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Everything posted by Eliminature

  1. Not for everyone, I know. Some like it, others won't. Fair enough. ☺
  2. This would, in my opinion, be interesting to try. As everyone on this website knows, I prefer to pee standing in the traditionally male posture. I understand that some males occasionally try a squatting posture. Not only to see what it feels like for a girl, but also to create a female looking puddle and encourage girls to squat there. Some even report placing dummy tissues into the puddle to make it look authentic. It would be fun to try peeing in a city centre with a guy using the traditional postures for the opposite sex. Me standing, him squatting. Not only is peeing with a frie
  3. I don't see why not. I'll ask Mr Eliminature to photograph me in the bathroom. ☺ I haven't done this yet for two reasons. Firstly, I assumed that into the conventional toilet is not considered exciting enough to qualify for a website such as this. Secondly, I was a little bit worried about identifying and outing myself by showing our bathroom, but I guess one is just like another.
  4. Love it, as always. Very arousing. I'll bet it made a wonderful trickling sound! Excellent work, Alfresco! 👍🏻
  5. We wore visors as opposed to the traditional masks that cover just your nose and mouth and used stainless steel straws to sip out of our glasses. We do own cloth masks as well, but the visors tend to be more practical.
  6. We're back under lockdown for another month (no big deal, we survived it last time). So it's going to have to just be nature/wall pees for a few weeks. Will get back into the gents' lavatory as soon as I can. 😊
  7. Amazing work. The tunnel pees in particular are very arousing. There are tunnels over the canal where I live. I must try to do that too. Agreed. No point wasting your fluid down the lavatory when there are walls, tarmac, bushes and trees to be watered.
  8. If I come across one, I certainly will. Single unit port a loo urinals aren't all that common in England. A trough is more the norm in situations like that.
  9. I'm sure you gentlemen wouldn't mind sharing!
  10. I haven't tried the kitchen sink yet. Only the bathroom. We have a washbowl anyway, so our plates and things wouldn't get dirtied by pee.
  11. I definitely would like to try the Vauxhall urinal. In broad daylight would be fine. As long as I have a male chaperone to keep me safe. I'll bet some of the mature gents (I mean mature as in attitude as opposed to chronological age) on this website would enjoy being my male chaperone.
  12. Consider this as close as you'll get to a face reveal! 😆
  13. I love that photograph because the lady looks a bit like an elder version of me! 😀 I wear similar glasses and of course black clothes. My hair is darker, but it will probably be a similar colour as I age. Maybe this is a photograph of me from the future! 😉
  14. Well, why shouldn't we use them? We have bladders that need emptying too. 😉 And it does seem like most of you guys would make no objection! 😊 I would definitely use any public urinals myself if I encountered them. Unfortunately, I only know of the one where I have been photographed in my city.
  15. Thank you, as always, for having our backs.
  16. You are so kind that you could only be Canadian, Speedy. ☺🇨🇦👍🏻 Not here, but I'll describe some other experiences of Mr Eliminature and I peeing together, either outdoors or into the same receptacle. We like to touch/cross our streams.
  17. In an alleyway in our city behind a bin (trashcan for our American urophile friends). We were walking home from the brewery visit and instead of using the station lavatories and risking covid, we decided to use an alleyway that we have used a few times before. It actually felt quite daring because the alleyway is wide and well lit. Anyone walking past would have known exactly what we were up to - though they wouldn't have been able to see us below the waist. Added to this, it's bordered by a busy pub with large windows and the pub's beer garden. No one saw us, though. I released a
  18. Stand. But everyone on this website knew that already! 🤣
  19. Wilkommen, Lena. 👍🏻☺
  20. He knew that I peed standing and that I was very keen to not only show it off, but also have him return the favour. He was very perceptive, though.
  21. The odd spot is sometimes inevitable. As long as it isn't a huge wet patch, rhe odd drip doesn't matter.
  22. Good. Keep trying and don't get discouraged. Doing it outside and into a man's urinal is very empowering.
  23. Yes this. That's why I tend to prefer skirts/dresses and altered leggings instead of trousers. When wearing trousers, it can be difficult. You need to angle your pelvis forward and push out the stream from your urethra forcefully. Sometimes, a few drops of pee on your lowered trousers is inevitable. It's never bothered me, though. It isn't noticeable and dries very quickly. Never try to pee directly through the flies like Nerdy Faery does. With the greatest respect to this talented pee artiste, unless you are into wetting (I'm not), it's not the best idea.
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