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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Does anyone else play silly games in the bathroom or elsewhere? K and I have a long running 'game' (many, many years now) where when we're getting ready for bed, if I'm cleaning my teeth and she's about to have a wee, I will sometimes try to flick water from my toothbrush on to her backside when she's got her knickers down but before she sits on the toilet. Usually she'll realise what I'm about to do and sit down really quickly to avoid getting her bum sprayed, but I timed it perfectly tonight 😊 I was laughing ... and hearing her say "You bastard! I'll get you back for this!" didn'
  2. Her nipples are *absolutely perfect* too ❤️
  3. Part-time administrator in the public sector, and freelance technology analyst / writer
  4. Kupar


    Delightful 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
  5. Another of those days when it wasn't really right, but I did get out for a run, and I'm glad I did, as it's now blowing a gale and I wouldn't want to be out. Supposed to be an 'easy 10 miles', but it turned into a mediocre 10k, then a few walk-run-walk-run intervals until the ten miles were up. On the plus side, though, I heard the first skylarks this year, and also on the way back I found the glove I had dropped on the way out, swooping to pick it up mid-stride like a barn owl taking an unsuspecting vole. Talking of gloves - what on earth was I doing anyway, wearing gloves and a hat
  6. Excellent build-up of tension and release - thanks! I was really in the mood for that, and it hit the spot 🙂
  7. OK - that puts a different perspective on things, and I second what @JesseP just said. I reckon in that case it could be possible to bring up the issue. But the same advice applies - no way do you want to jeopardise the relationship you have, so you need to be prepared to abide by any rules without arguing or getting resentful. Maybe after you've just peed outside or in a sink - or you have seen her do it - then something like "Hey Mom, you know that we've always just peed in various places? I've realised I really like that freedom, and I do it at my place - in all sorts of places - it's reall
  8. Wow - they really don't rot away quickly do they?!
  9. Thank you for doing the thinking - you're better late in the evening than I am 🙂. You raise lots of good points I'd missed, most importantly that there are two (or possibly more) people making that call about whether it's cheating. Thanks again, and I'm sending hugs.
  10. True. Though her creators have already taken your money by that point 🙂
  11. Wow - this is getting quite difficult philosophically. Is there a sort of continuum of cheating? From, say, bigamy or having a full-blown affair over several months and years at one end, to playing golf twice a week with friends and leaving your partner at home at the other end? If so, then the AI chat bot and the real person chat are pretty close together on the continuum maybe. To what extent one keeps it hidden is also a major factor I reckon. Getting too deep for me for this time on a Monday evening though lol!
  12. I love her second point: "It feels good. I don’t have to hold in my pee anymore! I’m able to be more fully present and focused on the activities I’m outside to enjoy..." Of course, peeing also feels good because ... well, because it feels good 🙂 A really good find thanks Eli!
  13. Oo-err. I don't know what I think about this. I will have to have a look. It's actually quite disturbing for administrators of human chat communities I guess. If people feel they get satisfying online chat interaction from a bot, then one of the benefits of a site like this one might be somewhat reduced. On the flip side, it might increase the value of (online) interactions with real people, with all their unpredictability and challenges.
  14. I'm so pleased you enjoyed this story again @Sophie! I *really must* get around to writing part 3 soon! Have fun tonight ❤️
  15. Thanks! And huge love to you @Bacardi ❤️
  16. Thank you! I will @Sophie 🙂. And I will PM you tomorrow if that's OK.
  17. K wet her jeans for me this evening! She’s never done this before. She’d told me before that they were going in the wash this evening anyway, so I thought “seems a shame to waste the opportunity if she’s up for it” … and she was! She didn’t wee for about 4 hours during the afternoon, during which time she was filling up with water from her bottle and an afternoon mug of tea and by half past five she was really ready to go – not desperate, but as much as she ever allows herself to be. K didn’t want any mess, even though I’d offered to do any cleaning up that was required, so she said she’d
  18. But. No picking your nose while driving ... surely one of life's small pleasures denied you there 😞
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