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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Yes! There are some funny people in the comments too: "Where’s VAR when you need it - melons are clearly behind the line."
  2. The weather was lovely here today: 12 degrees C and no wind, and even some sunshine, so I took the opportunity to run. I am pleased with 10k in 54:24; the pace was metronomic at around 5:25 throughout. I must try and build in some intervals next time!
  3. I reckon 8lbs sounds about right if there are weights at that value. The gym machine increments would be 2.5lbs - 5lbs I guess. If you're doing 30 reps you're surely ready for the next challenge I should think. Disclaimer: I'm not a PT!
  4. It looks lovely πŸ™‚ Two questions though. First (and I realise I must have missed something obvious here), the tip is smooth, but doesn't the follower need to transmit torque to the tap? And second, how will you calculate the spring force required? (That need to have a lathe is growing irresistible now isn't it?!) Edit: I think I just realised my mistake - you're turning the tap by hand, and the lathe is just being use to keep everything straight. Doh! (And, of course, the spring force isn't particularly important as long as everything moves smoothly.) Ignore me!
  5. This is a wonderful thread and you are a lucky guy! I wonder whether the daughter's husband knows about his wife's history with you? (I am assuming it's the same neighbour that enjoyed your golden shower - I do hope so!) Sounds like the mother and daughter are quite something!
  6. 7.5C on my run just now, but not a breath of wind and it didn't feel cold. Happy with 8k in 42 mins - that'll have burnt off some of last night's wine I hope πŸ™‚
  7. It takes a special kind of woman to wear a shirt like that 😍
  8. It's excellent seeing how the contestants' brains work, as well as the way they go off at a tangent πŸ™‚ And Tom is good at giving them clues. Thank you!
  9. Thank you! Very enlightening πŸ™‚. K is a big podcast listener, when she's driving to work, or doing housework etc. I am not sure if she listens to Lateral. I will ask πŸ™‚. Do you find you match your cycling cadence to the BPM of the music, and if so, is that a good or a bad thing? When I run, I run in silence. I can't imagine listening to music, but I know many people love to do it.
  10. Can I ask you a question? I know you have some bone-conduction headphones so that you can be responsible, careful and situationally aware on your bike. But what do you listen to when you ride? Do you have a special cycling playlist, and if so, is it all "Eye of the Tiger" / "Born to Run"-type motivational songs to get you up those hills? Or more calming and reflective, to suit a relaxed ride in the countryside? Or maybe you listen to podcasts on science and technology topics like "Advanced Python Coding for Chemistry Teachers" or " 101 New Ideas for 3D Printing"?
  11. Not really news, but an interesting letter in the Guardian (UK) yesterday. A couple of pointers to movies our members might want to check out:
  12. !!! How cute is that?! πŸ’–πŸ’–
  13. I think it's sensible to try and keep them separate - treat movies on their merits and books on theirs. But it's hard to do! I was so disappointed with the Waterland adaptation because the cast was incredibly strong (a superb line-up of British character actors, plus Maggie Gyllenhaal and Ethan Hawke - really, really good). But shifting some of the action to the US was a mistake, and the big scenes just didn't work ... and a lot of the interesting historical backstories were lost. Ah well - maybe someone else will have another go - there is a great movie to be made from it I'm sure.
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