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  1. will hopefully try to make a more direct/real world celebration next year if I remember, if you know what I'm getting at
  2. Hey I had no idea it was a thing too unfortunately. But I have inadvertently indulged in some rather great pee kink content oh here yesterday lol, so that could count I guess 😄
  3. I usually drink a lot of water anyway (like a *lot*) which means I pee a lot in the end, wouldn't be that long I guess?
  4. So I just logged onto here to ho check chat and since I usually chat either by scrolling down on the main page or opening the dedicated chat page, I did just that. But it seems like both of the options are broken currently? The main page site looks like this: And dedicated site chat like this: Whenever I type a message, I don't see it appear. However, if I open the chatbox thing down at the bottom and go into the main room, it is just fine (and I see the previous messages I've sent but didn't see appear). So did something go wrong with it? Or am I the only one experi
  5. Just a tip you might consider, I'd either a "all of these turn me on" (probably most representative and the best option) to question 2 or not make the question required? Cus with it like this I cannot honestly answer the poll, since none if those don't "interest me at all"
  6. Holy damn you are actually here? Feeling kinda starstruck lol, these stories have always been the holy grail of pee erotica to me. And good luck with the tought times btw, hopefully everything will turn out for the better in the end 😉
  7. Thank you so much for the encouraging words ❤️ About the right place and a state of mind... I feel like I'm making a lot of improvement on the state of mind field. On the right place, that will probably not be so easy but hopefully it will work out too.
  8. If I my ask... did your mom only find out about after it got soaked that much? Or did she notice before and not care? And what was her reaction when she told you to stop? Mad, understanding, matter of fact? I absolutely cannot imagine my mom would react in any other way than a lot of anger, that's why I'm asking.
  9. aw that's a shame... guess imagination will have to do lol
  10. Thanks a lot goose, really appreciate the words! As well this community in general, like you've just described 🙂
  11. Thank you for the kind words 🙂 I'll just say, to not paint a bad picture about them, is that my family is actually extremely liberal and tolerant by the standards of our culture, yet the culture itself still left such a strong imprint on me that it took this long to get rid of. So yeah I definitely relate in that sense. Also I'm all the more happy for you and your realization 🙂
  12. While you have not guessed the country (nor the continent lol) the idea is basically the same. A backwards, largely rural country where with the exception of the youngest generations (and even with those there's only really a partial acceptance) the 'average persons' thinks of anyone who is not straight either as a deviant, sick or the basic 'yeah I don't have any issues with you but shut up and don't remind anyone of your existence... and don't even try bringing up civil unions!'. This goes all the way through from the common folk to being really the common stance of all the major politicians
  13. Aw thank you! Yeah it's really a uniquely wonderful place in here 🙂
  14. is there any more of this where it it came from?
  15. Sorry if this a bit too emotional but I've been dealing with a bit of a inner turmoil in the past days that I just feel like I need to confide with someone. So basically, over the past few months I've been dealing with some fleeting doubts about my sexuality (I've gone by straight for the majority of my 25 years long life). Those instances happened from time to time but I've always just brushed it off like innocent curiosity etc. But over time they added up until eventually a week or two ago (and I'll spare you the details to make this tactful) I've had some homoerotic interactions that..
  16. Hey welcome to the site! While I'm afraid I cannot satisfy what you are looking for, you'll for sure find a some awesome ladies on here as well.
  17. Clearly not intentionally made to be sexual like the rest of the stuff here, but there's this cheesy old game that may or may not have contributed to me having this fetish a decade after playing.
  18. Thanks a lot, are all of them available here or somewhere else?
  19. Hey @wetwulf I just discovered this story and it is great. I'm just struggling a bit to figure out how to read them completely/in order as they seem split over different topics. Any pointers?
  20. I live with family so going full nude isn't really an option, as much as I'd like it to be. I usually wear a loose shirt/shorts with no underwear for comfort during the day and at night/during sleep just the shirt. No exhibitionism or anything, just like the comfort and letting things breath lol. If I lived completely alone I'd probably spend all the time bottomless/fully naked depending on the weather.
  21. Damn... lucky you to have a friend to share this with!
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