castles.
  16. Good on her for being so open and good on you for giving her a tissue. I think I would have stood next to the guys and peed against the fence! Men and women peeing together (whatever posture they use) is very sexy!
  17. Earlier on the way home, we pulled into the service areas for a quick stop. I had already suggested that we didn't go inside the building itself due to Covid. Instead we could just find a discreet area to relieve ourselves. And yes, we watered the bushes. We crossed over to the HGV/trucker car park and made our way to the brambles and tall trees planted around the perimeter. A few HGV drivers were there: smoking, looking at their phones and such. None of them bothered us, though. That's why we chose to pee over there. Truckers are on the road for a living - they've seen it all before.
  18. Oh yes! A decade on, I still call upon the memory of it to get aroused.
  19. Just today: my husband and I were in the car. He said something about finding a place to go before we met with someone - we can't go into people's homes because of local lockdown. I didn't think much of it until about half an hour later when he pulled in to a 24 petrol station and got out of the car in a hurry. As it happened, they didn't have a public lavatory. He was getting pretty twitchy and agitated by this time so I suggested that we stop at a small woodland walk area and relieve ourselves there. He said "I'll take it!" We hopped back into the road horse and he stepped on the gas. I
  20. I've been here less than a week and already, I'm a little bit frightened myself. I'm more than happy to share my experiences, post waist down shots (no face!) and celebrate our fetish. Hopefully more - including fantasies and fiction. But to community members generally please, please don't ask me to do things like talk with you away from here and generally do things that would be unfaithful to my husband. I can't do that. I'm married and it would be very wrong. I'm flattered that you enjoy what I've posted so far. I didn't know that so many men liked women to pee standing up - I honestly thoug
  21. No of course not! I'd never do a thing like that. I was wearing a tight dress anyway. I'm sure he could see that I didn't have a penis. Trying to remember some other encounters... 🤔
  22. Yes. Give the ground a good watering. It helps the plants grow!
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