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Everything posted by Pronto

  1. No way I could have peed if I were in his position.
  2. Awesome! If it's the same venue in New England I have in mind, yes always great sightings there!
  3. I show up in Nebraska on the map but I'm actually NE USA.
  4. What is the world coming to???:(
  5. I'm sure I done The Lunge many a times, or at least close enough to that!
  6. I meant you 2nd pee of the day. Most people will have a longish pee when they first wake up, but to go for 30 seconds just an hour after emptying your bladder that seems like an impressive accumulation! Even if I had my coffee waiting for me right out of bed, I don't think it would run through me that fast. But now looking back, it appears most of your "leave for work" wees are around 10 or so seconds. That seems more typical.
  7. Sophie how do you always produce so much pee the first hour of the morning?
  8. Obviously staying hydrated. That's excellent!;)
  9. I totally get it! Just promise us you will share any pee that is at all remarkable from the usuals!
  10. Crazy how 38 mph seems to be that magic number here in the NE USA as well, on any 2 lane road. Must be a human trait! There was a time when every single day on the way home I would be stuck behind a couple of those 38 mph drivers, mind you this was 45-50 mph rural 2 lane road with no lights or significant number of driveways or other hazards along the way. Brutal part was the 10 mile stretch of no passing zone. When you finally make it to the solo short passing zone and get around the road hog(s), there is a 25 mph flashing school zone just a couple of miles ahead. I would slow down to near 25
  11. Yeah and some of the Gatorade bottles...unfortunately these things aren't always planned. 😞
  12. Hahaha I learned peeing in a water bottle while driving is a lost cause for me. I can easily get it in the bottle when standing up, but there is something about the angle when sitting in the drivers seat where I just couldn't get a good seal around the tip of my cock. End of story, it ended up spraying all over. It was late so I didn't bother cleaning up until next morning, that wasn't a good time though!
  13. Sophie you ever actually measure your wee? Like maybe the volume when you get up first thing in the morning?
  14. Hello anybody have experience with sites like WettingHeavens and PeeBar? I see PeeingCupid is unfortunately a ghost town, just wondering if those or others have given guys any more luck?
  15. I think he still had some left. Peeing like that with a hard on sucks!
  16. Nothing to be embarrassed about! Holding it in is unhealthy!
  17. A imagine a lot of it comes from just being mothers where "potty talk" becomes a normal just a regular part of their existence and humor at that, but then again I notice this from non mothers as well.
  18. Could just be me, but it seems a lot of women these days have bathroom related "interests" or perk right up whenever anything bathroom related is discussed. Now it's a given most of this could be nothing more than that and not fetish related by any means, but it sure does make you wonder if it's not far more common than is disclosed simply due to shame and the taboo factor.
  19. How bout a movement to bring back the troughs? Might solve a lot of problems in our society today!
  20. I agree. Just like in the locker room, trust me nobody is looking at your unit. Everybody (especially at that age) is so self conscious about there "own" that they see right past everyone else's imperfections and lack of. Somebody should do a study on this and how it relates to the rampant prevalence of anxiety issues faced in our society today.
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